Plane: X-15-3 Date: 7-18-66
Flight: 3-52-78 T.O.: 1052
Pilot: William H. Dana Launch: 1138
B-52: #003 Land: 1146
Pilots: Fulton/Doryland/Russell Total: :08
NASA 1: McKay B-52 Land:  

12 Minutes to launch
Dana: Ready to start the APU's, Jack? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Dana: #2 APU on. Hydraulics are coming up. OK to start #l? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Dana: #l on. Hydraulics coming up. Both generators reset. Hydraulic pressures 3450. Voltages are right at 200. Ready for flap cycle? 
Chase: Roger. 
Dana: Flaps down. 
NASA 1: Engine reset, Bill? 
Chase: Flaps coming down, both sides. 
Dana: Flaps coming up. Engine is reset. 
B-52: Exactly 11 minute warning and we're rolling 450. 
Dana: Flaps are up and ...... Precool is off. Ready for the audio IFDS power switch internal? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: Platform internal, we don't have any warning lights. q/b is reset. No MH oscillograph light, there we go! Got a momentary instrument light, we still have gross to the computer. 
Russel: Ready for the MH-96 now? 
Dana: Affirmative, Jack. 
Russel: Starting check. 
Dana: Rog. The gross computer light punched out, Jack, the inertials look good. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Bill. 
B-52: 10 minute warning and I'm 031°. 
Dana: Roger, 030 here, Charlie. H dot is reading zero. Velocity is reading 820. Altitude is 45,000. a is reading 7-1/2°, b about zero. Computed b is on. a is reading 7°, computed b zero. Computed b is back off and we're on ball nose a.
NASA 1: Roger. Give us an a readout, Bill. 
Dana: Reading 7-1/2 on the ball nose. 7° now. 
NASA 1: 7-1/2, is that right? 
Dana: Roger, right at the moment it's 7.0. 
NASA 1: Keep an eye on it. 
Dana: Keep an eye on what? 
NASA 1: On the angle of attack. 
Dana: OK, Jack, 7.2. 
B-52: NASA 1, will you call 8 minutes? 
NASA 1: We'll call 8 minutes. Give us a cabin altitude check, Bill. 
Dana: Cabin altitude is 35,000. 
NASA 1: 8 minutes now, you can start your turn. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
Russel: MH-96 end of test on. 
NASA 1: Roger. Bill, give us a push to test on the ball nose. 
Dana: Push to test and reading -9 1/2°, and b almost full needle right. It's now back to a ..... 
NASA 1: What are you reading on angle of attack now? 
Dana: Reading 2-1/2. 
NASA 1: Understand 2-1/2. 
Dana: Roger. 
NASA 1: OK, looks pretty good. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 105. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: Just passed 6 minutes. 
Dana: 6 minutes, Roger. 
NASA 1: We'll call 4 minutes. 
Dana: We have aux cabin pressure on, Jack. No blood pressure. Fire extinguisher is on auto. We have zero side stick trim. 96 is on. Honeywell BCS is off. 
NASA 1: Roger. Chase 1, how is the stabilizer position? 
Chase: Stabilizer is zero and the rudder is cocked rudder right. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: Just passed 5 minute warning. 
Dana: 5 minutes, Roger. Reading 2200 on X-15 oxygen. We're on X-15 oxygen. Cabin altitude is still 36. 
Russel: Lox topoff is complete. 
Dana: Want to do the roll BCS again? 
NASA 1: Give us one, Bill. 
Chase: Roger, go ahead.
Dana: Left. 
Chase: Good. 
Dana: Right. 
Chase: Good. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
Dana: Tank handle to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Come right to 216°. 
B-52: Roger, right 216°. 
NASA 1: And we have called the 4 minute point. 
B-52: Roger, we got it, thank you. 
Dana: The tank pressures are both 47. I have 3 jettison switches to jettison. Tank handle to jettison. Going to pressurize. 
Chase: Jettison stopped. 
Dana: Rog, and we have 3 jettison switches to jettison, Jack. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: I have the intercom on, how do you read, Jack? 
NASA 1: Read you 5 square. 
Dana: Rog. My surfaces are indicating zero. 
B-52: 3 minute warning. 
NASA 1: Turn right 2°. 
Dana: .......... 600, inertial altitude is 45,000. 
NASA 1: 003, turn right 2°. 
B-52: Right 2°. Bill, did you get the 3 minute warning? 
Dana: Rog, got the 3 minute warning. APU bearings, 100 on #1 and 100 on #2. Are you ready for data and Honeywell, Jack? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
Dana: Data is on, calibrate, and MH oscillograph is on. Didn't show up any lights in the cockpit. 
NASA 1: 003, come right 2°. 
B-52: Right 2° and calling 2 minute warning. 
NASA 1: We'll call 1 minute. 
Dana: Rog, and was that 2 minutes just now? 
B-52: Roger. 
Dana: IFDS altitude switch is on. Jack, do you want another ball nose test? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Dana: OK, reading -9 and almost full right sideslip on the ball nose test, now reading 1.8° and zero b
NASA 1: Roger. Sunshade, Bill? 
Dana: Say again? 
NASA 1: Your sunshade, is that up? 
Dana: Rog, its up, Jack. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. Roll out 2°. Did you get that 1 minute? 
Dana: Rog Jack, I got the 1 minute.
B-52: 003 turning 213°. 
Dana: Prime switch to prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter switch on. Tape coming on. Pump idle. 
Chase: Looks good. 
Dana: Jack, the gages look good, we're ready to launch. 
NASA 1: Looks good here Bill. 
Dana: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 
Chase: Got a good light. 
NASA 1: Good light, Bill. a looks good. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: We have you just a little low on thrust, Bill. You're looking good. Coming up on theta. Good profile, good heading, Bill. 
Dana: Roger. 
NASA 1: Check your theta. Standby for your pushover. Looking good, coming up on 70,000 now, Bill. On heading, on profile. 75,000. Standby for H dot. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: There's 80,000 now. Your course and heading are looking very good, Bill. Check your H dot and a. Standby for your shutdown. We have your shutdown. 97,000. Velocity is 45, Bill. Fixed gain. 
Dana: Roger. 
NASA 1: You're going just a little right of course. On profile. 43 on velocity. Profile is looking good, just little right of course. A turn will straighten it out. 
Dana: Roger. We're over to zero a and to a/b
NASA 1: About 300 "q" and we have your turn. 50 miles, Bill. 37 on velocity. Inside the 50 mile mark, Bill. 
Dana: Roger, Jack. 
NASA 1: You're looking very good. 36 on velocity and we have you coming downhill. Engine master off. Have you coming up on Cuddeback, Bill, you 're looking very good.
Dana: Rog, Jack, boards coming out. 
NASA 1: Have 34 on the Mach. And you're just abeam of Cuddeback, Bill. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: Yaw damper off. 3300. And you're going about 800 "q", very good. Yaw damper back to adaptive. 
Dana: Rog, yaw damper on. 
NASA 1: 60,000. 
Dana: OK. How far out am I? 
NASA 1: Check your computed a, and we have you about 15 miles. You should see the field, about 24 on the Mach. 
Dana: Rog, reading 3 and zero on the regular a and 3 and zero on computed and back to ball nose. 
NASA 1: Roger. Mach 2 and bleed your brakes in, Bill. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: 16 on the Mach and bring your brakes in, Bill, you'll lose your speed in that turn. 
Dana: Rog. 
NASA 1: Check all your controls, your dampers, and everything. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: We have your speed brakes coming in, Bill. 
Dana: Rog, speed brakes are in, Jack. I'm about 35,000. Got all my circuit breakers and ventral is armed. Ready to go to jettison, Jerry? 
NASA 1: Rog. Go to jettison anytime. 
Chase: OK, got your jettison. 
NASA 1: Pull your window shade or retract it, Bill. 
Dana: Say again, Jack? 
NASA 1: Retract your window shade. 
Dana: It's up, I mean it's down. Got me, Jerry? 
Chase: Rog. 
NASA 1: We have about 7 knots of wind down here from 250. 
Dana: Mighty fine, Jack. And we're going to aux jettison on the ammonia. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Check your third skid now, Bill. 
NASA 1: Check your trim to zero. 
Dana: Rog, trim is zero and speed brakes are in. And just a little push. 
NASA 1: We have you coming through 20,000. Do you have him, Chase? 
Chase: Roger, he's at 16,000. 
NASA 1: Go to your pressure altimeter, Bill. 
Dana: Rog, I'm on it, Jack. 
Chase: Check your side stick trim.
NASA 1: Watch your a, Bill, while you're coming subsonic. 
Dana: Rog, Jack. Side stick trim is zero. I got the brakes out a little bit, but I'll back in. 
Chase: I got 350, Bill. 
Dana: OK, I'm only reading 325 here. 
NASA 1: Check your dive brakes closed, Bill. 
Dana: I'll get them in before the gear. Speed brakes in. Flaps. 
Chase: Coming down. 
Dana: And the gear. 
Chase: Your mains, your nose is coming down, Willie! 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, you're down, Bill! 
NASA 1: Real good one, Bill! 
Dana: Thank you, Jack. Heading of 189 and that looks good with respect here with the lakebed line. Inertial height is just barely below sea level. Rate of climb is zero. Velocity is zero. Aux pressure is 1200. Honeywell is off, don't ask me how it got that way. 
NASA 1: Probably went off on touchdown, stick kicker. 
Dana: Roger. Hydraulic pressures look good. APU temps, #1 is 90 and #2 is 80. Control gas is just above zero. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers, #2 is -40 and #1 is -45. Fox source is zero. #1 and #2 are zero. Control gas is essentially zero. Cabin source is 22. APU sources, #1 is 24 and #2 is 25.