Plane: X-15-3 Date: 8-4-66
Flight: 3-53-79 T.O.: 0906
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 0955
B-52: #008 Land: 1003
Pilots: Doryland/Bowline/Russell Total: :08
NASA 1: McKay B-52 Land: 1045

12 Minutes to launch
Dana: Ready for the APU's, Jack? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Dana: #2 coming on. 
Chase: .......... 
Dana: Good hydraulics. Ready for #l? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: #l on. 
Chase: It's lit. 
Dana: Good hydraulics. 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Dana: Generators are reset. Engine is reset. Hydraulics are both reading 3450. Electrics are good. Are you ready for the control and flaps, chase? 
Chase: Roger. 
Dana: Flaps up. 
Chase: Flaps are up. 
NASA 1: 008, come 4° right. 
B-52: Roger, 4° right. 11 minutes, level 450. 
Dana: Trim is zero, how does the stabilizer look? 
Chase: Looks good. 
Dana: OK, flap circuit breakers are in. Are we ready for IFDS power internal? 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and we will call the 11 minute point. 
Dana: OK. 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: Got a gross light when the power switch came on to internal. Got all three lights. Now the instrument lights are out, I'm going to punch out the ........ Computer punched out and I'm reading zero H dot. Velocity 810 and altitude 44,000. 
NASA 1: 11 minutes now. 
Dana: Precool off. 
Russel: MH-96 analyzer check. 
NASA 1: Did you get the 11 minute point? 
Dana: Roger, Jack. Jack Russell, starting the analyzer check, we got a check on the inertial gages, looks good. Attitudes are good, a is reading 3°, theta/beta reset. b is 1° needle left. Computed a, I'm reading 11/2° and about 2° needle right. Back to ball nose a and we're still reading 3° and 1° needle left.
Russel: NASA 1, affirmative on 14. 
NASA 1: Bill, wiggle the stick around center and proceed. 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: 2° right. 132 is in position, did you get that, NASA l?
NASA 1: Roger.
Dana: Radio .......... is on, Jack.
NASA 1: Roger. 008, come 2° right. 
B-52: Roger. 
Chase: NASA 1, are you aware of some wet spots on Grapevine? 
NASA 1: Roger, we checked them yesterday and they're OK, thank you. 008, your 8 minute point is good for your turn. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: We'll call the 8 minute point. 
B-52: 8 minutes now, starting the turn. 
Russel: MH-96 end of test on. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 105. 
B-52: 6 minutes to launch. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: OK, Bill? 
Dana: Rog, 6 minutes. Aux cabin pressure coming on. Blood pressure. Fire extinguisher to auto. Side stick trim is zero. MH-96 coming on. BCS off. Controls look good and trim is zero. 
Chase: You have a very slight leak on the peroxide ...... 
Dana: Rog. 
Chase: Very small. 
Dana: OK. Does that look like left roll? 
Chase: Rog. 
Dana: Right roll. 
Chase: Good. 
Dana: Flaps. 
Chase: Good. 
Dana: OK, X-15 oxygen pressure is 300, going X-15 oxygen. 
NASA 1: Roger. 008, tighten your turn. 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: On X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is 36,000, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill. 
Russel: 5 minutes?
B-52: That's affirmative, 5 minutes, coming on 4. Will you call it, NASA l?
NASA 1: Roger.
Russel: Lox topoff is complete. 
Dana: Tank handle to pressurize. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 008, roll out on 163°. 
B-52: Roger, 163°. 
Dana: Lox tank is reading 49, ammonia tank 48. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill. 
Dana: We have Lox and ammonia switches to jettison, going to jettison. 
Chase: Good jettison. 
Dana: Intercom off, Jack, how do you read? 
NASA 1: Read you 5 square, Bill. 
Dana: Rog. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Dana: Roger. Control surfaces are zero. H dot is zero, my inertial velocity 750, and inertial altitude 44,000. What altitude do you read, Dory? 
NASA 1: 008, come 2 ° right. 
B-52: Roger, 2° right. Did you want pressure altitude, Bill? 
Dana: Yes. 
B-52: 45,100. 
Dana: Rog. #1 and #2 APU bearing temps, 80. Data is on. MH data is on. Calibrate. 
NASA 1: What is your angle of attack, Bill? 
Dana: Angle of attack is 2.7°. 
B-52: 2 minutes to launch. 
NASA 1: Roger. Come 4° right, 008. 
B-52: 4° right. 
NASA 1: We will countdown to the 1 minute point. 
Dana: IFDS altitude switch is on. Ready to push to test ball nose, Jack. 
NASA 1: Roger, Bill, and we'll count the 1 minute point. 
Dana: OK. Ball nose test looked good. We're back to 2-1/2° a. Slightly needle left on b
NASA 1: Roger. 008, come 4° more on right turn. 
B-52: 4° right. 
Dana: Sunshade is up, Jack. 
NASA 1: Roger. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 minute. 
B-52: Roger, got the hack, Jack. 
Dana: I'm reading a heading of 168. Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle switch. Tape on. Pump idle. Manifold's coming up. 2nd stage coming up, how does it look, Jack? 
NASA 1: Looks very good, Bill, let's go. 
Dana: Ready to launch. 2, 1. 
NASA 1: Got a good light down here, Bill. 
Dana: Looks good here, Jack. 
NASA 1: Watch your angle of attack. And you're coming up on profile. Standby for theta, Bill. On heading, on profile. Paralleling the track and standby for your pushover. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Profile and track are good, Bill. Coming up on 70,000 now. Track and profile are good. You're just left of track. On profile, on track. Standby for shutdown. 
Dana: Roger. 
NASA 1: We have your shutdown, go to your a/b
Dana: Rog, Jack a/b
NASA 1: About 5.5 on shutdown, Bill. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. Fixed gain. Rudder pulse. Yaw rudder pulse. 
NASA 1: Mach 5, Bill. Roll off. We have about 46 down here, Bill. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Looks very good. And you're paralleling the track very good, Bill.
Dana: Rog Jack. 
NASA 1: We have you coming level about 130K. 
Dana: Rog, Jack, I'm showing 128. Speed brakes coming in 20°. 
NASA 1: We have your speed brakes. Coming down hill. Kind of black up there, isn't it? 
Dana: Yes, kind of is. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, you're coming down the track real nice and you're on profile. 
Dana: How about that? 
NASA 1: And you're just abeam of Panamint Lake. You should have the field in site very shortly.
Dana: OK. I got a little too much speed here right now to see it. This thing handles a lot better, dampers off, than the simulator does. 
NASA 1: About 45. 
Dana: The yaw is back off. Dampers are off. 
NASA 1: We're showing about 150 q. 
Dana: How about that? And up to 10. 
NASA 1: Real good profile, Bill.
Dana: Little buffet there, Jack, particularly pitch damper off. 
NASA 1: OK, and you're coming up on the 50 mile point. There's 50 miles. 
Dana: Pitch damper's on, Jack. Hold my turn here until I break my rate of descent. 
NASA 1: About 42. And you can come out with some brakes. 
Dana: Want them full out? 
NASA 1: Showing about 1000 q. 
Dana: Going up to 10. 
NASA 1: You're coming by Cuddeback at 38, Bill. 
Dana: OK, Jack. How's my altitude look? 
NASA 1: 65,000, and you should see the field. 
Dana: Yes, I do. 
NASA 1: OK, Bill, take it from there. 
Dana: And up to 10. What are you showing for altitude, Jack? 
NASA 1: Full brakes and 20 miles, Bill. 
Dana: Full boards coming out. 
NASA 1: 60,000. And you're about 15 miles. 24. And a 22, check your pressure altimeter, Bill. 
Dana: OK, reading 45 on it, Jack. 
NASA 1: There's 10 miles. 
Dana: OK, engine master off. 
NASA 1: 50,000 at l.8. 
Dana: Oh boy, I had all kinds of energy today! 
NASA 1: 1.5. Keep your boards out, you're still at 1.4. 
Dana: OK, and I'm back to 10°. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 40,000 at 1.2. You can jettison any time and watch your angle of attack on this turn, Bill. 
Dana: Right. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes in. 
Dana: They're coming in, Jack. They're in. Got .......... circuit breakers in, Jack, and ventral is armed. Engine master off, camera coming on, radiometer off. Accelerometer off and we're in jettison, all day long!
NASA 1: OK, Bill. Turn your blood pressure switch on. 
Dana: Blood pressure on. How are you doing, Chase 4? 
Chase: I'm at your 6 o'clock. 
Dana: OK. 
NASA 1: Check your sunshade retract, Bill. 
Dana: The sunshade is down, Jack. 
NASA 1: Camera on, Bill? 
Dana: Roger, the camera is on and the .......... is a +2. And we're going to have to have a little brake here, Chase 4. 
Chase: Roger. 
NASA 1: We're showing about 8° of brakes here, Bill. 
Dana: Roger, Jack, sorry about that, Chase 4. 
Chase: No sweat! 
Dana: Flaps. 
Chase: Nose and gear. Mains are down, nose is down and locked. 
Dana: Rog. 
Chase: 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you're down, push, pull! 
NASA 1: Looks like a good one, Bill. 
Dana: Yes, Jack. Heading indicates 186 which should be real close to aircraft heading. Inertial height is reading 2000 feet below sea level. Velocity is zero. H dot is zero. X-15 oxygen is 1500. Hydraulics good. Generators look good. Control gas is reading zero. APU bearings, #1 is 80, and #2 is 80. Peroxide low light is off. Mixing chambers are -45 on #2 and -50 on #1. Fox source is zero. #1 and #2 are zero. APU sources, #1 is 23 and #2 is 21. Cabin source is 2000.