English-French Gastronomy
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Updated: 16 Nov, 1999
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- albacore - liche - a fish
- alevin - nonat: alevin, fry, young fish
- alevin - poutine: alevin, fry, young fish
- almond - amande
- anchovy - anchois - a fish
- anchovy purée - anchoyade: Provençal purée made with garlic and olive oil
- angelic - angélique
- angler-fish - baudroie: (monkfish, frog-fish, sea-devil) also called lotte de mer
- angler-fish - lotte de mer: (monkfish, frog-fish, sea-devil) baudroie
- anise, aniseed - anis étoilé: (anis étoilé; badiane) the anise plant; its dried star-shaped fruit.
- anise, aniseed - badiane: (anis étoilé; badiane)
- apple - pomme
- - pomme de risoul et pointue de Trescléoux = a regional apple
- apricot - abricot
- aroma, flavor - arôme: (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;
- artichoke - artichaut
- asparagus - asperge
- - botte d'asperges = bundle of asparagus
- - pointe d'asperges = asparagus tips
- aspic jelly - aspic
- avocado - avocat: (avocado pear)
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- bake in the oven - cuire au four
- baker - boulanger
- baker's yeast - levure de boulanger
- bakery - boulangerie
- baking powder - levure chimique
- banana - banane
- barley - orge
- basil - basilic
- bayleaf - laurier: (also laurel leaf)
- bean - haricot
- beef - boeuf
- beef stew - daube
- beer - bière
- beet, beetroot - betterave
- beet, white - blette
- bell pepper - poivron: bell pepper (green, red, or yellow)
- beverage, drink - boisson
- bitter - acerbe: (bitter; tart) to the taste
- bitterness - amertume
- blackberry - mûre: blackberry, brambleberry, mulberry
- - mûrier noir = fresh blackberry
- blanch - blanchir: boil the water, dip the food quickly, for a few minutes only
- boiled - bouilli
- boiled corn - polenta jaune
- boiling - ébullition
- bone marrow - moelle
- bottle - bouteille
- bowl - bocal: deep bowl with narrow top
- braised - braisé
- bread - pain: pain bouilli = a regional rye bread; pain d'Aix = a regional raised bread
- bread crumbs - chapelure
- bread stick - baguette: a long narrow cylindrical loaf of white bread weighing 250 g. "Baguette" is the name for anything long and skinny, including drum sticks, strips of wood, etc.
- broccoli - brocoli
- to brown - revenir: (to soften - cake)
- to brown, singe - roussir
- buckwheat - blé noir
- buckwheat - sarrasin
- burned, singed - brûlé
- butcher shop - boucherie
- butter - beurre
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- cabbage - chou
- - chou pointu de Châteaurenard = a regional cabbage
- cake - gâteau
- cantaloup - melon : (cantaloup de Cavaillon)
- capers - câpres
- capon - chapon: a young castrated and fattened rooster
- caraway - carvi
- cardoon - cardon
- carrot - carotte
- cashew - cajou: (noix d'acajou)
- celery - céleri
- celery - fougère musquée: celery
- cheese, blue moulded - bleu de Queyras
- cherry - cerise
- chervil - cerfeuil
- chestnut - marron: from the Châtaignier; the nuts from the marronnier are inedible
- chick pea - pois chiche
- chicory lettuce - chicorée frisée
- - (chicorée frisée; endive frisée)
- chicory lettuce - endive frisée
- - (chicorée frisée chicorée frisée)
- chili pepper - poivron pimenté
- chives - ciboulette
- to chop - détailler
- cinnabar - cinabre: a bright-red pigment for coloring
- citrus fruit - agrumes
- clove - girofle
- clove, pod - gousse: clove (of garlic); pod (of bean or pea)
- cocktail snack - amuse-gueule: (amuse-gueule; amuse-bouche)
- coconut - noix de coco
- cod, salt - morue - a fish
- - fresh codfish = cabillaud
- codfish, fresh - cabillaud
- - salt cod = morue
- colander - passoire: une passoire conique (conical colander) is used to "filtrer au chinois"
- conger eel - congre
- conger eel - fiélas (congre)
- cooked rare - bleu: (blue), but not a rare as saignant.
- cooked very rare - saignant
- cooked well done - bien cuit
- coriander - coriandre
- cork - bouchon: a bottle stopper, made from the bark of the cork oak (chêne liege)
- cork - liege: the material; the bark of the cork oak (chêne liege)
- corked - bouchonné: wine that's gone off, with the taste of its cork
- corn, maize - maïs: (American corn = English maize; English corn = American grain)
- corn-bread - pain de mais
- cotton candy - barbe-à-papa: (grandpa's beard)
- crayfish, crawfish - écrevisse
- to crumble - émietter
- crushed - broyé: (crushed, ground, pounded)
- cuckoo wrasse - labre - a fish
- cucumber - concombre
- cumin - cumin
- to cut up - tronçonner: (into sections or lengths)
- cuttle-fish - seiche
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- dandelion - pissenlit
- to dice - dés
- - couper en gros dés = to dice; cut into chunks
- dill - aneth: similar to fenouil
- dill - fenouil
- doe - biche: (female deer)
- doughnut - beignet: (beignet, doughnut, fritter)
- drain - égoutter: drain off (water); strain (cheese)
- drumstick - pilon: drumstick, leg of poultry
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- eel - anguille
- egg - oeuf
- egg, boiled - oeuf à la coque: steak or hamburger topped with a fried egg
- egg, fried - oeuf dur le plat
- egg, hard-boiled - oeuf dur
- egg, poached - oeuf à la moelle: with a white-wine and bone barrow sauce
- egg, poached - oeuf poché
- egg white - blanc d'oeuf
- egg yolk - jaune d'oeuf
- eggplant - aubergine
- eggs, scrambled - oeufs brouillés
- endive - scarole
- ewe - brebis: female sheep
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- fig - figue
- - figue de Tarascon
- filet mignon - filet mignon: the small choice end of tenderloin of beef (or of veal or pork)
- filled - fourré: filled, stuffed, creamed
- fish - poisson
- flavor - saveur: (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;
- flour - farine
- - farine de sarrasin = buckwheat flour
- food - alimentation: (food, groceries, nourishment, nutrition)
- food - nourriture
- four spices - quatre-épices: a blend of ground cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper.
- french toast - pain perdu
- to froth - écumer: (to foam)
- fry - alevin: bait (tiny fish)
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- game - gibier: pheasant, boar, etc.
- garlic - ail
- - gousse d'ail = clove of garlic
- geranium - géranium odorant
- giblets - abattis: poultry giblets
- gilthead - daurade royale - a fish
- goose - oie
- grape - raisin
- green pasta - pâte verte
- ground (minced) steak - steak haché
- grouper - mérou - a fish
- Guinea-hen - pintade
- gurnard - griofle: (gurnard, gurnet = griofle, grondin)
- gurnet - grondin: (gurnard, gurnet = griofle, grondin)
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- haddock - stockfish - a fish
- ham - jambon
- to hang - faisander: (game, for aging)
- herbal tea - infusion
- hog-fish - rascasse: used for bouillabaisse
- honey - miel
- infusion - tisane : an infusion of herbal tea
- jam - confiture
- jar - bocal: glass (or earthenware) jar for canning preserves.
- jujube - jujube: (from thejujube tree)
- - jujube de Provence
- juniper - genièvre (genévrier): juniper; gin; geneva
- kidney - rognon
- to knead - malaxer, pétrir: (dough); to work (butter)
- to knead - pétrir, malaxer: (dough)
- knuckle of ham - jambonneau
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- ladle - louche
- lamb - agneau
- lamb, dried - moutounesso
- lamb leg - gigot: Leg of lamb or leg of mutton, usually roasted
- laurel leaf - laurier: (also bayleaf)
- lavender - lavande
- to leaven - levain: (the "raising" compound in bread) see leveure (yeast)
- leek - poireau
- lemon - citron
- lemon balm - mélisse: melissa; lemon balm
- lettuce - laitue
- lettuce - salade
- liver - foie
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- macaroni - macaroni
- mace - fleur de muscade: (spice; also called macis
- - fleur de muscade = mace spice
- - noix de muscade = nutmeg
- marbled - marbré: (also persillée for blue cheese)
- marjoram, sweet - marjolaine: sweet marjoram; see also oregano (wild marjoram)
- medlar fruit - nèfle du Japon
- to melt - fondre
- melted - fondu
- milk - lait
- to mince - émincer
- mint - menthe
- mortar - mortier: heavy bowl for grinding with a pestle; pilon = pestle
- moulded - moulé
- mullet - muge - a fish
- mushroom - champignon
- mussel - moule
- mussels - moules
- - moules marinières = mussles cooked in white wine with onion or shallots
- mustard - moutarde
- mutton - mouton
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- nasturtium - capucine
- nettle - ortie
- noodle - nouille
- nutmeg - noix de muscade
- oats - avoine: (flocon d'avoine = rolled oats; gruau d'avoine = porridge, oatmeal.
- octopus - poulpe
- old, aged - vieux
- olive - olive
- olive oil - huile d'olive
- omelette - omelette
- onion - oignon
- orange - orange: orange de Nice; blonde de Nice
- oregano - origan: wild marjoram; sometimes called marjolaine (sweet marjoram)
- oven - four
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- parmesan - parmesan (cheese)
- parsley - persil
- peach - pêche
- - pêche sanguine de Manosque = a local variety
- pear - poire
- - poire crémesine et martin-sec = a regional pear
- to peel - éplucher
- to peel - peler
- peel - zeste: peel (of lemon, orange)
- pepper - poivre
- peppermill - moulin à poivre
- persimmon - kaki muscat de Provence: [see flora]
- pestle - pilon: short thick club for pounding substances in a mortar
- pickled - saumuré
- pie - tarte
- pie, covered - tourte
- pimento - piment: pimeinto, red pepper, hot pepper, capsicum
- pine nut - pignon: (from the pin parasol)
- pineapple - ananas
- pistachio - pistache
- plate - assiette
- pomegranate - grenade
- - grenade de Provence
- pomme - apple
- pot - faitout, fait-tout: stew-pan, cooking pot
- - (faittout, marmite)
- potato - pomme de terre
- - pomme de risoul et pointue de Trescléoux = mid-season potatoes
- - pomme de terre de Pertuis = mid-season potatoes
- to press - fouler: (force with a pistul)
- prune - prune
- pumpkin - citrouille
- pumpkin - potiron
- quarter - quart
- - un quart de vin = a carafe with 25 cl of wine
- quiche - quiche
- quince - coing de Provence: for jams
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- raisin - raisin sec: (dried grape)
- ravioli - ravioli: stuffed pasta
- red mullet - rouget de roche - a fish
- red scorpion fish - rascasse rouge: chapon de mer fish (for bouillabaisse)
- ribsteak - entrecôte (steak)
- ripe - mûr
- roast - rôti
- to roast - rôtir
- rocambole - rocambole: rocambole, Spanish garlic
- roll - petit pan
- to roll flat - étendre au rouleau: (dough)
- rosemary - romarin
- rye bread - pain de seigle
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- saffron - safran
- sage - sauge
- salt - sel
- salt pork - petit salé: salt pork, or salt chine of pork
- salted - salé
- sardine - sardine
- savory - sarriette
- to scald - échauder
- scalded ring cake - brassadeau
- scallion - ciboule: scallion; welsh onion
- sea bass - loup - a fish
- sea-bream - dorade - a fish
- sea-urchin - oursin violet
- to seed - épépiner: (remove the seeds)
- seed - grain: seed (grape, mustard); bean (coffee)
- seed - graine: (of a plant)
- shad - alose: a silvery fish, smaller than a herring
- to shell - écailler: (crabs), scale
- sherbert - sorbet
- sieve - tamis
- to simmer; cook slowly - mitonner: (simmer, stew slowly) also mijoter
- - prepared very carefully (Mitonnée aux Cinq Légumes)
- - cook long and slowly (ragoût)
- sirloin steak - faux-filet (steak)
- snipe - becassine
- to soften - ramollir
- sorrel - oseille
- soup - soupe
- sour - aigre
- spaghetti - spaghetti
- spinach - épinard
- spoonful - cuillerée
- to spread - étaler: (spread out evenly)
- sprinkled - arrosé: moistened; basted
- squash - courge
- squid - calmar
- squid - encornet
- steak - steak
- steam - vapeur
- stew - ragoût
- strawberry - fraise
- - fraise de Carpentras; frais du Plan de Carros
- stuffed Guinea-hen - pintade farcie
- stuffed vegetables - farcis: (légumes farcis)
- sulphur - soufre
- sweet-and-sour - aigre-doux: (bitter-sweet)
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- to tail - équeuter: (a fruit)
- tail - queue
- taste - goût: (arôme = aroma; goût = taste; parfum = flavor of ice cream;
- to taste - goûter
- tea - thé
- tenderloin steak - filet (steak)
- to thin - délayer: (a sauce)
- thyme - thym: - wild thyme is serpolet
- tomato - tomate
- truffle - truffe
- - truffe noire d'hiver = winter black truffle
- tuna - thon - a fish
- tunny - thon rouge - a fish
- turbot - turbot - a fish
- turkey - dinde
- - dinde: hen turkey hen; dindon: tom turkey; dindonneau: young turkey
- to turn sour - aigrir: (wine or milk)
- turnip - navet
- umber fish - ombre commun: or freshwater grayling
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- vegetable - légume
- vermicelli - vermicelles
- vervain - verveine
- vinegar - vinaigre
- virgin - vierge
- - huile d'olive vierge = pure cold-pressed olive oil
- walnut, nut - noix
- water - eau
- watermelon - pastèque
- welsh onion - ciboule: (scallion; welsh onion)
- wheat - blé
- - germe de blé = wheatgerm
- wheatgerm - germe de blé
- white - blanc
- - fromage blanc = white cheese; vin blanc = white wine
- white beet - bette
- whiting - merlan - a fish
- wild thyme - serpolet
- wine - vin
- woodcock - bécasse
- worn - usé: red wine that has faded in quality because of age.
- yeast - levure
- - levure chemique = baking powder
- - levure de boulanger = baker's yeast
- yogurt - yaourt
- zucchini - courgette
- zucchini flower - fleur de Courgette