To compile and link the Clipper IMGDEMO program, do the following: 1. Compile MSCVIS.C and CLIPVIS.C with the Microsoft C compiler using the following commands: cl /c /AL /Gs /FPa /Oalt /Zl MSCVIS.C cl /c /AL /Gs /FPa /Oalt /Zl CLIPVIS.C 2. Compile the Clipper file IMGDEMO.PRG 3. Link the three object files together. We used the following RTLINK response file: file imgdemo file clipvis file mscvis lib \clipper5\lib\CLIPPER lib \clipper5\lib\EXTEND lib \clipper5\lib\CLD lib \clipper5\lib\DBFNTX lib \clipper5\lib\RTLUTILS lib \clipper5\lib\TERMINAL lib \msc\lib\llibca 4. Start up DIDC3.EXE before running IMGDEMO.EXE. Be sure to the the DIDC environment variable and setup a default volume number (see the Visage documentation).