FLIGHT NO: 3-49-73 DATE OF REPORT: 10-11-65

PILOT: John B. McKay DATE OF FLIGHT: 9-28-65


ENGINE NO: S/N 109 APU #1 18 APU #2 23

PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: 1. NSL Scanner (Experiment 3A)

2. Boundary Layer Noise
I. Discussion of Previous Operations None II. Aircraft Configuration Changes A. The pitch trim motor was changed due to electrical transients appearing in the MH 96 system. These transients occurred when the motor stopped and were felt to be caused by a defective filter which is integral with the motor assembly.

B. Two of the engine spark plugs failed to fire, and since the lox lube seal was also starting to leak, engine S/N 107 was replaced by S/N 109.

C. The canopy seal was found to be leaking and was replaced.

D. The ablative material installed on the struts for Flight 3-48-72 was left on for Flight 3-49-73.

III. Instrument Configuration Changes A. Experiment 25 was removed from the tailcone box and experiment 3A was installed.

B. Ablative panels were installed in the F-3 and F-4 positions.

C. The lower RH BLN panel microphone mount was modified to accept two additional microphones.

IV. Preflight Events A. APU-BCS runs were accomplished on September 23, 1965.

B. A good engine run was accomplished on September 25, 1965.

C. The aircraft was mated on September 27, 1965, to B-52 #003.

V. Flight Events A. Flight 3-49-73 was accomplished on September 28, 1965, with no problems.
Approved By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Vincent N. Capasso

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer