Plane: X-15-3 Date: 8-25-67
Flight: 3-62-92 T.O.: 1235
Pilot: Maj. Mike Adams Launch: 1328
B-52: #003 Land: 1335
Pilots: Bowline/Reschke/Dustin Total: :07
NASA 1: Dana B-52 Land: 1401

12 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
Adams: APU's on. Good tank pressure. Start #2 APU. Start #l APU. Engine reset. Hydraulics are 3450. Electrics look OK. Controls OK. Flaps. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Adams: Data. Trim is zero from center stick. 
NASA 1: 008, come 2° right. 
Adams: Pressure brakes in. 
B-52: 008 to 057. 
Adams: Power switch is internal. a/b's reset. Computer's right and reset. Inertials look good to me. The attitudes look good . 
NASA 1: OK. 
Adams: I got precool off at 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Adams: .......... 
NASA 1: Didn't get that, Mike. 
Adams: Disregard. 
Dustin: MH-96 analyzer check started. 
NASA 1: Rog, Al. 
Chase: NASA 1, Chase 1. 
NASA 1: Go ahead. 
Chase: Roger, from where we were opposite the launch point at 12 minute point, you could see Hidden Hills pretty good. Coming in from the south didn't look like it would be too much problem but I'll advise you again as we go along. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Gerry. Al Dustin, we'll want a call from you to turn the data on, when you get to about item 65. 
Dustin: Roger. 
Chase: NASA 1, Rover. 
NASA 1: Go ahead, Gary.
Chase: That broken layer is about .......... at 22,000 is about 3 or 4,000 thick. 
NASA 1: OK, what percent coverage would you guess looking at the shadows? 
Chase: Directly overhead I'd say its about 6 or 7 tenths but they're right coming in from the south. I think it would be good. 
NASA 1: OK, NASA 1 will call 9 minutes, shortly. 
B-52: 003, roger. 
NASA 1: 9 minutes now. 
B-52: 003, roger. .......... 
NASA 1: Say again. 
B-52: I'm talking to Mike. Set the trim on your stab. 
Adams: OK, we're doing that check right now. 
B-52: All right. 
Dustin: #65 now, data on. 
B-52: 003 has 8 minutes. 
NASA 1: All right, start your turn. 
Dustin: Did you keep the data on, Mike? 
Adams: It's on. Now data off. Where are you. At 8 minutes now? 
NASA 1: Yeah, we passed 8 minutes, about 7:45.
Adams: OK, a 3 1/2, b is 1° left. 
Dustin: Airborne analyzer in. Test on. Data off, Mike? 
Adams: 0K, data off. Computed a is 2 1/2. b still 1° needle left and I am back on ball nose. 
NASA 1: 0K, let's hear your a again. Ball nose a
Adams: Ball nose a is 3 1/2° nose up and beta is 1° left. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Mike. 
Adams: .......... how does the stab look now? 
Chase: You need nose up. 
Adams: 0K. 
Chase: Looks good. 
Adams: All right. 
NASA 1: 003, tighten your turn slightly. 
B-52: Roger. 6 minutes, Mike. 
Adams: Auxiliary cabin pressure switch is on. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Adams: Fire extinguisher's auto. Side stick trim is zero. MH-96 is engaged OK. .......... controls .......... 
Dustin: Lube oil 95. 
NASA 1: Rog.
Adams: Standby for position. 50 knots. Oxygen is 3400. 
NASA 1: Mike, we would like #2 APU bearing temp. 
Adams: 110. 
NASA 1: 110? 
Adams: Yes, 110, #2 is 140. 
B-52: .......... is good. 
Adams: 0K. 
B-52: 5 minutes, Mike. 
Adams: On X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36. 
Dustin: Topoff complete. 
Adams: Rog. 
NASA 1: You're right. 
Chase: NASA 1, Rover. 
NASA 1: Go ahead, Gary. 
Chase: Looks good enough from the south and west to go, I think.
NASA 1: The clouds right over Hidden Hills? 
Chase: That's affirm, and extending from broken to scattered going to very thin as you go south now. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: 003 be rolling out 231. 
NASA 1: Let's make that 233. NASA 1 calling 5 minutes now. 
B-52: 03, 5 minutes. 
Adams: Roger, I am on X-15 oxygen. My cabin altitude is 36. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: Steady 233 now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Can you see Hidden Hills up there at 1 o'clock? 
Adams: .......... Can't see out of this thing at any time. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger, 235. 
NASA 1: NASA 1 calling 4 minutes now. 
Adams: Understand 4 minutes. All pressurized. And the pressures are coming up. .......... pressure 47. Jettison checked. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger.
Adams: .......... pressurize. I got 4 switches to jettison. And I'm on radio. 
NASA 1: 0K, read you 5 square, Mike. Check your dial trim zero. 
Adams: Dial trim is zero. 
NASA 1: Thank you. 
B-52: 3 minutes, Mike.
Adams: Surfaces look zero. Inertials look good. Attitudes look good. 
NASA 1: 03, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger. 
Adams: #l APU 120, #2 is 150. Want's calibrate. Precision heading looking 0K, it's not centered now. 
NASA 1: Roger, Mike. It's not. Chase aircraft, a reminder to windshield heat. 003, come 2 more right. 
B-52: Roger. 2 minutes, Mike. 
Adams: .......... switches on. Nose push to test OK. a is 1 1/2, b is 1 needle left. Sunshade's up. 
NASA 1: Chase 2, how's the launch lake weather look? Do you see the launch lake? 
Chase: I see the lake. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: NASA 1, are you going to call 1 minute? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative and you'll go to the launch heading then. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: 5 seconds. 1 minute now. 
B-52: 03's turning 231. Launch master on. 
Adams: Got the .......... 
NASA 1: OK, Mike, it looks good. 
Adams: OK. 45 seconds now. Igniter light ready. Precool .......... 
B-52: Steady launch heading now. 
NASA 1: Rog. Did you get the tape, Mike? 
Adams: Tape going on. .......... igniter. 
NASA 1: Looks good, Mike. 
Adams: How's it look? 
NASA 1: Looks good, Mike, how do you read? Good light, Mike. Check your a. Check your throttle. 
Adams: I am on 2 G's. Vibration shutdown. 
NASA 1: 0K. Standby for theta. OK, theta's looking good, Mike. We have pushover at 58, Mike. Standby for pushover, 56, 57, 58. Track's good. Profile's good, Mike. Standby for your left roll. Standby for shutdown and pull-up. 4600, Mike, check your H dot. 
Adams: How do you read me, Bill? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear, Mike. Did you get your V max? 
Adams: It's 4,500. .......... 
NASA 1: OK, Mike, we got you through 4,300. Standby for your tail load at Mach 4. 
Adams: OK. 
NASA 1: OK, Mike, we got you at 41 now. 
Adams: It looks good. 
NASA 1: Track and heading look good. You're at Mach 4. 
Adams: I got a good tail load here. No buffet, control on a
NASA 1: Mighty fine. We have you at 3.7 at 50 miles, Mike. 
Adams: 0K. 
NASA 1: Go to computed a. And get that other tail load. 
Adams: Coming down hill and I didn't get any buffet yet. It's looking good. 
NASA 1: OK, we have you at 15 north of Cuddeback, Mike, at 78,000. Your profile looks very good. We got you about 3.4, Mike. Your heading's right on the track. Right on the line, Buddy. Have you 5 north of Cuddeback. 
Adams: Rog, inertials look good. 
NASA 1: OK, we got you abeam Cuddeback 3.2, 70,000, Mike. Back to ball nose a. Check your speed brakes. Heading of 210 ought to be good, Mike. 
Adams: OK. 
NASA 1: We got 205. 2.7 Mach number, Mike. Standby for your tail load. 
Adams: .......... 
NASA 1: 2.2 Mach number, 60,000 ,Mike. You're 10 north of North Base. Your heading is excellent. Haven't got your window shade. You can try that, and do you see Edwards, Mike? 
Adams: Yep. 
NASA 1: We have 1.7 Mach number, 55,000, Mike. Speed brakes in. And Chase 4, call for jettison when you want it.
Chase: OK, jettison, Mike. 
Adams: 0K. 
NASA 1: Have you about 3 north of the highway, Mike. You'll end up about 2 miles west of North Base at High Key. Got you at 1.4 Mach number, 48,000. Check your circuit breakers. 
Adams: Yeah, they're all in. 
.......... : Check your stick .......... to approach skid. 
NASA 1: Very good, Mike, and will you stop jettison on peroxide, Mike. 
Adams: OK. 
NASA 1: Got you at 1.2 right over main base, Mike. Coming down through 41,000. 
Adams: 0K, I got that cooling switch too. I don't know if I was supposed to do that or not. 
NASA 1: Yeah, get the cooling switch off, then you can go side stick trim zero. Got you coming subsonic. Check your a
Adams: Yeah, I got buffet at .......... Got 340 and 27,000 feet. 
Chase: Got 24. 
Adams: .......... brakes are on, buddy, so watch me. Vibration, 15 and 350. I don't have double vision yet. 
NASA 1: OK, Mike, you got single vision, check your side stick trim. 
Adams: 0K, put the brake in here for a while there, watch chase. Right about the runways, Bill. 
Chase: .......... skid .......... 
Adams: Good. 
Chase: Flaps. 10 feet, 5, 2 feet, Mike. 
Adams: Push, down, 160 indicated. 3 axis ball heading 182. MH-96 disengaged. Stopped jettison on ammonia. Brakes are open. Hydraulics, #1 33, #2 34.50. APU tank, #1 530, #2 580. Fox source zero. Cabin source 2250. APU source, #1 2550, #2 2750. APU bearing, #l 110, #2 130. Mixing chamber, #1 minus 42, #2 minus 40.