1002 OCIW32.DLL 1003 MTXOCI.DLL 1004 OCI.DLL 2001 Object must be initialized, prior to setting or retrieving properties on this object. 2002 The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 (or greater) client software installation.\n\nYou will be unable to use this provider until these components have been installed. 2003 This provider supports only one PL/SQL stored procedure/function call in single command. 2004 This provider does not support PL/SQL stored procedures/functions with RECORD, TABLE or REF CURSOR arguments. 2005 Operation Canceled 2006 Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle Connect 2007 Unexpected Error Occurred: rpc changed on oflng call 2008 Unexpected Error Occurred: rpc went backwards on ofen call 2011 Database Link 2013 Oracle 2015 PL/SQL Stored Procedure 2016 MSDAORA.DLL 2017 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle 2018 02.00 2020 Owner 2021 Table 2101 Invalid PL/SQL Procedure Name 2102 Invalid PL/SQL Argument Name 2103 Argument Name not found for procedure 2104 Too many arguments 2105 Parameter Name too long 2106 Too many parameter markers 2107 Syntax Error in {call...} ODBC Escape 2108 Syntax Error in {d...}, {t...} or {ts...} ODBC Escape 2109 Syntax Error in {e...} ODBC Escape 2110 Syntax Error in {oj...} ODBC Escape 2111 Syntax Error in {resultset...} ODBC Escape 2112 Syntax Error in {fn...} Escape 2113 Must bind length part for LONG/LONG RAW parameters 2114 Procedure or package is created with compilation errors 2115 Unknown or Invalid Scalar Function 2116 Truncated Fractional Timestamp 2117 Cannot support overloaded procedures/functions 2118 An Oracle Error occured, but message could not be determined 2119 Formal argument can be in only one {resultset...} ODBC Escape