Flight: 3-49-73

Date: September 28, 1965

Pilot: John B. McKay


A. Evaluate briefly flight performance of the following items during the prelaunch period and/or the launch maneuver.
  1. Ball nose operation - Normal.

2. Damper system - Normal, roll hold dropped out at launch.

3. Launch transients - None.

4. Unforeseen incidents - None.

II. BOOST PHASE A. Evaluate flight performance in the following areas, during the "power on" portion of the flight.
  1. a control - OK.

2. q control - OK. (TM shows 3° high).

3. Altitude profile versus simulator - Late shut down.

4. Unforeseen incidents -

III. GLIDE PHASE A. Evaluate flight performance in the following areas during the "power off" portion of the flight.
  1. Burnout transients - Normal.

2. "·y" operation - Normal.

3. Ballistic flight:

a. Controllability with BCS -

q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

b. Stability with RC -

q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

4. Reentry: a. Evaluate the use of q to attain a -

b. Controllability -

Initial q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

Terminal q 2 , f 2 , y 2 . (high g, high q).

5. Glide energy management versus simulation -

6. Approach and landing -

7. Unforeseen incidents -

B. Describe and rate the most adverse piloting task experienced on this flight.

q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .