Plane: X-15-3 Date: 8-10-65
Flight: 3-46-70 T.O.: 1028
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 1124
B-52: #003 Land: 1134
Pilots: Jones/Andonian/Butchart Total: :10
NASA 1: Rushworth B-52 Land: 1151

13 Minutes to launch
B-52: 13 minutes.
Engle: APU cooling switch to normal. Blowers and LN2. Pressure cooling coming on. Cabin source 3400. Helium shutoff valve switch coming open.
B-52: 12 minutes.
Engle: OK, ready for APU start, #2 coming on.
Chase: Ready. #2.
Engle: Pressures coming up. How's the pressure, Bob?
NASA 1: OK, go ahead with #1.
Engle: #1 coming on.
Chase: #1 is on.
Engle: Tank pressures coming up. Generators reset. Hydraulic pressures looking good, steady. Electrical power looks good. Engine reset. OK, controls.
Chase: Roger.
Engle: Coming down.
Chase: Flaps coming down.
Engle: Flaps up.
Chase: Coming up and they're good.
Engle: OK, both trims are zero.
Chase: Standby.
Engle: Circuit breakers are in.
B-52: 10 minutes.
Engle: MH oscillograph off. Platform going to internal. Precool off.
NASA 1: Rog, go ahead with the check, Butch.
Butchart: OK, we're starting.
Engle: 45,000 and about 950 on velocity.
NASA 1: Roger.
Engle: Attitudes look good, I got about 2 1/2 on a and 1/2° left on b.
NASA 1: Roger.
Engle: Blood switch coming on.
B-52: 9 minutes and I'll plan to start my turn at 8.
NASA 1: Roger, we're approximately 10 minutes and 15 seconds. You jumped your clock.
B-52: Roger, you'll call 8 or 9, or something?
NASA 1: Roger, 10 minutes now.
Butchart: OK, I reached end of test and end of test light is on.
NASA 1: Very good.
Engle: MH oscillograph on.
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn.
Chase: You have about 1 to 2° leading edge up, Joe, on your .......... 
NASA 1: 7 minutes now. Joe, did you trim 2° out?
Butchart: Are you in position now, Chase 1?
Chase: Yes, I am.
Butchart: OK, I'm not reading you.
NASA 1: Recheck your trim, Joe.
Engle: Roger, trim is zero.
Chase: Trim is zero and surfaces are zero.
NASA 1: Roger, thank you.
Engle: Reading you real, real weak in that turn, Bob, and I'm still on intercom .......... 
NASA 1: Rog, understand, and 6 minutes now.
Engle: Aux cabin pressure on. No blood pressure on. Fire extinguisher going to auto. Trim is zero. MH engaged. MH BCS to auto.
Chase: NASA 1, I have Delamar in sight and it looks like 9/10 overcast from about .......... to Hidden Hills along the track.
B-52: 5 minutes and I concur with Chase 1.
NASA 1: Roger. We got 5 minutes to go down the track, Chase 1.
Engle: X-15 oxygen good. 2600 on the .......... Altitude is .......... Cabin altitude is 35500. Don, are you in position for another roll and BCS check?
Chase: Rog. OK, good.
Engle: OK, thank you.
NASA 1: 003, roll out on 211°.
Butchart: Did you call 4 minutes, Bob?
NASA 1: 4 minutes now.
Engle: Data on, calibrate. Tank handle to pressurize.
NASA 1: Chase 1, when we get down to the 1 minutes point, if you have visual contact with Delamar, that's what we require.
Chase: Roger, Bob.
Engle: Lox 49, ammonia is 45. Data off. Switch on and how do you read me on X-15 radio?
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear.
Engle: OK, thank you.
Chase: I got Delamar in sight right now.
NASA 1: Rog.
B-52: 3 minutes. Delamar is nice and clear as we made a right pattern into it.
Engle: OK, my surfaces are indicating zero, Don, does that check?
Chase: That checks.
Engle: 45,000 and 850 on velocity. APU bearing temps about 60 on #1 and #2.
NASA 1: 209°.
B-52: 209.
Engle: Delta psi on standby.
NASA 1: 207°.
B-52: 207°.
Engle: Data on. MH oscillograph on. Cabin switch coming on. Ball nose push to test. Good a +1 1/2 and b about 1° left.
NASA 1: Roger. We'll call 1 minute.
Engle: Very good.
Butchart: Platform in specs.
Engle: Cine camera to pulse.
B-52: 1 minute now.
Engle: Roger, 1 minute.
NASA 1: Turn to the launch heading.
B-52: Turning to launch heading.
Engle: 40 seconds. Prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle. Tape to 15.
B-52: About 15 seconds.
Engle: I got 10, pump idle.
Chase: Pump idle.
Engle: Pressures are up, Bob, and looks good, how there?
NASA 1: They look good.
Engle: OK, 3, 2, 1, go.
NASA 1: We got you a good light, Joe.
Engle: OK, yaw damper fell off, it's back on now.
NASA 1: OK, holding 10°.
Engle: Rog, I got 10 1/2 now.
NASA 1: Rog, looks real good. Track is good. Coming up on profile real good.
Engle: OK.
NASA 1: Should be theta now. Looks real good, Joe. Track is excellent. Profile is good. 60,000 now. Coming up on 70 now. Profile real good, Joe. Track is right on. 80,000 now. 85,000. Right on profile. Coming up on 100,000 now. Looks real good, Joe. Right on the profile. 120,000 now. 125,000. 140,000.
Engle: Shutdown.
NASA 1: Rog. 150,000 now. 160,000. Engine master off. Profile is right on, Joe. Energy is real good. 200,000 now and you can go delta psi. 
Engle: Roger, delta psi coming on.
NASA 1: Looks real good, Joe. Track and profile right on. 240,000 now. How do you read, Joe, coming through 260?
Engle: Rog, read you, Bob.
NASA 1: OK. What do your surfaces look like on the gage?
Engle: About 262 now.
NASA 1: Roger. Looks like coming up on peak right now. 265. 268. Speed brakes. Check your surfaces, Joe, we've lost TM for a minute.
Engle: OK, I think they must be about .......... 
.......... : What's your position, Sport?
Engle: Looks like a is starting to work now, Bob.
NASA 1: OK. Went out through 240.
Engle: Roger.
NASA 1: We don't have good TM on your surfaces, Joe, check the gage.
Engle: OK.
NASA 1: 22° a, Joe.
Engle: Roger.
NASA 1: You can go b back on. Looks real good on angle of attack. Real good. Chase, he's 50 miles out.
Chase: Rog.
NASA 1: Looks good, Joe. Full brakes, Joe.
Engle: Roger.
NASA 1: Just a little bit high on energy, when you come off the bottom, turn to the right.
Engle: Roger.
NASA 1: You're inside Cuddeback.
Engle: OK, field in sight, Bob.
NASA 1: Roger. Show you about Mach 3 now. Keep it coming down, Joe.
Engle: Chase, I'm about half way between California City and High Key.
Chase: Got the contrail.
NASA 1: OK, slow it down, Joe. We have you about 65,000. Slow it down. Coming up over High Key, you are going to have to do a hard turn.
Engle: Roger, I'm going to start swinging around to the left now.
NASA 1: Roger. Speed brakes in now.
Engle: OK, speed brakes in. I show about Mach 2 at 50,000, Chase.
Chase: Rog.
Engle: And I'll come back over at the old vet.......... 
Chase: Roger.
NASA 1: About 45. Are you on pressure instruments?
Engle: That's affirmative. Showing about 1.3 and 40,000.
NASA 1: Roger.
Chase: Ready to go to jettison?
Engle: OK, jettison.
NASA 1: He's over the south tip of the lake.
Chase: Got him.
NASA 1: Roger.
Engle: Got a good tally, Joe?
Chase: Roger.
Engle: Very good, I'm going to use some speed brakes, I'm showing 330.
NASA 1: Got you about 3.......... , Joe.
Engle: Roger.
Chase: .......... 
Engle: I can't read you, there's a lot of static in the background, I'm showing 295 indicated at 26,000.
NASA 1: Circuit breakers and squat switch?
.......... : .......... 
Engle: OK, speed brakes are coming in, Joe, on 21,000 now, at 310 indicated. Squat switch.
.......... : .......... 
Engle: Squat switch is in, Bob, at 17,000.
Chase: I'm holding 330.
Engle: Ready to go to aux jettison now, Bob?
NASA 1: Roger.
Engle: OK, aux jettison now. Swing it just a little wide, Joe, never mind, I'll hold the speed brakes in a minute here. Going to use a little brakes here. OK, brakes coming in.
Chase: .......... , Joe, 3000 indicated.
Engle: Rog, flaps coming, Joe.
Chase: They're down.
Engle: Standby for the gear, coming now.
Chase: Rog.
Engle: How high?
Chase: About 10 feet. 5, 4, 2, good.
Engle: Thank you, Joe. Ball nose is 194. Inertial height is zero. Inertial velocity showing about 450. X-15 oxygen pressure 1800. Hydraulics good. Tank pressures good. Got a low light. APU bearing temps, #1 is +60 and #2 is +50. #1 mixing chamber is -40 and #2 is -38. Fox is zero, #1 and #2 are zero. APU source, #1 is 1400 and #2 is 2450. Cabin source is 1850.