Flight No.: 3-63-93 Scheduled Date: September 19, 1967

Pilot: William H. Dana

Purpose: 1. U.V. Exhaust Plume (3c) - Bryant

2. Solar Spectrum Measurement (29) - Bryant

3. Micrometeorite Collector (13) - Bryant

4. Air Density (12) - Bryant

5. X-Ray Air Density (28) - Bryant

6. Ames Boost Guidance (14) - Burke

7. Tip Pod Camera (42a) - Bryant

Launch: Smith Ranch #1 on a magnetic heading of 168°

MH-96 "Adaptive," Reaction Controls "Auto," BCS "ON," BG/b engaged, acom = 11°, PAI switch to "Heading," Ventral OFF.

Launch point coordinates: 39° 29.5' N, 117° 11.5' W.

Instrumentation Engineer: R. Borek
 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine at 100%T. Rotate at a = 11° until q = 34°. Fly BG null until burnout. (q = 34° will be flown if BG appears in error.)
2. 25 52 1750 11 505 q = 34°. Maintain q = 34° until burnout.
3. 84.3 146 5680 8 68 Burnout. (If burnout has not occurred, shutdown at 5800 fps.) Switch to PAI. Pushover to, and maintain a = 0°. Roll A/C ±10° at less than 5°/sec. Engine Master OFF.
4. 95 170 5500 0 26 Micrometeorite switch to EXTEND. JPL experiment switch to ON.
5. 130 230 5200 0 3 Switch to Comp. a. Obtain F = 0° and b = 0° and engage roll hold mode.
6. 171 250 5000 0 1 Peak altitude. At q = 0°, engage pitch hold mode. Maintain q, F, & Y ±2° until a = 20°.
7. 210 230 5200 13 3 Switch to Ball Nose a.
8. 231 198 5400 20 10 a = 20°. Maintain a = 20° until An = 5g. Switch to a/b. (Qmax » 825 psf). Hold modes "OFF."
9. 241 180 5500 20 18 Micrometeorite switch to RETRACT. JPL experiment switch to OFF. Pod camera "ON."
10. 282 90 5150 20 700 An = 5.0g. Maintain 5g until H dot = -400 fps.
11. 290 83 4600 16 795 H dot = -400 fps. Pushover to maintain H = 80K ft until 50 N. M.
12. 313 80 4100 5 730 50 N.M. Extend speed brakes to 35°. Start right turn to » 180°. Pushover to obtain H dot = -400 fps.
13. 360 70 2900 4 590 Cuddeback. Vector to Hi-Key. Speed brakes as required.
14.           High Key - Check flap and "squat" circuit breakers in. Arm stick kicker and third skid. Engine Master "OFF." Window shade down. (2) Radiometer switches OFF. Check side stick trim zero.


1. q vernier will be set at 34°, a cross-pointer null at 20°.

2. Emergency lakes: Mud, Grapevine, Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 12 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 60,000lb thrust at 100%. Engine #103.

Total burn time at 100% T. (60,000lb) = 84.3 seconds.

Launch wt = 33,737lb Burnout wt = 15,378lb

c.g = c.g. =

5. Ground jettison check (Accounted for in wts. and burn time).

6. Precision attitudes preset: Pitch = 0.0 (90.0)

Roll = 0.0 (90.0)

Heading = 168°

  1. Radio, radar or TM malfunction.

2. FCS malfunction as indicated on analyzer check list.

3. Malfunction of inertial platform.

4. Malfunction of ball nose.

5. Malfunction of either BCS.

6. Malfunction of precision heading.

  Failure   Action
1. Radio or radar 1. Proceed as planned.
2. ANY damper failure or failure to fixed gain 2a. 0 - 35 seconds

Switch to a/b. Pushover to a = 2° at 35 sec. Proceed to burnout. (Hmax = 160K, V = 5870.) Fly a » 15° to H dot = -200 fps. (H = 82, M = 4 at 50 N.M.)

    2b. 35 sec. - Burnout

Switch to a/b. Pushover to a = 2° when failure occurs. Proceed to burnout. If reentry is required, use a = 15°.

    2c. After Burnout

Use a = 15° for reentry.

3. Ball Nose Failure 3a. 0 - 35 seconds

Switch to comp. a. Pushover to 0g at 35 seconds. Proceed to burnout. (Hmax = 120K, V=5930). Fly H dot = 0 fps to M = 5, then H dot = -300 fps to 50 N.M. (H = 81K, M = 3.6 at 50 N.M.)

    3b. 35 sec. - Burnout

Switch to comp. a. Pushover to 0g when failure occurs. Proceed to burnout. If reentry is required, use q = 0°. (dHmax = -25°.)

    3c. After Burnout

Switch to comp. a. Use q = 0° for reentry. (dHmax = -25°.)

4. Attitude Failure 4. Use a = 5° in place of q = 34° at 25 sec. Switch to a/b. Proceed with 3a, b, or c as applicable. (Use a for reentry, if required.)
5. Inertial Failure 5. Proceed as planned.
6. Delayed Light 6. Rotate to 2.5g. Proceed as planned.
7. Boost Guidance 7. Fly q = 34° in place of BG null at 25 sec. Proceed as planned.


0 - 42 sec Smith Ranch

42 - 65.5 sec Mud Lake (2500 fps)

65.5 - 73 sec Grapevine (4000 fps)

73 - 75.5 sec Cuddeback (4600 fps)

75.5 - Up sec Edwards (4800 fps)


E. J. Adkins, Head X-15 Project Office