FLIGHT NO: 3-43-66 DATE OF REPORT: 6-23-65

PILOT: Capt. Joe Engle DATE OF FLIGHT: 6-14-65


ENGINE NO: S/N 107 APU #1 14 APU #2 21


2. Boundary Layer Noise

I. Discussion of Previous Operations

A. An APU shutdown during initial start occurred on flight 3-41-64. During post-flight checks, the heater was found to be shorted to the metering valve coils and the metering valve was changed. This short was in the harness, which was changed by the Air Force maintenance activity. The valve returned to service on APU S/N 21 without a flow check (harness change does not require a valve disassembly), and a shutdown on initial start occurred on flight 3-43-66 identical in appearance to 3-41-64. The valve was removed and sent to the Air Force for flow check. Minimum flow was found to be too high and response too slow. II. Aircraft Configuration Changes A. APU, S/N 23, was replaced by S/N 21 due to a leaky hydraulic pump seal.

B. The NH3 tank regulator was changed due to peculiar operation in flight.

III. Instrument Configuration Changes A. The drag link strain gages were calibrated on the aircraft by pulling on the MLG strut.

B. The RH upper BLN panel was put on the aircraft with one microphone.

C. Experiment 3A, NSL radiometer, replaced experiments 3B and 4 in the tailcone box.

IV. Preflight Events A. APU and BCS runs were accomplished on June 7, 1965. The engine was not operated due to good flight operation.

B. The aircraft was mated on June 14, 1965 for flight.

C. Flight was not attempted on June 15, 1965 due to weather.

V. Flight Events A. Number 2 APU shutdown on initial start with no hydraulic load similar to shutdown on flight 3-41-64. Restart was successful. The APU metering valve was found to be the same one as on flight 3-41-64.

B. The canopy seal apparently failed to inflate during initial climbout due to a sticky regulator valve. The regulator valve opened and the system worked normally for the remainder of prelaunch and flight.

C. No problems were encountered during flight 3-43-66 which was flown on June 16, 1965.

Approved By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Vincent N. Capasso

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer