Click the links below to view rare MPG video footage of the X-15.

  • Ground crew polish and prepare the X-15A-2 and coat with ablative heat-resistant paint.
  • Roll-out of white X-15A-2 and ground crew service.
  • X-15A-2 is fired on test stand and then attached to B-52 pylon.
  • Pete Knight boards and B-52/X-15A-2 combo taxi for take-off.
  • B-52 take-off and pre-launch preparations.
  • X-15A-2 launch on speed record flight with Pete Knight.
  • X-15A-2 lands, Knight disembarks, media scrum and ground crew checks.
  • X-15A-2 is returned to hangar and damage is inspected.
  • Silent promotional footage of X-15 pilots John McKay, Joseph Walker, Forrest Petersen, Neil Armstrong, Robert White and Robert Rushworth
  • Silent footage of NAA pilot Scott Crossfield's first flight of the X-15 with XLR-99 engine.
  • Silent footage of NASA pilot Neil Armstrong's final flight of the X-15 before joining the astronaut corps.
  • X-15 United States film report 15 September 1961.
  • X-15 NAA promo film. Part One
  • X-15 NAA promo film. Part Two.
  • Other related issues:-

    In order to provide the best possible sound and picture quality the interview movie has been created using MPEG 1 compression.

    If the video clips will not run from your browser double click on any of the following files in Windows Explorer to run them in Media Player.

  • hispeed1.mpg through hispeed8.mpg, doc1.mpg, doc2.mpg, doc3.mpg, 30210.mpg, 29215.mpg, 30132.mpg
  • The movies run in both Netscape Navigator (with an appropriate Plug-In or by selecting Media Player as the target application) and Microsoft Internet Explorer but will load faster if you run them directly from Media Player.

    It is recommended that you have at least a Pentium computer with an 8X CDROM drive. Slower CDROM drives may exhibit playback problems in the form of dropped frames and an erratic play rate. This can often be avoided by copying the mpg file to your hard drive and running it from there.

    If you have a very fast machine you should be able to maximize the movie image to full screen but due to space restrictions and in order to include hours of video the image appears best at no more than 200% magnification.