338 alter 339 add 342 create proc 345 Syntax error in translation file %s 350 set implicit_transactions on 351 set implicit_transactions off 354 select 355 where 359 SET ROWCOUNT 360 SET NO_BROWSETABLE 361 BEGIN TRAN 362 SET TEXTSIZE 363 money 364 uniqueidentifier 365 ntext 366 nvarchar 367 nchar 368 bit 369 tinyint 370 bigint 371 image 372 varbinary 373 binary 374 text 376 char 377 numeric 378 decimal 379 int 380 smallint 381 float 382 real 383 double 384 date 385 time 386 datetime 387 varchar 388 timestamp 389 sysname 390 smallmoney 391 smalldatetime 392 drop proc 393 use 394 insert 395 delete 396 update 397 from 398 holdlock 399 where 1=2 400 create;drop;select;grant;revoke;alter;truncate;update;reconfigure;load;disk; 401 statistics 402 EXEC 403 IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN 404 IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN 405 select USER_NAME() select usertype,type,name from systypes where usertype>= 406 'INTERVAL %c''%lu'' YEAR(%u)' 407 'INTERVAL %c''%lu'' MONTH(%u)' 408 'INTERVAL %c''%lu'' DAY(%u)' 409 'INTERVAL %c''%lu'' HOUR(%u)' 410 'INTERVAL %c''%lu'' MINUTE(%u)' 411 'INTERVAL %c''%lu%s'' SECOND(%u,%u)' 412 'INTERVAL %c''%lu-%02lu'' YEAR(%u) TO MONTH' 413 'INTERVAL %c''%lu %02lu'' DAY(%u) TO HOUR' 414 'INTERVAL %c''%lu %02lu:%02lu'' DAY(%u) TO MINUTE' 415 'INTERVAL %c''%lu %02lu:%02lu:%02lu%s'' DAY(%u) TO SECOND(%u)' 416 'INTERVAL %c''%lu:%02lu'' HOUR(%u) TO MINUTE' 417 'INTERVAL %c''%lu:%02lu:%02lu%s'' HOUR(%u) TO SECOND(%u)' 418 'INTERVAL %c''%lu:%02lu%s'' MINUTE(%u) TO SECOND(%u)' 419 dbcc traceon(208) 420 set quoted_identifier 421 set ansi_nulls off set ansi_padding off set ansi_warnings off 422 set concat_null_yields_null off 423 begin declare @n varchar(30) exec sp_fallback_MS_sel_fb_svr @n output select 503,'',@n end 424 %04d-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%03lu 425 table 438 create 439 drop 440 SET PARSEONLY ON 441 SET PARSEONLY OFF 442 SET NOEXEC ON 443 SET NOEXEC OFF 458 '%04d%02u%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%03lu' 459 select 'English','us_english' union select alias,name from master..syslanguages 461 select name from master..sysdatabases 462 set language 463 select name from master..sysdatabases where has_dbaccess(name)=1 464 select @@language 465 select db_name() 466 select name from master..sysdatabases where name like '%s' and name <> 'model' 467 select TABLE_QUALIFIER=convert(sysname,'%s'),TABLE_OWNER=convert(sysname,u1.name),TABLE_NAME=convert(sysname,o.name), 468 TABLE_TYPE=convert(varchar(32),rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ',(ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1,12))),REMARKS=convert(varchar(254),null) 469 from %s..sysusers u,%s..sysusers u1,%s..sysobjects o where o.name like '%s' and u1.name like '%s' and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),'%s')!=0 and u1.uid=o.uid and(u.suid=suser_id()or(suser_id()=1 and u.uid=1)) 470 and(suser_id()=1 or o.uid=u.uid or((select max(((sign(uid)*abs(uid-16383))*2)+(protecttype&1))from %s..sysprotects p where p.id=*o.id and(p.uid=0 or p.uid=*u.uid or p.uid=*u.gid)and(action in (193,224)))&1)=1)union 471 order by 4,1,2,3 472 'SYSTEM TABLE' 473 'TABLE' 474 'VIEW' 475 select '%s' from %s..sysusers where suid=suser_id() 476 select c.name from master.dbo.syscharsets c,master.dbo.syscharsets c1,master.dbo.sysconfigures f where f.config in(123,1123) and f.value=c1.id and c1.csid=c.id 477 select alias,name from master..syslanguages 478 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED 479 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED 481 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ 483 identity 484 , = 485 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE 486 char binary decimal integer smallint float real double varchar date time timestamp longvarchar varbinary longvarbinary tinyint bit numeric 487 char(255);binary(255);decimal(38,4);int; smallint;float;real;float; varchar(255);datetime;datetime;datetime; text; varbinary(255);image; tinyint;bit;numeric(38,4); 488 char(255);binary(255);money; int; smallint;float;real;float; varchar ;datetime;datetime;datetime; text; varbinary ;image; tinyint;bit; 489 select name from master..sysdatabases where name like '%s' and name <> 'model' and has_dbaccess(name)=1 490 Bulgarian;Croatian;Czech;Danish;Dutch;Finnish;français;deutsch;Greek;Hungarian;Italian;Japanese;Norwegian;Polish;Portugese;Romanian;Russian;Slovak;Slovene;Spanish;Swedish;us_english; 491 Bulgarian;Croatian;Czech;Danish;Dutch;Finnish;French;German;Greek;Hungarian;Italian;Japanese;Norwegian;Polish;Portugese;Romanian;Russian;Slovak;Slovene;Spanish;Swedish;English; 500 avg 501 cnt 502 max 503 min 504 sum 505 stdev 506 stdevp 507 var 508 varp 515 order 516 SET FMTONLY ON 517 SET FMTONLY OFF 540 BREAK,BROWSE,BULK,CHECKPOINT,CLUSTERED,COMMITTED,COMPUTE,CONFIRM,CONTROLROW,DATABASE,DBCC,DISK,DISTRIBUTED,DUMMY,DUMP,ERRLVL,ERROREXIT,EXIT,FILE,FILLFACTOR,FLOPPY,HOLDLOCK,IDENTITY_INSERT,IDENTITYCOL,IF,KILL,LINENO,LOAD,MIRROREXIT, 541 NONCLUSTERED,OFF,OFFSETS,ONCE,OVER,PERCENT,PERM,PERMANENT,PLAN,PRINT,PROC,PROCESSEXIT,RAISERROR,READ,READTEXT,RECONFIGURE,REPEATABLE,RETURN,ROWCOUNT,RULE,SAVE,SERIALIZABLE,SETUSER,SHUTDOWN,STATISTICS, 542 TAPE,TEMP,TEXTSIZE,TOP,TRAN,TRIGGER,TRUNCATE,TSEQUEL,UNCOMMITTED,UPDATETEXT,USE,WAITFOR,WHILE,WRITETEXT 549 SQLBIT 550 SQLINT 551 SQLCHAR 552 SQLFLT8 553 SQLFLT4 554 SQLMONEY 555 SQLBINARY 556 SQLMONEY4 557 SQLTINYINT 558 SQLSMALLINT 559 SQLVARYCHAR 560 SQLVARYBIN 561 SQLDATETIME 562 SQLDATETIM4 563 SQLNUMERIC 564 SQLDECIMAL 565 SQLNCHAR 566 SQLNVARCHAR 567 SQLUNIQUEID 600 ConnectionObjectSize 601 ConnectionRead 602 ConnectionWrite 603 ConnectionTransact 604 ConnectionWriteOOB 607 ConnectionOpenW 608 ConnectionClose 609 ConnectionCheckForData 613 ConnectionErrorW 1106 SQLSRV32.DLL 1117 sp_server_info 1 1125 select substring('NY',status/1024&1+1,1) from master..sysdatabases where name=DB_NAME() 1177 03.51 1274 1995 1945 SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL 1946 DENY 1947 WRITETEXT 1948 WAITFOR 1949 USE 1950 UPDATETEXT 1951 UPDATE STATISTICS 1952 TRUNCATE TABLE 1953 SAVE TRANSACTION 1954 ROLLBACK WORK 1955 PREPARE TRANSACTION 1956 COMMIT WORK 1957 BEGIN TRANSACTION 1958 SHUTDOWN 1959 SETUSER 1960 SET TEXTSIZE 1961 SET STATISTICS 1962 SET ROWCOUNT 1963 SET IDENTITY_INSERT 1964 SET 1965 SELECT INTO 1966 RETURN 1967 RECONFIGURE 1968 READTEXT 1969 RAISERROR 1970 PRINT 1971 LOAD TRANSACTION 1972 LOAD TABLE 1973 LOAD HEADERONLY 1974 LOAD DATABASE 1975 KILL 1976 INSERT BULK 1977 GOTO 1978 DUMP TRANSACTION 1979 DUMP TABLE 1980 DUMP DATABASE 1981 DROP TRIGGER 1982 DROP RULE 1983 DROP PROCEDURE 1984 DROP DEFAULT 1985 DROP DATABASE 1986 DISK 1987 DBCC 1988 DEALLOCATE CURSOR 1989 DYNAMIC CLOSE 1990 DYNAMIC FETCH 1991 DYNAMIC OPEN 1992 DECLARE CURSOR 1993 CREATE TRIGGER 1994 CREATE RULE 1995 CREATE PROCEDURE 1996 CREATE DEFAULT 1997 CREATE DATABASE 1998 CONDITION 1999 CHECKPOINT 2000 ALTER DATABASE 2198 DROP INDEX 2199 CREATE INDEX 2204 ALTER TABLE 2207 CALL 2219 DELETE WHERE 2231 DROP SCHEMA 2232 DROP TABLE 2236 DROP VIEW 2238 DYNAMIC DELETE CURSOR 2248 GRANT 2250 INSERT 2259 REVOKE 2277 CREATE TABLE 2281 DYNAMIC UPDATE CURSOR 2282 UPDATE WHERE 2284 CREATE VIEW 2285 SELECT CURSOR 10110 21S0121S01 10111 21S0121S01 10121 0700807008 10122 0700807008 10169 2200322003 10207 2200522018 10208 S002242S22 10209 S000242S02 10211 2200822007 10212 2200822007 10214 21S0121S01 10221 2200322003 10222 2300023000 10230 4200042000 10231 4200042000 10233 2200322003 10234 2300023000 10235 2200322003 10236 2200522018 10237 2200322003 10238 2200322003 10239 2200322003 10240 S000242S02 10241 2200322003 10242 2200822007 10243 2200822007 10245 2200322003 10246 2200522018 10247 2200322003 10248 2200522018 10249 2200322003 10250 2200522018 10257 2200522018 10267 2500025000 10268 S000242S02 10273 2300023000 10274 2300023000 10278 2500025000 10296 2200822007 10297 2200822007 10306 2200522018 10311 2202522025 10410 2200522018 10513 2100021000 10516 2300023000 10518 2200822007 10519 2200522018 10520 2200322003 10521 2200322003 10522 2200322003 10523 2200322003 10524 2200322003 10525 2200322003 10530 2200522018 10531 2300023000 10536 2200322003 10545 2300023000 10548 2300023000 10551 4400044000 10612 2500025000 10629 2500025000 10912 0800408004 10917 0800408004 10920 0100001000 10927 0100001000 11008 2200322003 11011 2201922019 11206 4000140001 11212 4000140001 11506 2300023000 11509 2300023000 11907 S000242S02 11912 S002242S22 11914 S001142S11 12502 S000242S02 12602 2300023000 12616 2300023000 12626 4000140001 12627 2300023000 12628 2300023000 12706 S002142S21 12707 S000242S02 12715 S000142S01 12728 S002142S21 12729 S000242S02 12741 0800408004 13002 S001242S12 13310 4000140001 13605 2300023000 13606 2300023000 13607 0100001000 13608 0100001000 13623 0100001000 13702 S000242S02 13704 S001242S12 13719 S001242S12 13903 2500025000 13904 2500025000 13907 2500025000 13909 2500025000 14003 2800028000 14018 0800408004 14020 0800408004 14314 S001242S12 14315 S000242S02 14402 S000242S02 14410 21S0221S02 14502 21S0221S02 14503 21S0221S02 14507 S002142S21 14510 S002142S21 14702 S000242S02 14903 S000242S02 14925 S002242S22 15702 0100001000 15704 0100001000 16227 S001242S12 16402 2500025000 17113 4000140001 18102 2300023000 18116 2200322003 18135 2201222012 18153 2200122001 18154 0100301003 26903 S1109HY109 26917 3400034000 26931 2400024000 26932 2400024000 26935 01S0301001 26948 01S0301001 27810 0800408004 28451 0800408004 28457 2800028000 28459 0800408004 28460 2800028000 40000 Cannot drop the index 40001 Microsoft SQL Server Login 40002 table 40003 owner 40004 database 40005 stored procedure 40006 (local) 40008 Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration 40009 %s cannot be used as a data source name. 40011 Help is not available 40013 %s is already a data source name.\nOverwrite? 40014 Invalid character in data source name. 40015 %s is not an existing data source name. 40016 Do you want to convert your SQL Server 16 bit DSNs to 32 bit? 40017 Filling listbox requires a valid Login Id and Password 40018 Filling listbox failed:\nSQLState: '%s'\n SQL Server Error: %ld\n%s 40019 Connection failed:\nSQLState: '%s'\nSQL Server Error: %ld\n%s\n 40020 &Server: 40021 (Default) 40022 Unknown translator 40023 Select Log File 40024 Log Files(*.log)|*.log|All Files(*.*)|*.*| 40025 Query Logging Threshold field must be numeric 40026 At %s the following query executed in %lu milliseconds 40027 40028 Configure 40029 Create a New Data Source to SQL Server 40030 40031 skipped 40032 Row 40033 Column 40034 Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version %02u.%02u.%04u 40035 Do not create temporary procedures 40036 Drop temporary procedures on disconnect 40037 Explicitly drop temporary procedures 40038 Running connectivity tests... 40039 Attempting connection 40040 Connection established 40041 Verifying option settings 40042 Disconnecting from server 40043 TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY! 40044 TESTS FAILED! 40048 The database entered is not valid 40114 0700107002COUNT field incorrect 40115 0700607006Restricted data type attribute violation 40116 07S0107S01Invalid use of default parameter 40117 0800108001Client unable to establish connection 40118 0800408004Server rejected the connection 40119 08S0108S01Communication link failure 40120 21S0121S01Insert value list does not match column list 40121 21S0221S02Degree of derived table does not match column list 40122 2200122001String data, right truncation 40123 2200222002Indicator variable required but not supplied 40124 2200322003Numeric value out of range 40125 2200522018Invalid character value for cast specification 40126 2200822007Invalid date format 40127 2200822007Invalid time format 40128 2200822007Invalid timestamp format 40129 2202622026String data, length mismatch 40130 2400024000Invalid cursor state 40131 2500025000Invalid transaction state 40132 2800028000Invalid authorization specification 40133 0800408004Server rejected the connection; Access to selected database has been denied 40134 0800408004Server rejected the connection; Language specified is not supported 40135 3400034000Invalid cursor name 40136 3700042000Syntax error or access violation 40137 3C0003C000Duplicate cursor name 40138 70100HY018Server declined cancel request 40140 IM006IM006Packet size change not supported by server, default used 40141 IM008IM008Dialog failed 40146 S1000HY000The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server (they were supplied with SQL Server). Please contact your system administrator. 40147 S1000HY000Unknown token received from SQL Server 40149 S1000HY000Unable to load communication module. Driver has not been correctly installed. 40150 S1000HY000Communication module is not valid. Driver has not been correctly installed. 40151 S1000HY000Warning: Partial insert/update. The insert/update of a text or image column(s) did not succeed. 40152 S1000HY000Connection is busy with results for another hstmt 40153 S1000HY000Failure during closing of connection 40154 S1000HY000Protocol error in TDS stream 40155 S1000HY000TDS buffer length too large 40156 S1000HY000Non-default parameter not allowed after default parameter 40157 S1001HY001Memory allocation failure 40158 S100207009Invalid Descriptor Index 40159 S1003HY003Invalid application buffer type 40160 S1008HY008Operation canceled 40161 S1009HY009Invalid use of null pointer 40162 S1010HY010Function sequence error 40163 S1011HY011Operation invalid at this time 40164 S1015HY015No cursor name available 40165 S1090HY090Invalid string or buffer length 40166 S1091HY091Invalid descriptor field identifier 40167 S1092HY092Invalid attribute/option identifier 40168 S109307009Invalid parameter number 40169 S1021HY021Inconsistent descriptor information 40170 S1094HY104Invalid scale value 40171 S1096HY096Invalid information type 40172 S1104HY104Invalid precision value 40173 S1105HY105Invalid parameter type 40174 S1106HY106Fetch type out of range 40175 S1107HY107Row value out of range 40176 S1109HY109Invalid cursor position 40177 S1111HY111Invalid bookmark value 40178 S1C00HYC00Optional feature not implemented 40179 S1T00HYT00Timeout expired 40180 0800308003Connection does not exist 40184 22003HY019Non-character and non-binary data sent in pieces 40190 2400007005Prepared statement is not a cursor-specification 40192 S1011HY020Attempt to concatenate to a null or default value 40194 S1016HY016Cannot modify an implementation row descriptor 40195 S1004HY004Invalid SQL data type 40197 2201522015Interval field overflow 40198 S1007HY007Associated statement is not prepared 40199 S1009HY024Invalid attribute value 40201 S1000HY000Connection is not enabled for BCP 40203 S1000HY000ODBCBCP/Driver version mismatch 40205 S1000HY000Unicode conversion failed 40206 S1000HY000Bad BCP direction. Must be either IN or OUT 40207 S1000HY000Unable to open BCP host data-file 40208 S1000HY000Unable to open BCP error-file 40209 S1000HY000Table has no text/image columns 40210 S1000HY000I/O error while writing BCP error-file 40211 S1000HY000Invalid option 40212 S1000HY000Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values 40213 S1000HY000BCP host-files must contain at least one column 40214 S1000HY000I/O error while writing BCP data-file 40215 S1000HY000Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying into the Server 40216 S1000HY000Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file 40217 S1000HY000Attempt to read unknown version of BCP format file 40218 S1000HY000Incorrect host-column number found in BCP format-file 40219 S1000HY000Bad terminator 40220 S1000HY000For BCP, all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified 40221 S1000HY000I/O error while reading BCP format file 40222 S1000HY000Table contains less rows than first row count 40223 S1000HY000Table contains less rows than last row count 40224 S1000HY000Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized column to the SQL Server 40225 S1000HY000The BCP host-file contains less rows than first row count 40226 0800108001Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied 40227 S1000HY000All bound columns are read-only 40228 S1000HY000Cannot initialize SSPI package 40229 S1000HY000Cannot generate SSPI context 40230 S1000HY000Text column data incomplete 40231 2200822008Datetime field overflow 40232 0700607006Conversions not allowed using bcp_moretext 40233 S1000HY000The row length exceeds SQL Server's maximum allowable size 40234 S1000HY000Unicode conversion failed. The code page of the SQL server must be installed on the client system. 40235 S1000HY000I/O error while reading BCP data-file 40236 S1000HY000Not enough columns bound 40237 S1000HY000An old netlib (%s) has been detected. Please delete it and restart the application. 40238 S1009HY024Database is invalid or cannot be accessed 40239 S1000HY000Unable to read driver version 40350 25S1125S11Enlistment is not possible due to pending transaction 40351 25S1225S12Distributed transaction error 40401 0100001000Ongoing transaction has been committed 40402 0100001000The ODBC catalog stored procedures installed on server %s are version %s; version %02d.%02d.%4.4d or later is required to ensure proper operation. Please contact your system administrator. 40403 0100001000Access to database configured in the DSN has been denied. Default used. 40404 0100001000Language configured in the DSN is not supported. Default used. 40405 0100001000Procedure executed with 'EXEC'. No output parameters returned. 40406 0100001000An error has occurred during an attempt to access the log file, logging disabled. 40407 0100001000Connected to backup server 40408 0100001000SQL Debugging disabled 40410 0100401004String data, right truncation 40412 0100001000%ld rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: %ld 40413 0100401004String data, right truncation 40415 0100001000%ld rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file. Total received: %ld 40416 0100001000Zero length data forced to length 1 40417 0100001000Null bit data forced to zero 40450 01S0001S00Invalid connection string attribute 40451 01S0101S01Error in row 40452 01S0201S02Option value changed 40453 01S0201S02Packet size change not honored by server, server size used 40454 01S0201S02Packet size changed 40455 01S0201S02Cursor type changed 40456 01S0201S02Cursor concurrency changed 40457 01S0201S02Login timeout changed 40458 01S0301001Cursor operation conflict 40459 01S0501S05Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close 40460 01S0601S06Attempt to fetch before the result returned the first rowset 40461 0100401S07Fractional truncation 40501 Data Source Name 40502 Data Source Name 40503 Data Source Description 40504 Driver 40505 Server 40506 Login ID 40507 Password 40508 AppName 40509 WorkStation ID 40510 Database 40511 Language 40514 Translate Character Data 40515 Log Long Running Queries 40516 Query Log File 40517 Query Log Time 40518 Log Driver Statistics 40519 Statistics File 40520 Use Integrated Security 40521 Use Regional Settings 40522 Prepared Statements Option 40523 Use Failover Server 40524 Use ANSI Quoted Identifiers 40525 Use ANSI Null, Paddings and Warnings 40526 Attach Database Filename 40600 Unknown NetErr. 40601 Insufficient memory. 40602 Access denied. 40603 Connection is busy. 40604 Connection broken. 40605 Connection limit exceeded. 40606 Specified SQL server not found. 40607 The network has not been started. 40608 Insufficient network resources. 40609 Network is busy. 40610 Network access denied. 40611 General network error. Check your network documentation. 40612 Incorrect connection mode. 40613 Name not found in directory service. 40614 Invalid connection. 40615 Error reading or writing network data. 40616 Too many open file handles. 40617 SQL Server does not exist or access denied.