Flight No.: 3-51-75 Scheduled Date: October 28, 1965

Pilot: John B. McKay

Purpose: To obtain data for the following programs:

1. NSL Scanner (Exp. 3C) - (Joe Lapierre)

2. BLN - (Tom Lewis)

3. Horizontal Stabilizer Loads - (B. Meneely)

Instrumentation Engineer: Febo Bartoli

Launch: Delamar Lake on a magnetic heading of 215°, MH-96 Adaptive, R.C. "AUTO," BCS "ON," heading vernier to "Standby," ventral off.

Launch point coordinates: 37° 22' N, 114° 35' W.
 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100%T. Rotate to a » 11°, maintain a » 11° to q = 39°.
2. 30 54 1800 11 550 q = 39°, maintain q = 39°.
3. 79 142 5150 7 60 Shutdown at 5150 fps, pushover to a » 0°. Engine Master "OFF."
4. 109 200 4650 0 9 Check b = 0, heading vernier to "·Y."
5. 170 260 4300 0 .8 Peak altitude, extend speed brakes to 20°.
6. 188 255 4400 0 5 q = -5°, maintain a = -5° to a = 22°.
7. 231 200 4750 10 9.1 Heading vernier to "STANDBY."
8. 252 150 5000 22 45 a = 22°, maintain a = 22° to g max = 4.6, max reentry q » 1200 psf, (dh » 25°).
9. 285 80 4200 15 760 H dot = -600, pushover to maintain -400, extend speed brakes to -35°, R. C. "OFF."
10. 310 70 3500 4 880 Cuddeback, vector to High Key, speed brakes as required.
11.           High Key - check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in. Data calibrate, experiment switch "OFF."
            Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data "Off."


1. q vernier will be set at 39°, a cross-pointer null at 22°.

2. Emergency lakes: Hidden Hills and Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 12 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 61,500lb thrust - Engine #109.

Total burn time at 100% = 81 sec.

Launch Wt. = 33,550lb Burnout Wt. = 15,400lb

Ground Rules For No Launch:
  1. FCS malfunction as indicated on Analyzer check list.

2. Malfunction of inertial platform.

3. Malfunction of ball nose.

3. Malfunction of either B.C.S.

5. Radio, radar or T.M. malfunction.

Alternate Situations After Launch:
  Failure   Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) 0 - 30 sec.

Alternate Flight Plan.

Proceed normally until t = 30 sec. At 30 sec. pushover to »a and extend speed brakes to 35°. Shutdown at 5200 fps and retract speed brakes to 20° after shutdown. Vector to high key (q » 550 psf). Peak altitude » 130,000 ft.

(b) Attitude (b) Hold 11° until t = 30 sec., then proceed with alternate flight plan.
(c) Ball Nose (c) Same as alternate, except use » 0.1 g instead of 2° a. Heading vernier to "·Y."
3. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) 30 sec - S.D.

Pushover to 2° a and extend speed brakes when failure occurs. Shutdown at 5200 fps. Reenter at 20° a and 20° speed brakes.

(b) Attitude (b) Same as 3 (a).
(c) Ball Nose (c) Same as 3 (a) except use » 0.1 g instead of 2° a. Use q = 0 for reentry.
4. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) After Shutdown

Proceed as planned, reenter at 20° a. (min.).

(b) Attitude (b) Proceed as planned.
(c) Ball Nose (c) Use q = -5° for reentry.
5. Delayed engine light   Proceed - shut down at 5000 fps.

6. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

0 - 43 sec Delamar

43 - 45 sec (2400 fps)

45 - 67 sec Hidden Hills (2500 fps)

67 - 69 sec Cuddeback (3900 fps)

69 - Up sec Edwards (4200 fps)