Flight No.: 3-48-72 Scheduled Date: September 14, 1965

Pilot: John B. McKay

Purpose: To obtain data for the following programs:

1. NSL Radiometer - (Joe Lapierre)

2. Boundary Layer Noise - (Tom Lewis)

Instrumentation Engineer: Febo Bartoli

Launch: Delamar Lake #1 launch point on a magnetic heading of 215°, MH-96 Adaptive, R.C. "AUTO," BCS "ON," heading vernier to "Standby," ventral off.

Launch point coordinates: 37° 18' N, 114° 36' W.
 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100%T. Rotate at a = 11° (» 2g) until q = 36°.
2. 27 50 1800 11 540 q = 36°. Maintain q = 36°.
3. 80 130 5100 8 105 Shutdown. Check q = 0, switch heading vernier to "·Y." Maintain a » 0°.
4. 160 230 4400 0 4 Peak altitude. Maintain q = 0° until a = 21°. Extend speed brakes to 20°. Heading vernier to "STANDBY."
5. 220 170 4800 21 20 a = 21°. Maintain a = 21° until H dot » -800 fps. (Max reentry g » 4.0). Extend speed brakes to 35°.
6. 260 85 4400 4 500 H dot » -800 fps, reduce a to maintain H dot » -200 fps. Maintain q constant » 600 psf.
7. 300 63 3000 4 900 Cuddeback, vector to high key, speed brakes as required.
8.           High Key - check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in. Data calibrate, experiment #1 "OFF."
            Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data "Off."


1. q vernier will be set at 36°, a cross-pointer null at 21°.

2. Emergency lakes: Hidden Hills and Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 11 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 58,750lb thrust - Engine (#107).

Total burn time at 100% = 83 sec.

Launch Wt. = 33,200lb Burnout Wt. = 15,550lb

Ground Rules For No Launch:
  1. Radio, radar or T.M. malfunction.

2. FCS malfunction as indicated on Analyzer check list.

3. Ball Nose, Inertial Platform or APU Gear Box malfunction.

Alternate Situations After Launch:
  Failure   Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) 0 - 27 sec.

Alternate Flight Plan.

Proceed normally until t = 27 sec. At 27 sec. pushover to 2° a and extend speed brakes to 35°. Shutdown at 5200 fps and retract speed brakes after shutdown. Vector to high key (q » 400 psf). Peak altitude » 110,000 ft.

(b) Attitude (b) Use 6° a at 27 sec. instead of 36° q, then proceed with alternate flight plan.
(c) Ball Nose (c) Same as alternate, except use » 0.1 g instead of 2° a. Heading vernier to "·Y."
3. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) 27 sec - S.D.

Pushover to 2° a and extend speed brakes when failure occurs. Shutdown at 5200 fps. Reenter at 20° a and 20° speed brakes.

(b) Attitude (b) Same as 3 (a).
(c) Ball Nose (c) Same as 3 (a) except use » 0.1 g instead of 2° a. Use q = 0 for reentry.
4. Total damper any axis,

failure to fixed gain any axis

(For roll failure turn yaw off)

(a) After Shutdown

Proceed as planned, reenter at 20° a.

(b) Attitude (b) Proceed as planned.
(c) Ball Nose (c) Use q = 0° for reentry.
5. Delayed engine light   Proceed - shut down at 5200 fps.

6. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

0 - 42 sec Delamar

42 - 44 sec

44 - 68 sec Hidden Hills (2555 fps)

68 - 72 sec Cuddeback (3900 fps)

72 - Up sec Edwards (4200 fps)