{bigtext=20,85,"Flyby"} {4}This view allows the user to go into a real-time flyby of the terrain data overlaid with the satellite imagery. Unlike most other programs, the path is not pre-calculated, so you can interactively fly over any area in the world you want. When you first choose 'Flyby', you will be presented with a world map. Click where you would like to start flying. If you do not choose within 20 seconds, the default starting position will be the center of the current 2D zoom window. The menu options have the following functions: {3}Display Options:{4} Lets you adjust how the terrain looks as you are flying over it: {3}Display Types:{4} There are five different ways to draw the terrain. They range from the poorest quality (but fastest to draw) to best quality (slowest to draw). You can pick the best for your speed of machine and personal preference. {3}Landscape Features:{4} You can toggle off or on various optional features such as trees, texture mapping, sky background, fog, and moving clouds. {3}Controls:{4} If you have a joystick connected to your computer, you can decide whether you want to use it to control the direction and speed when flying over the terrain. You can also use the up and down cursor keys on the keyboard to increase or decrease speed, and the left and right cursor keys let you turn left or right. The page up/page down keys increase or decrease altitude above the ground. Please note that you have to calibrate your joystick so that it functions properly. You can do this under the Options screen accessible by clicking on the options button at the bottom of the screen. Pushing the joystick forward or back adjusts the speed, and pushing it left or right turns left or right. {3}Names:{4} Toggles the display of city names on or off. As you fly over the terrain, city names will be displayed at the correct location with a little windsock to indicate the location on the ground. You also can change the speed, altitude, and direction by using the controls on the lower right side of the screen: - There is a small reference map at center right that displays your position as a small red dot as you pass over the terrain. The map scrolls as you fly so that you can see interesting features that you may want to look at and change your course accordingly. The + and - buttons at the bottom of the reference map zoom in or out. - The spaceship above the curvature of the earth shows and adjusts the altitude. Click or drag the spaceship to adjust your height above ground. - The red indicator on the edge of the large round spaceship controls the direction of flight. Click or drag around the edge of the spaceship to change the direction. - The bar graph shows the speed in forward or backward direction. Click or drag to adjust the speed in the direction you want. The buttons along the top and bottom act the same as elsewhere in the program. When done, press one of the buttons along the top to go to a different view in the program, or press ESC to return to the 2D view. Some interesting places to try flying over are the northern African desert and central China to see some good data.