Plane: X-15-3 Date: 5-17-67
Flight: 3-59-89 T.O.: 0955
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1046
B-52: #003 Land: 1053
Pilots: Reschke/Cotton/Russell Total: :07
NASA 1: Adams B-52 Land: 1122

13 Minutes to launch
Dana: Are you ready to start the APU's? 
NASA 1: Rog, go ahead. 
Dana: #2 coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: #1. 
NASA 1: Clear for #1. 
Chase: Good exhaust. 
Dana: Generators. Engine is reset. Flaps are coming down, Don. 
Chase: Roger. 
Dana: Hydraulics are both reading 3450. The electrics are good. 
Chase: Flaps coming. 
Dana: Flaps coming back up. Trim is zero. My circuit breakers are in. Platform going internal. 
Chase: .......... 
B-52: Passed 12 minutes. 
Dana: Boost guidance beta set, boost guidance enable. 
NASA 1: 003, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger, 2° right. 
Dana: Computer is reset. EMS coming on. 
Russel: Starting analyzer check. 
Dana: qp/ql .15. H dot bug is zero. Cross pointer is zero. I have delta H plus delta H dot set. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: How many minutes do we have? 
B-52: 11 minutes and 45 now. 
NASA 1: About 11 minutes now. 
Dana: Precool is off. Zero H dot, 820 velocity, 45,000. a is +2, b is zero. Computed a is +2, computed b is zero. Back to ball nose a
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, understand. Jack McKay, you will be Chase 4 unless I tell you different. Rover, did you read?
Dana: He may be over picking up a clearance, Mike. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: 10 minute warning. 
NASA 1: I'll call 10 minutes. 10 minutes now. 
Dana: Roger, Mike. 
Chase: NASA 1, did you get my check-in? 
NASA 1: Roger, and be advised you are Chase 4 from now on unless I tell you different. 
Chase: Roger. 
NASA 1: Give you something to do. 
Chase 4: Airborne. 
NASA 1: Roger, Chase 4, and Rover, Jack, be Rover again, OK? 
Chase: Anything you say. 
NASA 1: Have a good time. 
Chase: How many minutes, Mike? 
NASA 1: We're coming up on 9. 003, where are you in time now? 
B-52: We're 45 seconds from 8 minutes. 
NASA 1: OK, that looks about right.
B-52: Bill Dana, 064 heading now. 
Dana: Roger, reading 063 here. 
Russel: MH-96 end of test on. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack, and we'll call 8 minutes, and we're about on time. 
B-52: Copy. 
Chase: Trim looks good, Bill. 
Dana: Thank you. 
NASA 1: Calling 8 minutes now. 
B-52: Copy. 
NASA 1: 389, Helicopter 361, we'd like your position on the West side of the lake, north of the NASA van again today, please. 
H-21: West shore, right, will go there right now. 
NASA 1: 672, are you still reading OK? 
Dana: Did you say 6 minutes, Mike? 
NASA 1: Negative, just a radio check with you. 
Dana: I hear you a little fuzzy, Mike, but I'm reading you. 
NASA 1: OK. We're about 7 minutes now, Bill. 
Dana: OK. 
B-52: Bank OK, NASA l? 
NASA 1: Rog, looks pretty good. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Dana: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. No blood pressure. Fire extinguisher going auto. Side stick trim is zero. 3 axis and MH is engaged. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Controls and trim look good. 
Chase: Check outside. 
NASA 1: We'll call 5 minutes.
B-52: Copy. 
NASA 1: 5 minutes now. 
Dana: OK, I got 2400 pounds of oxygen, going X-15 oxygen. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: We'll call 4 minutes. Roll out about 236, 003. 
B-52: Roger, out now. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
Dana: Are we topped off, Jack? 
Russel: Rog, complete. 
B-52: Copy the 4 minute call. 
Dana: Tank handle pressurized. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Lox tank is reading 49, ammonia tank 46. 4 jettison switches to jettison. Intercom is off. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Still reading you good, Mike. 
NASA 1: Good, Bill. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Dana: Surfaces are zero. Inertial velocity is 730, inertial altitude is 45,000. 
NASA 1: Roger. 003, 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right. 
Dana: #l APU is 80, #2 is 90. Data coming on. Calibrate. Precision heading looks good. 
NASA 1: Rog, Bill. 2° more right, 003. 
B-52: 2° right, and 2 minutes now. 
NASA 1: Roger. Passed 2 minutes, Bill. 
Dana: Sorry about that, Mike. IFDS altitude is on. 
NASA 1: 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right. 
Dana: Push to test ball nose. a and b look good. Sunshade coming up. 
NASA 1: Roger. We'll call l minute pretty soon. 
Dana: Roger, l minute, Mike. 
Chase: The nose looks square with the world today! 
NASA 1: We haven't called l minute yet, Bill. 
Dana: OK, Mike. 
NASA 1: We're about 15 seconds, I'd say. Calling l minute now.
Dana: Got it, Mike, cooling switch coming on. 
B-52: Got it. Launch master on. 45 seconds. 
Dana: Prime switch prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter switch. Tape. Heading looks real good. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and you sound good. 
Dana: I'm with you, Mike. 
B-52: 15 seconds. 
Dana: .......... look good, Mike. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill.
B-52: 5 seconds. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Good pump, Bill. Good light. Check your a, heading, throttle full open. You got a good heading. Coming up on profile. Standby for theta. Very good heading, Bill. You're right on profile. Coming through 50 now, be standing by for pushover, I'11 call it off. 
Dana: Right. 
NASA 1: Very good heading, 53, 54, 55. Heading is very good, you're right on profile. Looking very good, standby for throttle back and H dot. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: Standby for panel. You leveled off right on profile. 
Dana: Panel's off at 4500. 
NASA 1: We got it, Bill, very good. Stabilize to 4600. We have you shutdown at 47, check speed brakes. a, b, roll rate. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: You're 2-3° left of track, but you're coming nicely towards the base. 
Dana: 0K. How are we doing for Three Sisters? 
NASA 1: We're just abeam Three Sisters, Mach 4 and 70,000. 
Dana: OK, and brakes coming to 20. 
NASA 1: Be about 225 home. We're about 5 out of Cuddeback. Coming through 65,000, 3.2. 
Dana: OK, and the window shade is down, Mike. 
NASA 1: Coming abeam Cuddeback, Mach 3 and 63, just a little bit low.
Dana: OK, we're going over to zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. About 15 out, 2.5, and just came through 60,000. 
Dana: Up to 12. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill. 
Dana: I didn't get 12, I only got about 9. 
NASA 1: No sweat! We're Mach 2 and about 53, you might level it off a little bit. 
Dana: OK, Mike, brakes coming in. a is reading 4, b is zero. Computed is reading 4 and zero, Mike. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're about 5 miles out, 1.6 and about 47,000. 
Dana: OK, I'll level it here a little. 
NASA 1: 0K. About 191 or 190. 
Dana: OK. About 2 miles north of North Base, Chase 4, and 45,000. Want to jettison? 
Chase: Roger, go ahead. 
Dana: Jettison. 
NASA 1: 2 miles from high key, Bill, and you will be coming subsonic now. 
Dana: 0K. Have flap, squat, kicker, third skid, window shade, engine master. Jettison. Cooling switch and side stick trim is zero. 
NASA 1: OK, that's all I can think of. 
Chase: Jettisoning, Bill? 
Dana: I'm over Runway 23 and about 34,000, barometric? 
NASA 1: 090. 
Dana: Roger. I got it on the back side of a curve on that cut in, Mike. I think I'll just fly visual. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill. Your energy is looking good for the plotting board still. 
Dana: Rog. You got me, Chase? 
Chase: Not yet. 
NASA 1: He's about low key at 22,000 now. 
Dana: I'm reading 19,000. 
NASA 1: That's right where you ought to be. 
Dana: Approach end of 23. 
NASA 1: Very good. How's it looking, Bill? 
Dana: Real good, Mike, I'm on base leg, 310 indicated. Little bit of brake.
NASA 1: We have the brakes out, Bill. 
Dana: Yes. 
NASA 1: We have the brakes in now. 
Dana: OK.
Chase: .......... you're over your flare. 
NASA 1: And we will be standing by for flaps. 
Dana: We've got them. 
NASA 1: OK. We need a gear. 
Chase: 3, looks good. Good touchdown. 
NASA 1: Very, very good, Bill. 
Dana: Thank you. Inertial heading is 163, which looks good with the runway. Inertial altitude is 5,000 feet. Inertial rate of climb is zero. Velocity is zero. Resetting boost guidance beta. qp/ql is reading .15. H dot bug is still zero. EMS coming off. Controls are good. Hydraulics, #l is 33, #2 is 34. APU tanks, #l is 540, #2 is 580. Fox source zero. Cabin source is 2200. APU sources, #l is 26, #2 is 27. #1 and #2 are zero. APU bearings, #1 is 90 and #2 is 90. Mixing chambers, #2 is -35 and #1 is -45. IFDS power switch coming off.