Regnessem α17 Readme (English)
Release Date 3/8/2004

Regnessem α17


Regnessem is an instant messaging client software with the flexible plugin system. The default distribution of Regnessem enables you to connect .NET Messenger Service (a.k.a. MSN Messenger Service). You can also connect to Yahoo! Messenger Service and ICQ by using contributed plugins. For the detail of functions, please see the list.


Regnessem is reported working well on the following system(s).

It is known working also on the following system(s) but not well checked.

We have not checked on other platforms yet.


Files in this distribution

./nsmsgs.exe (Core program of Regnessem)
./Regnessem-jpn.chm (Help file (in Japanese))
./Regnessem-eng.chm (Help file (in English))
./Regnessem-kor.chm (Help file (in Korean))
./Lisence-jpn.txt (License (in Japanese))
./Lisence-eng.txt (License (in English))
./Lisence-kor.txt (License (in Korean))
./Readme/ (Folder with readme files)
./Plugins/ (Folder contains plugins)
./Plugins/SimpleUI.dll (Default UI plugin)
./Plugins/Msnp8.dll (MSN Messenger Service protocol plugin)
./Plugins/FileIO.dll (Plugin to support file I/O)
./Plugins/StrRsc.dll (Plugin to support string resource handling)
./Plugins/ClientSocket.dll (Plugin to support file I/O)
./Plugins/SimpleUI/ (Configuration folder of SimpleUI.dll)
./Plugins/SimpleUI/Skins/ (Theme folder)
./Plugins/FileIO/ (folder for FileIO.dll)
./Plugins/StrRsc/ (Configuration folder of StrRsc.dll)
./Plugins/StrRsc/Language/jpn/ (Language files in Japanese)
./Plugins/StrRsc/Language/eng/ (Language files in English)
./Plugins/StrRsc/Language/kor/ (Language files in Korean)
./Plugins/StrRsc/StrRsc.ini (Configuration file of StrRsc.dll)

Not all files are listed in the figure. Such as, default themes (Default, Aqua, Luna, Test), and language folders (jpn, eng, kor) are ommitted.


How to install

[If you have received the 'zip' version]
No need to install. Please put extracted files and folders as they are. That is all you need to do. At least 'nsmsgs.exe' and 'SimpleUI.dll' in the 'Plugins' folder are required to execute.

[If you have received the version with the installer]
Please follow the instruction of the setup program.


In general, you can overwrite files on existing old ones. Sometimes you are necessary doing something before/after upgrading. Please check changes from previous version before upgrading.

How to uninstall

[If you have installed from the 'zip' version]
The files included in this distribution do not use the registry. Please remove files by Explorer of Windows.

[If you have installed from the version with the installer]
Please uninstall Regnessem from Control Panel of Windows.


First step

Select Edit Profile... from Connect->Login menu of the main window, then make a profile with an account of a protocol you want.

You can connect manually by choosing a profile from the list of Connect->Login menu. Or, you can connect automatically by enabling 'Connect on startup' of the profile.

Using plugin system

Regnessem can be enhanced by introducing plugins, some of which contributed by users are found at the library section of the official web site.

Plugins are loaded from 'Plugins' folder in the same folder of 'nsmsgs.exe' at startup. Please refer documents provided with plugins for their usage.

Further more...


For more information, please refer help provided with this distribution which can be accessed from Help menu of the main window.

Online help is more up-to-date. You can access it via Help->Online Help menu or via this link.


FAQ is also useful. You can access it via Help->FAQ menu or via this link.
(Sorry currently in Japanese only)

Commandline option

-debug Show debug window
-noautologin Disable auto-connect feature of profiles
-f Enable to execute multiple instances.
Note that most of plugins are in general not tested with this option. Please use this option with care.

Changes from the previous release

Notes for updating from the previous release

Skins are also changed from the previous release. Please replace them as well as the other binary files.

System 0.5.16

SimpleUI.dll 0.1.16

Msnp8.dll 0.1.5

FileIO.dll 0.1.3

StrRsc.dll 0.1

Same with the previous version.

ClientSocket.dll 0.1

New plugin to support socket connection with/without proxies.

About file transfer

File I/O plugin (FileIO.dll) and each protocol plugin (Msnp8.dll in this distribution) are related to the file transfer feature and perhaps have configuration.

After the modification of the server of .NET Messenger Service on Oct. 15, 2003, MSN Messenger 6.0+ have begun to request a new file transfer protocol. We are sorry for that Msnp8.dll included in this distribution does not support the new protocol yet.


[Place to store received files]
Please specify the folder where you want to store received file. FileIO.dll does not make any folders even when the specified folder does not exist, and discards received files.


[Use UPnP]
You can activate this option when you are using UPnP-NT plugin developed by Mikurofu-san and your router is supporting UPnP.
[Use following port when working as a server]
Use the specified port when working as a server, mainly on file sending. Enable this option when you are using a firewall and close ports other than the specified port.
[Use IP address of PC instead of the router]
Please check this option if you want to inform the IP address of your PC to your buddy. The IP address obtained from .NET Messenger Service is used if not checked. It must be the IP address of the router when you are using it to access .NET Messenger Service.
[Force client mode]
Please enable this option if you cannot send files because you are behind the firewall which does not support UPnP.


Regnessem is originally made by Yamaneko-san with many supports from program@2ch and others. 'Regnessem' is named by Mamemamema-me-san.



Official Site

Thanks in advance.

Project Regnessem

Mailing Lists

Mailing lists are managed by the project.

regnessem-announce For announcement of Regnessem and related softwares.
regnessem-devel For core parts developers.
regnessem-plugin For plugin developers.
Written by -Rao-