6000 Microsoft ODBC for Oracle 7000 00000 7001 01000 7002 01002 7003 01004 7004 01S00 7005 01S01 7006 01S02 7007 01S03 7008 01S05 7009 01S06 7010 07S01 7011 07001 7012 07006 7013 08001 7014 08002 7015 08003 7016 08004 7017 08S01 7018 21S01 7019 21S02 7020 22001 7021 22002 7022 22003 7023 22005 7024 22008 7025 22012 7026 23000 7027 24000 7028 25000 7029 28000 7030 34000 7031 37000 7032 3C000 7033 NA000 7034 IM008 7035 IM009 7036 S0001 7037 S0002 7038 S0022 7039 S1000 7040 S1001 7041 S1002 7042 S1003 7043 S1004 7044 S1008 7045 S1009 7046 S1010 7047 S1011 7048 S1012 7049 S1015 7050 S1090 7051 S1091 7052 S1093 7053 S1094 7054 S1097 7055 S1098 7056 S1105 7057 S1106 7058 S1107 7059 S1109 7060 S1111 7061 S1C00 7062 01000 7063 01S02 7064 01S02 7065 01S02 7066 01S02 7067 01S02 7068 01S02 7069 34000 7070 S0001 7071 S1000 7072 S1000 7073 S1000 7074 S1000 7075 S1000 7076 S1000 7077 S1000 7078 S1000 7079 S1000 7080 S1000 7081 S1000 7082 S1C00 7083 S1C00 7084 S1C00 7085 S1000 7086 S1000 8001 General warning 8002 Disconnect Error 8003 Data truncated 8004 Invalid connection string attribute 8005 Error in row %d 8006 Option value changed 8007 No rows updated or deleted 8008 Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close 8009 Attempt to fetch before the result returned the first rowset 8010 Invalid use of default parameter 8011 Wrong number of parameters 8012 Restricted data type attribute violation 8013 Unable to connect to data source 8014 Connection in use 8015 Connection not open 8016 Data source rejected establishment of connection 8017 Communication link failure 8018 Insert value list does not match column list 8019 Degree of derived table does not match column list 8020 String data right truncation 8021 Indicator variable required but not supplied 8022 Numeric value out of range 8023 String cannot be converted to number 8024 Datetime field overflow 8025 Division by zero 8026 Integrity constraint violation 8027 Invalid cursor state 8028 Invalid transaction state 8029 Invalid authorization specification 8030 Invalid cursor name 8031 Syntax error or access violation 8032 Duplicate cursor name 8033 Native error 8034 Dialog failed 8035 Unable to load translation DLL 8036 Base table or view already exists 8037 Base table not found 8038 Column not found 8039 General error 8040 Memory allocation failure 8041 Invalid column number 8042 Program type out of range 8043 SQL data type out of range 8044 Operation canceled 8045 Invalid argument value 8046 Function sequence error 8047 Operation invalid at this time 8048 Invalid transaction operation code specified 8049 No cursor name available 8050 Invalid string or buffer length 8051 Descriptor type out of range 8052 Invalid parameter number 8053 Invalid scale value 8054 Column type out of range 8055 Scope type out of range 8056 Invalid parameter type 8057 Fetch type out of range 8058 Row value out of range 8059 Invalid cursor position 8060 Invalid bookmark value 8061 Driver not capable 8062 Procedure or package is created with compilation errors 8063 Cursor type changed 8064 Concurrency changed 8065 Max rows changed 8066 Bind type changed 8067 Keyset size changed 8068 Rowset size changed 8069 Cursor is not updateable 8070 Object already exists 8071 Error attempting logon 8072 Internal error: HDBC not found 8073 Specified table type out of range 8074 Formal argument can be in only one result set 8075 Resultset column must be a formal argument 8076 Failure attempting to get new Resource Manager 8077 xa_open failed 8078 xa_start failed 8079 Failure enlisting in Resource Manager 8080 xa_end failed 8081 xa_close failed 8082 Cannot bind PL/SQL Records or Cursor References 8083 Cannot use Keyset-driven cursor on join, with distinct clause, union, intersect or minus or on read only result set 8084 Only Keyset-driven cursors are updateable 8085 Unexpected Error Occurred: rpc changed on oflng call 8086 Unexpected Error Occurred: rpc went backwards on ofen call 9000 Microsoft ODBC for Oracle 9001 Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Setup 9002 Microsoft ODBC for Oracle Connect 9003 The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation.\n\nYou will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed. 9004 %s is already a data source name.\nOverwrite? 9005 Input Error 9006 Please enter a numeric value. 9007 Microsoft ODBC for Oracle can not allocate sufficient memory for proper operation. Please free up some memory, and retry operation. 9008 Oracle error couldn't be loaded 9009 Error in column %d: 9010 Error in parameter %d: 9011 MSORCL32.DLL 9012 MSORCL32.HLP 9013 OCIW32.DLL 9016 Unknown Translator 9017 Default 9018 MTXOCI.DLL