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Guide for Web Developers

Local support for Web developers covers a number of areas. It includes material prepared at the ANU, pointers to useful archives elsewhere and information about obtaining and using Web software.

The CNIP Web Server

The Centre for Networked Information and Publishing (CNIP) maintains a large central Web server on which ANU staff may apply to publish their material.


A range of courses are on offer from various organisations within the university. The library provides instruction in basic Web authoring and publishing. The introductory course material prepared by Lisa Spillers of the Library Outreach program is available for authors preparing material on a Macintosh or under Microsoft Windows. There is an additional course on advanced techniques which includes the creation of Web forms and image maps.

Information for Authors

A variety of material is written and collated by CNIP staff on editors and other tools for Web browsing, searching and authoring. A local ftp software archive is maintained for popular packages.

Information about web publishing standards is also maintained by CNIP. Anyone who is publishing on the WWW is encouraged to have a look at the standards that are currently in place.

A mailing list, spiders is a discussion forum for those interested in Web development. The Web Developers Meetings take place fortnightly with short seminars on all aspects of Web art and technology.


Last Modified: Thu, 24 Jan 1996 Terry Bossomaier, Centre for Networked Information and Publishing, tel. 279 8119