Plane: X-15-3 Date: 10-4-67
Flight: 3-63-94 T.O.: 0912
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1017
B-52: #003 Land: 1028
Pilots: Cotton/Reschke/Dustin Total: :11
NASA 1: Adams B-52 Land:  

12 Minutes to launch
Dana: APU coming on, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: #1.
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulics are good. Electrics are good. Controls and flaps.
NASA 1: Coming down.
Dana: Flaps coming down. And, checking controls.
Chase: Flaps coming down. Controls .......... 
Dana: Flaps coming up.
Chase: Coming up. OK, Bill, you're getting BCS sort of nose up and nose left, .......... nose right.
Dana: Check.
Chase: The more you hit it, the worse it seems to be getting now.
Dana: Is the platform internal?
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: Boost guidance b. Boost guidance reset. Computer lights punched out. Inertials look good.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
B-52: 11 minutes now, Bill.
Dana: OK, precool coming off.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dustin: MH-96 analyzer started.
NASA 1: Roger, Al.
Dana: Pql is .85. H dot is 20.0. Cross pointer zero.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: BG test. Qp is .85. H dot window still moving. Pointers at the top and H dot window is 21.9.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Chase: OK, the BCS flow has decreased but it hasn't stopped yet, Bill.
Dana: OK, I'll get that in a minute, Jerry.
Chase: Rog.
Dana: BG reset. Reading 5 on Qp. H dot window zero. Crosspointer zero.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 2° left, 03.
B-52: Roger.
Dana: Engine override. Qp 5. Crosspointer zero and H dot window is zero.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Delta H plus delta H dot. Qp is 5. H dot window is 20.0. Crosspointer zero.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: BG reset.
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: BG enable.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. High altitude on.
Dana: OK, I got high altitude on.
NASA 1: Rog. And, we'll call 9 minutes. Calling 9 minutes now.
Dana: a reading 2 1/2, b reading 1° nose right.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Computed, I am reading 2° a, 6° nose left b.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. Check the ball nose.
Dana: Roger.
Chase: Are you still checking the BCS, Bill?
Dana: Yeah, Honeywell analyzer's doing that.
Chase: OK.
Dana: .......... I'll turn my Honeywell on and I think we can stop it with that.
NASA 1: 03, you can start your turn at 8 minutes.
B-52: 03, .......... 
NASA 1: We'll call 8 now.
B-52: Roger, 8 now.
Dustin: MH-96 end of test on.
NASA 1: Roger, Al.
Dana: Is it OK to engage Honeywell for a little while to try and stop that BCS flow, Mike?
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, go ahead.
Dana: .......... Honeywell switch is on.
NASA 1: And you can leave it engaged. 03, can you tighten the turn up a little bit, please?
B-52: Roger.
Dana: Did that do anything for the BCS, Jerry?
Chase: Well, Bill, it's trimmed down a little bit. NASA 1 wants the big balls out under the X-15 meter pylon on the left hand side?
NASA 1: The big balls under the pylon on the left side?
Chase: The left hand side, top part of the pylon, forward left leading .......... 
Dustin: NASA 1, reporting Lox overboard .......... I got a heavy string on topoff cycle.
Dana: Good.
NASA 1: OK, that's normal.
Dana: Rog. What's the time?
NASA 1: 6 1/2.
B-52: We'll have 6 minutes coming up here in about 5 seconds.
Dana: Mike, I got the aux cabin pressure switch on.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Fire extinguisher in auto.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Side stick trim zero.
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: Honeywell is on. BCS is in auto.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Trim looks good. Controls are good. I am going to do a roll BCS check, Jerry.
Chase: OK, Bill. Your BCS leakage is normal.
Dana: Stab is zero. X-15 oxygen pressure is 2300.
Dustin: Lube oil 90.
NASA 1: Roger, Al. Roger, Bill. How's the stab position, Jerry?
Chase: Good, Mike.
NASA 1: Rog.
B-52: How's this turn working out, Mike?
NASA 1: Looking real good, 03.
B-52: 5 minutes.
NASA 1: OK, we'll update a little later.
Dana: I am on X-15 oxygen, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Cabin altitude is 36,000. And, pitch hold is coming on.
NASA 1: Rog. 003, roll out 164.
B-52: Roger, 164.
Dana: The pitch hold is off, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dustin: Topoff complete.
NASA 1: We're calling 5 minutes now.
Dana: Roger.
NASA 1: Al, keep the topoff flowing until we get a little closer to 4.
Chase: OK, Bill, you need some nose up on your stabilizer, just a touch.
Dana: OK, Jerry.
NASA 1: NASA 1 will call 4 minutes.
B-52: Roger, Mike.
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. Bill, did you get the 4 minute call?
Dana: Negative. Is it 4 minutes now?
NASA 1: Yeah, we're past it. Go ahead.
Dana: Verify topoff, Al?
Dustin: Complete, Bill.
Dana: Ammonia steady at 45. Lox about 49.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: 4 switches in jettison, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: The intercom is off. How do you read the X-15 radio, Mike?
NASA 1: You're loud and clear, Bill.
Dana: OK.
B-52: Mike, will you call 3 minutes?
NASA 1: 3 minutes now.
Dana: Surfaces are zero, Mike. Inertial rate of climb is zero. Velocity is 730, altitude 45,000.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: APU bearing #1 is 100, #2 is 130.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Data is on, calibrate.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Precision heading is real good.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: We're about 2° left of a .......... for a launch heading. That's for your info.
B-52: Roger, Bill. We're at 162. 2 minutes.
Dana: Altitude switch is on. Push to test the ball nose.
NASA 1: Rog. NASA 1 will call 1.
Dana: a reading 1 1/2°, Mike. b 1° nose right.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Sunshade is up. Experiments on.
NASA 1: Rog. I'll give you 1 minute time. 2° right, 03.
B-52: Roger, 2° right, 166.
NASA 1: Coming up on 1 minute. 1 minute now.
Dana: Got it, Mike. .......... coming on.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Prime. Igniter ready.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Precool. Igniter.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Tape.
NASA 1: Inertial heading is real good, Bill.
Dana: Shall I hold it? Hold is on, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Pump. Mine looks good, Mike.
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill.
Dana: 5 seconds.
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: Good light, Bill.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, we have you with a good light. Check your a, throttle full open and watch your heading.
Dana: Got her, Mike.
NASA 1: Have you on profile. Coming up on profile. Standby for theta. Track and profile looking good. We have you on theta. Check your boost guidance and roll hold.
Dana: Boost guidance and roll hold .......... 
NASA 1: OK, we have you right on profile, Bill, and your heading is looking OK. Profile's looking very, very good. Coming up on 80,000 now. Track and profile look real good. Coming on 100 now. OK, Bill, you're right on profile, heading still good. Standby for shutdown. Have you shut down, Bill. Engine master off. Precision a zero and rock your wings. Coming through 170, extend your experiment. And, you're right on the profile, Bill.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: I think we may be 2° left, but we're still doing good. Coming through 200,000 now. And, Bill, we're right on the old profile and we're coming up through 230, go computed a.
Dana: I have zero and minus 3 and zero.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and we're reading you 5 by 5. Coming up to the top, Bill, and I'll give you a call on peak altitude. We have you going over the top, Bill. We got a little break, but I believe it's 250 exactly.
Dana: I am reading 247, Mike.
NASA 1: Very good, Bill. How's it look outside?
Dana: Mighty pretty.
NASA 1: OK, we have you coming back down through 230 now. Ball nose a.
Dana: OK, 14 and 1, 17 and 2, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. And, we have your a coming up very nicely, Bill. Coming through 200 now. Check the a, b, roll hold off.
Dana: a, b, roll hold off.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Chase: Mike, get his position as he comes in.
NASA 1: Roger, Pete. Coming through 180. Experiment retract and camera on.
Dana: Retracted, camera's on, Mike.
NASA 1: And, coming through 150, Bill. Recheck your experiment retract. Coming through 130, should be picking up 1 g.
Dana: Got it.
NASA 1: Rog. And, we have you over .......... and you're coming up on 100,000 now, for 4 g's.
Dana: Rog, Mike.
NASA 1: And, you can standby for H dot, Bill. And, you can expect a right turn pretty soon.
Dana: OK. What's my altitude, Mike?
NASA 1: You're leveling off at 80,000, Bill. You're 15 out of China Lake. Mach 4.4, right on 80,000 feet.
Dana: How far to China Lake, Mike?
NASA 1: 10 miles to China Lake, Bill. Turn right to about 185.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: And, watch your H dot, you're going up a little.
Dana: Watching it.
NASA 1: About 190 to the base now, Bill.
Dana: OK, I have Edwards and I am at China Lake.
NASA 1: OK, 50 miles and about 83,000 feet, 3.8.
Dana: Brakes coming out, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Dana: Shade is down.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. You're about 15 north of Cuddeback, 80,000, 3.5. About 5 north of Cuddeback, Bill, a little bit below 80.
Dana: I got 70. I am just below 80, you say?
NASA 1: About 70 now.
Dana: OK. I am over to zero. Come to 12. You're right, I didn't get any buffet.
NASA 1: We have you at 63 and 2.5. You're right on your profile. Do you have the base in sight now?
Dana: I got it. Chase 4, I am about 5 north of California City, showing about 55,000.
Chase: Go ahead and jettison any time, Bill.
Dana: OK, about 12 o'clock and 4 miles. We'll end up at good altitude together. Going to jettison.
NASA 1: We have you fixed to come subsonic, Bill. Watch your a.
Dana: OK. Coming across the highway, John. I am showing 43,000.
NASA 1: NASA 1 concurs.
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: Bill, stop jettison on peroxide.
Dana: I am off peroxide, Mike.
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: I got flaps, squat, kicker, 2 radiometers, side stick trim is zero, jettison and engine master off.
NASA 1: Roger, did you check third skid?
Dana: Rog, I got the third skid, Mike.
NASA 1: OK, Bill.
Dana: A little buffet here, 325 indicated and 9° a.
NASA 1: Rog, I haven't seen that before.
Chase: Got you at about 28,000, Bill.
Dana: OK, Pete. Pilot's oxygen is low, Mike, but I am still reading 1700.
NASA 1: Roger.
Chase: Go ahead and pull the bottle, Bill.
Dana: I just as well pull the green apple.
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: Got you at about 22.
NASA 1: Bill, stop jettison on ammonia below 15.
Dana: Will do, Mike.
Chase: 18, you're looking real good.
Dana: OK. Stop jettison on ammonia.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
Chase: 13, .......... at 7.
NASA 1: Had a little speed brake up here.
Dana: Yeah, I've still got some, Mike. Coming in now.
Chase: Flaps are coming down. It looks good, set her down. About 10 feet, coming down. 5, 2, 1, beauty right there, Bill.
Dana: Heading 172. Inertial height 0, inertial velocity 0, inertial H dot 0. Qp is .5, H dot is 20.0. BG reset. Qp 5, H dot 20.0. Engine timer 84.1. Hydraulics, #1 is 33, #2 is 34. APU tanks, #1 is 550, #2 is 590. Fox source zero. Cabin source 2250. APU source, #1 is 16, #2 is 2000. #1 and #2 are both 600. APU bearing, #2 is 110, #1 is 110. Mixing chamber, #1 is -50, #2 is -45.