Plane: X-15-3 Date: 7-20-67
Flight: 3-61-91 T.O.: 0919
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1011
B-52: #008 Land: 1019
Pilots: Cotton/Fulton/Russell Total: :08
NASA 1: Knight B-52 Land: 1042

12 Minutes to launch
Dana: Are we ready to start the APUs?
NASA 1: I'm all set up here and check that cooling lever on.
Dana: Check.
NASA 1: We're ready, Bill.
Dana: #2 coming on.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: #1.
B-52: 12 minutes.
Dana: Generators are on. Engine is reset. Hydraulics look good. Electrics look good. Flaps are coming down.
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: Coming down, Bill.
Dana: .......... up, Mike.
Chase: And coming up.
Dana: Right stick trim is zero. Flap circuit breakers are in. Platform is internal. And, we've reset BG beta and BG enable.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: Computer's reset. EMS coming on.
B-52: 11 minutes, Bill, 11.
Dana: OK, precool coming off.
Russel: MH-96 start of check.
NASA 1: OK, Bill, check your pressure cooling coming on.
Dana: Pressure cooling is on and forward.
NASA 1: Thank you.
Dana: And Qp/Ql is zero. H dot readout is minus 50. Cross pointer is zero and delta H plus delta H dot is on.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Pitch dot is zero. Velocity is 820. Altitude is 45,200 and the attitudes look good.
NASA 1: Roger. We'll verify the H dot read out.
B-52: 10 minutes, 5 seconds ago.
Dana: .......... alpha's reading 2 1/2 degrees, beta is reading 1 degree needle left.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill. EMS off and then back on.
Dana: EMS off and on.
NASA 1: Rog, give me an H dot reading.
Dana: Computed alpha's reading 2. Computed beta is 2, needle left, and back to ball nose.
NASA 1: Rog, H dot reading, Bill.
Dana: Still minus 50.0, Pete.
NASA 1: Rog.
B-52: 63° heading.
NASA 1: Rog, 008.
B-52: I get the same .......... 
Russel: .......... error on 43, coming on.
B-52: The turns still look good for 8 minutes, Pete? We still have 40 seconds, Pete.
NASA 1: Rog, and the weather is good in the launch area.
B-52: Thank you.
NASA 1: Bill, will you hit BG reset and see if the window comes back to zero?
Dana: BG reset and it doesn't do anything to the H dot readout, Pete.
NASA 1: OK, you want to go back to enable.
Dana: EMS off and then back on again. EMS is off and on.
NASA 1: Still reading the same, Bill?
Dana: Yeah.
NASA 1: OK, we'll leave it go that way.
B-52: 08, just past 8 minutes, starting turn.
NASA 1: Rog, 08. Bill, go BG enable and we'll leave it that way.
Dana: BG enable, Pete.
Russel: NASA 1, end of test on. One temporary on 43.
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: Las Vegas 2 o'clock low there, Bill.
Dana: Yeah, you want to stop in for a quick game?
NASA 1: Bill, give me APU bearing temperature.
Dana: #1 is 110, #2 is 108.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Chase: And your stab zeroed after the 96, Bill.
Dana: Yeah, I trimmed it out, Mike.
Chase: OK.
Dana: Thank you.
NASA 1: OK, and your winds are holding calm, Bill.
Dana: OK, Pete.
B-52: 6 minutes now, 6.
NASA 1: OK, 6 minutes.
Dana: Aux cabin pressure coming on.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: Fire extinguisher is auto. Side stick trim zero. Honeywell is engaged.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: Controls look good. Trim is zero.
Chase: .......... 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95.
NASA 1: Rog, Jack.
B-52: 08, it's 5 minutes. We'll standby for your call on 4.
NASA 1: Rog, NASA 1 will call 4.
Dana: OK, Pete, I have 2400 on X-15 oxygen, going on X-15 oxygen.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Russel: Topoff complete.
NASA 1: Thank you, Jack.
Dana: And 672 cabin altitude is 36,000.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
B-52: Will roll out 241, Pete.
NASA 1: Roll out 239 degrees.
B-52: Rolling out now.
NASA 1: 4 minutes now, 4 minutes now, Bill.
Dana: OK, is topoff complete, Jack?
Russel: Rog.
Dana: Tank handle pressurize. OK, lox 49, ammonia 46.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: Peroxide switch is to jettison. Intercom coming on. And, how do you read, Pete?
NASA 1: Rog, 5 square, Bill.
Dana: Pete, you're just a little garbled, are you transmitting on 286.8 both stations?
NASA 1: Rog, 286.8 Beatty and Edwards.
Dana: Why don't we knock off Beatty if you agree with that? See if I don't read you better.
NASA 1: OK, Bill, 286.8 Edwards only. 286.8 Edwards only, Bill.
Dana: You're still a little rough, Pete, but you're readable.
NASA 1: Rog.
B-52: Past 3 minutes, 5 seconds ago.
Dana: OK, surfaces zero. Velocity 670, altitude 45,000. APU bearing temp #1 is 110, #2 is 125. Data on, calibrate. Precision heading looks good.
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 08, come 2 degrees right.
B-52: 2 right.
NASA 1: How's the ball look in pitch, Bill?
Dana: Pretty good, Pete.
NASA 1: How does your ball look in pitch?
Dana: Rog, have we called 2 minutes yet?
B-52: Yeah, you passed it 10 seconds ago, Bill
Dana: OK, altitude switch coming on. Push to test ball nose. Alpha reading 2 degrees, beta 1 degree needle left.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Sun shade is up.
B-52: NASA 1 will call 1 minute?
NASA 1: OK, 1 minute now, Bill, 1 minute.
Dana: Got your call, Pete. Cooling switch coming on. The sun shade is up. Prime.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter switch. Tape coming on.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill.
Dana: Pump.
NASA 1: Rog.
Dana: Looks good here, Pete.
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill.
Dana: Ready to launch. 5 seconds.
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: Light.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill, we've got a good light here. Check your alpha, throttle and heading.
Dana: OK, Pete.
NASA 1: Standby for theta.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: Look good on profile, Bill. Standby for the pushover and I'll give you a countdown.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: 56, 7, 8, 9, 60,000.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: Heading looks good, Bill. We are right on the profile. Very good track.
Dana: Seems like I am going high, Pete.
NASA 1: A little bit, Bill. You're beginning to move a little high now. Standby for your throttle back and speed brakes.
Dana: Yep.
NASA 1: Going a little high. Coming around nicely though, looks good here.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: We're right on the track. Standby for your panel.
Dana: Panel.
NASA 1: Rog, Bill, got your panel.
Dana: 5100, but it was only .......... 
NASA 1: OK. You're right on the track, Bill, and coming very close to the profile now.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: Standby for shutdown.
Dana: Got it.
NASA 1: And go to computed alpha.
Dana: Got it.
NASA 1: Start your left turn.
Dana: Got that too.
NASA 1: OK, and you can check your speed brakes at 4500.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: And your track and profile looking real good, Bill.
Dana: Check.
NASA 1: Fix your speed brakes, Bill.
Dana: .......... coming into 20, Pete.
NASA 1: OK, and we have you 50 miles now.
Dana: How about that.
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: Right on the profile and on the track, Bill. Looks very good.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: We have you 15 out of Cuddeback.
Dana: OK, coming out with the brakes again. Right on the profile. Computed alpha is reading 6.0. Going ball nose.
NASA 1: Rog, and you just passed 10 miles out of Cuddeback and I'll call you 5. 3.4 on the velocity, 5 miles north of Cuddeback, Bill.
Dana: Very good.
NASA 1: Right on the heading. 3 and you got the field in sight?
Dana: Confirmed.
NASA 1: Very good. You're coming abeam Cuddeback now, ball nose alpha.
Dana: We're on ball nose alpha and we're over to zero.
NASA 1: Rog.
.......... : 1 to 6 down.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: 2.5, Bill.
Dana: Up to 12. Back to zero and I got buffet at 11.
NASA 1: Rog, and we have you about 15 miles to the north now.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: OK, and the brakes are out and Chase 4, you still got him?
Chase: Negative.
NASA 1: OK, you can call jettison. And, about 1.7 now, Bill.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: 10 miles north.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: And we have you a little over 50,000.
Dana: OK, brakes are coming in. You call jettison when ever you want it, 4.
Chase: OK, jettison.
Dana: OK, we're in jettison about 5 north.
NASA 1: Rog, he's about 6 north of the base and a little bit west.
Chase: I'm in flight.
NASA 1: OK, very good. And, we have you at about 47,000, Bill.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: 5 north now.
Dana: OK, Pete. I got flaps, squat, kicker and 3rd skid.
NASA 1: OK, and engine master off.
Dana: Engine master off. Window shade down. Cooling switch off.
NASA 1: Very good.
Dana: Stick trim zero.
NASA 1: OK, you're coming subsonic, watch your alpha, Bill.
Dana: Chase at 35. 4, you got me?
Chase: Roger.
NASA 1: And we have you at about 40 here, Bill.
Dana: OK.
NASA 1: .......... off, Bill. You'll be going right over the base in about a mile or so, Chase.
Chase: I am in sight.
NASA 1: OK, very good. And, below 15,000 you can stop jettison on ammonia.
Dana: Will do, and I'll call it.
NASA 1: OK, looks very good here, Bill.
Dana: Yeah, looks fine here.
NASA 1: No more than a couple of knots of wind, Bill.
Dana: OK.
Chase: A little .......... 
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: Very good.
Dana: We got stop jettison on ammonia both switches, Pete.
NASA 1: Very good.
Dana: Full brakes again, 4.
Chase: OK.
NASA 1: You still got some brakes out, Bill.
Dana: Say again, Pete.
NASA 1: You got the brakes in. Thank you.
Dana: Rog, coming in.
Chase: You got 6 runway out here.
Dana: Very good.
NASA 1: Close one eye.
Dana: Peterson can fly this. Flaps are down.
Chase: Flaps.
Dana: Come to gear.
Chase: Get up. .......... , Pete.
Dana: OK.
Chase: 5 feet.
NASA 1: Very good, Bill.
Dana: OK, Pete. The heading 174. Inertial height below sea level. H dot zero. Delta H plus delta H dot coming off. Qp/Ql is zero. H dot readout is 20.0. Time on the engine clock is 91.4. EMS coming off. Honeywell disengaged. Flaps coming up. MH are open. Controls look good.
NASA 1: Inertial velocity, Bill.
Dana: Inertial velocity is zero, Pete.
NASA 1: Rog, and 08, say again.
Dana: Ball nose push to test doesn't look like a very good check to me, Pete. Good on my alpha, beta doesn't check on the push to test.
NASA 1: OK, pick up a calibrate.
Dana: Hydraulics, #1 33, #2 34. APU tank, #1 540, #2 580. Fox source zero. Cabin source 2450. APU sources, #1 2550, #2 27. #1 and #2 sources zero. APU bearing, #2 110, #1 100. Mixing chamber, #1 -46, #2 -43.