Engleske poslovice i izreke

  • it cuts both ways - mac s dve ostrice

  • to have one foot in the grave - biti jednom nogom u grobu

  • from pilar to post - od nemila do nedraga

  • strike while the iron is hot - gvozdje se kuje dok je vruce

  • look before you leap - prvo skoci pa kazi hop

  • it's the early bird that catches the bird - ko rano rani dve srece grabi

  • all things come to him who waits - ko ceka doceka

  • it takes two to make a quarrel - za svadju je potrebno dvoje

  • he laughs best who laughs last - ko se poslednji smeje najsladje se smeje

  • the grass is always greener on the other side - tudje sladje

  • when the cat's away, the mice will play - kad nema macke misevi kolo vode

  • a bird in a hand is better than two in a bush - bolje vrabac u ruci nego golub na grani

  • don't look gift horse in a mouth - poklonjenom konju se zubi ne gledaju

  • as plain as the nose on your face - jasno k'o dan

  • you can't see the trees from the forest - od sume ne vidi drvece

  • to lead somebody by the nose - vuci nekog za nos

  • it's selling like hot cakes - ide k'o alva

  • no pains no gains - bez muke nema nauke

  • to clutch at a straw - hvatati se za slamku

  • to take one's lump - progutati knedlu

  • an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - bolje spreciti nego leciti

  • a kind word opens any door - lepa rec i gvozdena vrata otvara

  • beat around the bush - mlatiti praznu slamu

  • to have two strings to one's bow - sedeti na dve stolice

  • a fair face and a fool heart - spolja gladac, iznutra jadac

  • to kill two birds with one stone - jednim udarcem ubiti dve muve

  • to know what's what - znati u cemu je stvar

  • out of sight, out of mind - daleko od ociju, daleko od srca

  • to mind one's P's and Q's - biti obazriv

  • if the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain - ako nece breg Muhamedu, Muhamed ce bregu

  • a penny for your thouthts - da mi je znati sta mislis

  • to pick holes in everything - traziti dlaku u jajetu

  • fit as a fiddle - zdrav k'o dren

  • to cut to the quick - dirnuti u zivac

  • a 64-dollar question - veoma vazno pitanje

  • to get on somebody's better side - podvuci se nekom pod kozu

  • still waters run deep - tiha voda breg roni

  • to fish in troubled waters - loviti u mutnom

  • when there is a will, there is a way - sve se moze kad se hoce

  • haste makes waste - sto je brzo to je i kuso