Plane: X-15-3 Date: 10-27-65
Flight: 3-51-75 T.O.: 0956
Pilot: John B. McKay Launch: 1049
B-52: #003 Land: 1101
Pilots: Fulton/Jones/Russell Total: :12
NASA 1: Rushworth B-52 Land: 1120

12 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
NASA 1: Jack, we're 12 minutes, go ahead with the APU. 
McKay: OK, #2 coming on. 
NASA 1: We'll watch it after the analyzer check as it's going to pop off there. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: #2 looks good, Jack. 
McKay: #l. 
Chase: It's started. 
McKay: Reset generators. Engine reset. I'm reading about 200, 190 on voltage. 3500 on hydraulics. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Chase: Zero trim. 
McKay: Coming up. Circuit breakers. Flaps coming up. Going internal. Precool off. 
Russel: Rog, starting analyzer check. 
McKay: 36,000 on altitude. 860 on velocity, zero on H dot. Trim looks good, about 3° left, right now. 
Russel: About 85 velocity. 
McKay: 032 heading, 2° a and b is zero. 
Russel: Temporary on 14, going off. Range +1, cross range zero. 
NASA 1: Very good. 8 now. 
B-52: Is that 8 now? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
B-52: Starting turn. 
Russel: MH-96 end of test now. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: MH oscillograph off. 
Chase: Still got about 3° leading edge up, Jack. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 95. 
McKay: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher auto. Cycling controls, trim is zero. BCS check. 
NASA 1: How's the trim on the stabilizer? 
Chase: It's not much. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Chase: Trim is zero. 
McKay: Rog, trim zero.
Russel: Topoff is complete. 
McKay: Topoff is complete. X-15 oxygen, 2600. 
Chase: .......... is looking.......... out the lower left wing now. 
McKay: .......... altitude is 35,500 .......... 
NASA 1: Confirm your experiment switch went on back there. 
McKay: Roger, Bob. Affirm experiment switch is on and MH switch is off. 
NASA 1: Very good. 
McKay: .......... complete. 
B-52: 4 minutes, rolling 215. 
McKay: Going to pressurize. Tanks are coming up. .......... 
NASA 1: 003, come right 2°. 
B-52: 217°. 
McKay: How do you read X-15, Bob? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, how me? 
McKay: 5 square. 
NASA 1: Jack, will you cycle the peroxide jettison switch? 
McKay: Peroxide jettison. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Surfaces are zero. Velocity is about 800. 
Russel: 777 here. 
McKay: .......... is zero. APU bearing temps, +50 on #1 and #2. Delta psi to standby. 
NASA 1: Roger, go to stop jettison on peroxide. 
McKay: Roger, cycle it again, Bob. 
NASA 1: Go to stop jettison. 
McKay: Rog. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
McKay: Rog, 2 minutes. Data on, oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose. b is reading about 1/2° nose right, a is 2°. Cine camera pulse. Head bumper. 
Russel: 785 on velocity, Jack. 
McKay: OK, my needle is 83 on last digit. 
B-52: Call 1, NASA l? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. Right on the time. 
B-52: He has about 50 seconds. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. 
McKay: 1 minute. Re-light. Precool. Igniter idle. Tape to 15. Things are looking good, how's everything down there?
NASA 1: Looks good here, Jack. 
McKay: Pump. Coming up, second stage, 150, 275 on the pressures. Things looking good. Ready to launch, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
NASA 1: Good on angle of attack, Jack, hold it there at 11. 
McKay: Roll hold is on. 
NASA 1: Get the angle of attack up. Get to 11. Track is good, hold angle of attack, Jack. 
McKay: Theta now? 
NASA 1: Roger, you're on theta. Profile looking real good. On profile, 80,000 now. Little bit steep, Jack. 100 now. 110 now, just a little bit steep. Looks very good here, Jack. Time for shutdown. 160,000 and engine master off. Looks good. Check your b now. Delta psi whenever you want to. 220 now, Jack. Going a little bit low on altitude. 
McKay: How do you read me, Bob? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, how me? 
McKay: Little noise in background. 
NASA 1: OK, that looks like peak altitude, you've gone by, you can set your speed brakes and check your trim. Set your speed brakes and check your trim again. Chase 4, he's going to be a little bit short on energy, coming in sooner. 
Chase: Roger. 
McKay: What did you get for peak altitude, Bob? 
NASA 1: About 235, Jack. Have little too much speed brakes out, Jack, push a little bit back in. Not too much. Put delta psi standby, hold your 22°. Your angle of attack looks real good and you are going to have to turn left when you come out the bottom. Looks good, roll hold off if you can. Watch your H dot, Jack, and when you can, start a left turn. You can start your left turn now, if you can. 
McKay: Got it, Bob. 
NASA 1: Roger, got the base in site, off about 10 o'clock? 
McKay: Roger.
NASA 1: Brakes in and start around. Stop there to go to zero H dot, we show you 70,000 right there, very good, level. Chase 4, he's about 30 miles NW. 
Chase: Roger. 
NASA 1: Energy looks good, Jack. 
McKay: Roger, Bob, got the field in site. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Jettison any time. 
Chase: OK, go ahead, Jack. 
McKay: Ready for jettison? 
Chase: Roger, go ahead, I'm having trouble picking you up. 
McKay: OK, Joe, I'm heading south now. How's my altitude, Bob? 
NASA 1: Roger, present time a little over 70,000. 70,000 feet now and 20 miles west. You can go to aux jettison on ammonia. 
McKay: On peroxide. 
NASA 1: Hold the peroxide, Jack. 
McKay: Roger. 
Chase: Now, Bob. 
NASA 1: Do you have him? He's just south of Mojave right now. 
Chase: Roger. 
McKay: I'm on east part of Rosamond Lake, Bob. 
NASA 1: That's affirmative, you're right on the edge. About 55,000 feet. And you're subsonic. 
McKay: Brakes coming in. 
NASA 1: Right over south base now. 
Chase: Thank you, Bob. 
McKay: Got a little buffet. Level at 245, 41,000 and 8°. 10° angle of attack. Full speed brakes. 
Chase: I'm ahead of you, Jack, are you coming down on low key position? 
McKay: Rog, I'm about 35 .......... losing altitude, Joe. 
NASA 1: For the east shore, Joe. 
Chase: Rog, I got him now. Showing 32,000 now, Jack. 
McKay: Got me Joe? 
Chase: Rog, I'm climbing up, attitude and latitude? 
McKay: 250. Ready for peroxide jettison, Bob? 
NASA 1: Get the experiment off now, Jack, check your circuit breakers.
Chase: I'm showing 23,000 now. 
McKay: Roger. 
NASA 1: Circuit breakers, Jack? 
McKay: Circuit breakers checked, Bob. 
Chase: 15,000 now, Jack. 
McKay: Roger, 275.
NASA 1: Speed brakes in, Jack. 
Chase: You got your speed brakes out, Jack. I show about 280, coming down. Gear. 10, 5 feet, 2, 1, beauty, push! 
McKay: Just got a peroxide low light. OK in the cockpit. Experiment is off. Inertial heading is 218°. Oxygen pressure is 1800. Velocity is reading about 550. Hydraulic pressures, 3500 on #1 and #2. Temperatures, peroxide tank pressure is 550 on #1 & #2. Bearing temp is 100 on #1, +50 on #2. Mixing chambers are -40 on #1 and #2. Engine source, Fox is zero, #1 and #2 are 1400. APU source pressures, #1 is 15, #2 is 23. Cabin source is 1700.