Single-Processor POWER OnyxTM
Deskside Supercomputer

Deskside Visual Supercomputer
Innovative CPU Technology
Integrated Visualization
Extreme Graphics -- Interactive Visualization
RealityEngine2 -- The World's Fastest Graphics
Unrivaled Expandability and Performance

Deskside Visual Supercomputer

The single-processor POWER Onyx workstation gives researchers and scientists an affordable, integrated visual supercomputer. POWER Onyx COmbines supercomputer processing capability with the world's leading graphics. . Utilizing the 64-bit RISC MIPSr R8000 75MHz CPU and delivering up to 300 peak MFLOPS, the single-processor POWER Onyx is the world's fastest uniprocessor graphics workstation, bar none. Tightly coupled with either Extreme Graphics or RealityEngine2 graphics subsystems, POWER Onyx creates an entirely new paradigm for affordable supercomputing and visualization.

Innovative CPU Technology

At the core of POWER Onyx is the 64-bit RISC MIPS R8000 microprocessor--the fastest microprocessor in production. Specifically optimized for floating-point performance, the R8000 delivers peak performance roughly equivalent to a Cray Y-MP processor unit.

Integrated Visualization

The key difference between POWER Onyx and any other supercomputer is its integrated visualization capabilities. POWER Onyx meets the wide-ranging needs of users in such diverse fields as computational chemistry, oil/gas, molecular modeling, weather analysis and modeling, structural and fluid dynamics, image processing, animation rendering, and more.

Extreme Graphics- Interactive Visualization

As the low-cost entry into the POWER Onyx family, Extreme Graphics provides fast interactive 3D graphics and is based on a single graphics board design delivering 600K triangle-meshes per second, 180K Gouraud shaded quads per second, and 1 million 3D lines per second.

RealityEngine2 -- The Worid's Fastest Graphics

RealityEngine2 graphics subsystems offer the highest performance and most advanced features of any computer graphics system available. RealityEngine2 is based on a scalahie and expandable graphics architecture containing 1.2 gigaflops of floatingpoint processing power dedicated solely to the task of accelerating geometric and image processing functions. Its advanced texturing and anti-aliasing capabilities deliver unprecedented performance and realism for complex 3D visualization tasks.

Unrivaled Expandability and Performance

Of paramount importance to any computer is a well-balanced system architecture capable of providing sufficient bandwidth for all key aspects of the system -- CPU, memory, I/O, graphics, and networking. POWER Onyx is based on a 1.2GB per second system bus that allows for optimum application throughput and maximum expandability. The singleprocessor POWER Onyx, available in a compact deskside chassis, supports up to 2GB of main memory, 14GB of internal disk storage, and can be easily upgraded to a dual R8000 processor configuration.