Plane: X-15-3 Date: 8-19-66
Flight: 3-54-80 T.O.: 0903
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1004
B-52: #003 Land: 1014
Pilots: Fulton/Bowline/Russell Total: :10
NASA 1: Knight B-52 Land: 1045

12 Minutes to launch
Dana: #2 APU on. 
Chase: Looks good. 
Dana: There comes my hydraulic pressure. Am I cleared to start #l? 
NASA 1: Cleared to start #1.
Dana: #l on. 
Chase: #l looks good. 
Dana: Hydraulic pressure is coming on. Generators are reset. Engine is reset. Hydraulic pressures, both reading 3450. Voltages are both reading 200. 
B-52: 12 minutes about 12 seconds ago. 
Dana: Roger. 
Chase: Both .......... look good. 
Dana: Roger. Want to look at flaps now? 
Chase: Affirm. 
Dana: Coming down. 
Chase: Coming down. And down. 
Dana: Coming up. 
Chase: Coming up. And zero. 
Dana: Rog, and the trims are zero. Flap circuit breakers are both in. 
NASA 1: Rog, Bill. 
Chase: Confirm outside. 
Dana: Ready for the platform internal? 
NASA 1: OK. 
Dana: Roger, we're on internal. 
B-52: 11 minutes now. 
Dana: Rog. I got all three lights here. The instrument light went out immediately. 
NASA 1: Good. 
Dana: The other 2 punched right out and we have theta/beta selected. Ready for precool off, Pete? 
NASA 1: Precool off, Bill. 
Russel: Are you through item 20, Bill? 
Dana: Affirmative. 
Russel: Roger, starting analyzer check.
Dana: I'm reading zero H dot. 810 velocity. 43,500 on the inertial altitude. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Dana: Attitudes look good. a is reading 2°, b is reading zero, computed a is reading 1° and b is reading 2° nose left or needle right. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
NASA 1: OK. 
B-52: Heading is about 31-1/2. 
NASA 1: Rog. And the radiometer is on, Bill? 
Dana: Rog, Pete, radiometer is on and we're back on ball nose a
NASA 1: OK. NASA 1 will call 8 minutes. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: All chase aircraft, 4806 is 45,000 and above, 2524 is 40,000, 2509 is 40,000 and above, 2502 is 25,000 and above. Fitz and Bill, we're calling 8 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: Roger. 
Russel: MH-96 end of test out. 
NASA 1: Rog, looks good here. 
B-52: About 7 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog, time is good. 
Chase: Elevator trim is now back to neutral. 
NASA 1: Roger. Go ahead, NASA 9. 
NASA 9: Did Bill turn the experiment switch on along with the radiometer switch? 
NASA 1: Bill, did you get the experiment switch on with the radiometer? 
Dana: Negative, Pete, I think it goes on in about 2 minutes, doesn't it? 
NASA 1: Rog, OK. 
Dana: It's the last item in my 2 minute check. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Chase: You still have a slight leak out the right BCS. 
Dana: OK, Don. 
NASA 1: Pretty small, Don? 
Chase: Right. 
B-52: 6 minutes here. 
NASA 1: OK on the 6 minutes. 
Dana: Rog, aux cabin pressure switch on. Fire extinguisher going to auto. Side stick trim is zero. And we're turning the Honeywell on. And the Honeywell BCS is on auto. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 105. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Controls are checked. Will prime the roll BCS again, Don. 
Chase: Roger. 
Dana: Left roll. 
Chase: Left roll. Right roll. 
Dana: Rog. They both look good? 
Chase: Roger, both look good. 
Dana: I should have zero on the stabilizer. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Dana: Roger. 2300 on X-15 oxygen. Going to X-15 oxygen. 
B-52: You'll call 4, NASA l? 
NASA 1: We will call 4 minutes. 
B-52: How does the turn rate look? 
NASA 1: Turn looks good. 
Dana: Cabin altitude is 36,000, Pete. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Lox topoff complete. 
NASA 1: OK. Roll out on 213. 
B-52: 213, Roger. 
NASA 1: This will be the 4 minute point, Fitz. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
Dana: Tank handle going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Dana: Lox tank is reading 48, ammonia 46. Jettison switches in jettison, are you ready for a jettison check? 
Chase: Roger. Jettison check. 
Dana: Rog, and going to pressurize. We have 4 jettison switches in jettison. 
NASA 1: Rog, Bill. 
Dana: Intercom is off, how do you read, Pete? 
NASA 1: Rog, read you 5 square. 
Dana: Roger. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Dana: Rog. Looks like my surfaces are zero. 
Chase: Good check. 
Dana: Velocity is 750, altitude 43,500. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill. 
Dana: APU bearings, both reading 100. 
NASA 1: Roger. Come 2° left, Fitz. 
B-52: 2° left. 
Dana: Got data on, Honeywell data on and getting a calibrate.
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Dana: IFDS altitude switch is on. Inertials good. 
NASA 1: Roger. We'll count down to 1 minute. 
Dana: Rog, and we got a good test on the ball nose. a is reading 2°, b is reading zero. Computed a is reading 1, computed b reading zero. We're back on the ball nose. 
NASA 1: Rog. 2° more left, Fitz. 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: Sunshade is up, Pete. Experiment is on. 
NASA 1: Roger. And about 8 seconds to countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - 1 minute. 
Dana: Rog, punched the clock. 
NASA 1: Roll out on the launch heading, Fitz. 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter switch. Tape on. Reading 212. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: 15 seconds, pump. Manifolds are coming up and second stage. How do we look, Pete? 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bill. 
Dana: Ready to launch. 3, 2, . 
NASA 1: Got a good light here, Bill. Watch your a. Check your throttle full on. 
Dana: Throttle is full on, Pete. 
NASA 1: Rog, get your a, Bill and standby for theta. Track and profile looking real good here, Bill. Coming up on 70,000 now. Track and profile are real good. Track is looking real good. Profile is beautiful, coming up on 100,000. Standby for shutdown. 
Dana: Roger. 
NASA 1: And we have a shutdown, Bill.
Dana: I'm on alpha/beta, coming over to zero a. Reading zero and zero. Computer is reading 2 and zero. And back to the ball nose. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: And I'm coming a little high on a now so I'll push back over to zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. Zero a and your track looks real good, Bill. 
Dana: Roger. Engine master is off, Pete. 
NASA 1: Roger. Track and profile looking real good, Bill. Looks like you'll be a little bit to the right of track when you come in. 
Dana: OK. My .......... is reading high, Pete, I'm going to computed a again. 
NASA 1: Rog, going to computed a
Dana: Reading O and O. Computer is reading O and O. Back to ball nose. Speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: Rog, speed brakes out to 20. We got your speed brakes. We got you peaking out at about 174, Bill. 
Dana: Sorry about that. Say, this is a nice view from here! 
NASA 1: Careful now. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: And you will be just to the right of track coming back in. Looks like your first turn will be to the left. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: You can check your theta now, watch your a coming up. 17. And we got your a
Dana: Reading 18 and zero. Computed reading 17 and zero. Back to ball nose. 
NASA 1: Rog, Bill. Watch your a now. Got you coming back through 140. 
Dana: How about that? 
NASA 1: We're about 5 miles to right of course and we got you coming through 120,000 now. 
Dana: OK, I'm just a little low on "g", I'm going up to about 18°. 
NASA 1: Roger. I've seen this run before! 
Dana: Yes. 
NASA 1: Coming through 100,000 now. You're about 5 miles to right of track. Real good, Bill. Excellent, coming through 85,000 now. Watch your H dot. Passing 50 miles now, looking real good. About 7 miles to right of track. 
Dana: What's my heading going to be, Pete? 
NASA 1: Your heading will be about 195. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: Your energy is real good. Give you a distance out very shortly. You're about 10 north of Cuddeback now. 
Dana: And up to 12. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Dana: Stick to zero. 
NASA 1: OK, 35, and just coming abeam Cuddeback. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: About 190 on heading. 
Dana: Rog, back to 12. 
NASA 1: Rog, got you coming up to 12. Let's get the speed brakes out, Bill, we show about 3. 
Dana: Brakes out. 
NASA 1: About 20 miles out. 
Dana: Boards coming full out. 
NASA 1: Rog, brakes full out. 
Dana: And back to zero. 
NASA 1: Back to zero. We got you about 25 now. 12 miles north. Let's keep her coming down, Bill. 
Dana: OK, down we come. 
NASA 1: Coming through 60,000 now. Have you got the field in site out there? 
Dana: Yep, I got it. I'll give you .......... point here, Pete, I got to get this inertial down. 
NASA 1: OK. Boards out and they're coming down, you're in real good shape, Bill. We got you coming across the highway now. You got him, Chase 4? 
Dana: Are you ready for jettison, Mike? 
Chase: I don't have you, go ahead. 
Dana: OK, I'm at 40,000 over the field. 
NASA 1: We got you at about 40,000 now, Bill. 
Dana: OK, the boards are coming in. 
NASA 1: Rog, boards coming in. 
Dana: I got my flaps, squat, kicker, third skid is armed, cameras coming on. 
NASA 1: Rog, Bill, and you're coming subsonic, watch your a
Dana: Rog. Say, guess I didn't get experiment switch on.
NASA 1: Say again? 
Dana: I forgot my experiment switch. In traffic pattern anyway. 
NASA 1: OK, did you read off all that stuff? 
Dana: I'm through item 8. We're in jettison, that's item 9. Stick trim is zero, Pete. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Dana: Engine master is off. 
NASA 1: Rog, and we got the engine master. And it's looking real good here. 
Dana: Looks good here too. 
Chase: I show you about 26. 
Dana: OK and still .......... going on center stick. 
NASA 1: OK, going on center stick? 
Dana: That's affirm. 
NASA 1: OK. Get your trim on the center stick? 
Dana: Not yet. 
Chase: 20,000. 
Dana: Rog, Mike. Indicating about 310. 
NASA 1: Watch your angle of attack coming around. 
Dana: Will do, Pete. 
NASA 1: Any buffet? 
Dana: No, no buffet. 
Chase: 11, 000. 
Dana: Very good. 
Chase: Little speed brakes. 
Dana: Yes. I don't want you to be with me at landing to see how messy I am. 
Chase: OK. 
NASA 1: Watch those speed brakes, Bill. 
Dana: Yes, I'm watching them, Pete. It was Mike I meant. Rolled in +2 on the side stick trim. 
NASA 1: OK. Brakes full in, Bill? 
Dana: One skosh! 
NASA 1: OK. We got them full in. 
Dana: Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps. 
Dana: And the gear. 
Chase: Nose gear. About 4, 2, 1, push, pull! That was a beauty, Willy! 
Dana: Yes, that was well controlled, Pedro! My inertial heading is 183. Inertial height is right at zero. Inertial rate of climb is zero. Inertial velocity is zero. X-15 oxygen pressure is 1600. #1 is reading +5 and #2 is reading -40. Hydraulics look good. Control gas is zero. No peroxide low light. Fox source is zero, #1 and #2 are zero. APU sources, #1 is 1750 and #2 is 2150. Cabin source is 2000. 
NASA 1: Total reset, Bill? 
Dana: I hit it Pete.