The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) provides
climate products and services consisting of operational prediction of climate variations,
monitoring of the climate system and development of data bases for determining current global and regional climate anomalies and trends,
and analysis of their origins and linkages to the complete climate
system. These services cover climate time-scales ranging from weeks to seasons,
extending into the future as far as technically feasible, and over the domain
of land, ocean, and atmosphere, extending into the stratosphere.
Services and products are distributed to users in the government, the research
community, private industry, and the public, both in this country and abroad.
CPC supports and stimulates the use of climate data for applications in
agriculture, energy, transportation, water resources, and health.
To support these services, the CPC engages in diagnostic research and
studies of observations and forecast model output to improve the prediction,
monitoring, and analysis of the physical climate system.
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Send general comments
to: Attention: Jim Laver, Acting Director
Send technical comments
to: Serge Kolgan,