Plane: X-15-3 Date: 5-28-65
Flight: 3-42-65 T.O.: 0856
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 0944
B-52: #008 Land: 0954
Pilots: Fulton/Jones Total: :10
NASA 1: Thompson B-52 Land: 1024

13 Minutes to launch
Engle: #2 APU coming on. Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures both reading about 3500. Electric power check looks good. Controls.
Chase: OK, got a right one.
Engle: Trims are all zero, Butch, and the flap circuit breakers are in.
Butchart: OK.
B-52: 11 minutes.
Chase: Check flaps, Joe?
Engle: Roger, standby. OK, MH oscillograph coming on. Flaps coming down now.
Chase: Coming down.
Engle: OK, back up. Platform going to internal.
Chase: Flaps back up, surfaces zero.
Engle: OK, and precool off.
Butchart: OK, starting our check, Joe.
Engle: Roger, everything zero, ready to go.
NASA 1: You do have the MH oscillograph on, right?
Engle: Affirm.
NASA 1: 008, would you give us 2° right?
B-52: Rog.
Engle: 45,000 feet, at 950 velocity, a about 2 1/2° and b 2° left.
B-52: 10 minutes, about 5 seconds ago. Showing about 036.
NASA 1: Rog.
Engle: I got about 034 now.
Chase: Reading 036.
NASA 1: 008, we'll call 8 minutes and you can start your turn at 8 minutes. 8 minutes now and you can start your turn. 008, do you read?
B-52: .......... on the aux, did you read that one?
NASA 1: We're reading now. Joe, did you get your experiment switch on? Joe, NASA 1.
Butchart: .......... end of test lie is on, they're all green.
.......... : .......... 
.......... : .......... 
NASA 1: Joe, we're reading you very, very weak.
Engle: OK, I'm reading you pretty good, Milt.
NASA 1: OK, we're reading you better now. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Engle: Aux cabin pressure switch coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger, and you did get your experiment? 
Engle: Roger. Blood pressure on. Fire extinguisher auto. Trim zero. Engaging MH now. 
Chase: Trim looks good, Joe. 
Engle: 0K. MH BCS going to auto. Checking controls, nose down. 
Chase: Nose down. 
Engle: Nose up. 
Chase: Nose up. 
Engle: Roll right. 
Chase: Right. 
Engle: Left. 
Chase: Left. 
Engle: Right rudder. 
Chase: Right. 
Engle: Left. 
Chase: Left. 
Engle: Try roll BCS check again. Should be about zero. 
Chase: Affirm. 
NASA 1: 008, we'll call 4 minutes. 
B-52: Roger. 
Engle: We just passed 5 minutes, is that right? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Engle: X-15 oxygen. Pressure 2600. Cabin altitude 35,000. a hold. 
Butchart: a hold off. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger 4. 
Engle: Roger. Data on - calibrate. Tank handle going pressurize. 
Chase: Slight leading edge up on the elevator. 
Engle: 0K .......... Lox tank 50, ammonia 55. 
NASA 1: 008, turn 1° right. Data off, Joe. 
Engle: Roger, data off, intercom on. Read me 0K, Milt? 
NASA 1: Yes we're reading you good. 
B-52: 3 minutes and what was the correction? 
NASA 1: About 2° right. 
B-52: Roger. 
Engle: Surfaces look good. 45,00O on inertial height and almost 1000 on inertial velocity, about 960. APU bearing temps, #1 is 60, #2 is 55. Delta psi standby. 
NASA 1: ROG. 008, come right 222°. 
B-52: 222. 
Butchart: Platform looks real good. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Engle: Data on, MH oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose, looks good. 
NASA 1: How's the doppler, Butch? 
Butchart: Showing 760. 
Engle: About 2-1/2 on a and 2° left on b. Showing about 950 on velocity. Cine camera to pulse. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
NASA 1: Rog, that's good for l minute. Go back to launch heading, 215. 
B-52: Rog, turning back, launch master on. 
Engle: OK, 40 seconds, prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle switch on. Tape to 15. 
NASA 1: Joe, did you get your tape? 
Engle: 10 seconds, pump idle. My pressures look good, how there? 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Joe. 
Engle: 3, 2, 1, drop! 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: OK, got a good light. Turn about 2° right. Check your a. You should be coming up on theta. OK, coming up on 60,000 now. 70,000 now. 80,000. 90,000. 100, 000. Coming up on 120 now and standby for shutdown. If b is zero, go to delta psi and you can go to a hold if your a is OK. Are you reading, Joe? 
Engle: You are breaking up a little bit. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, coming up on 170,000 now. Watch your a, Joe. OK, you're coming near the peak, and you're just little right of course, 4 miles to the right. We have you peaking out at 210,000 and when theta is zero, you can go to theta hold, Joe.
Engle: Rog. 
NASA 1: You had 4900 fps on top. You're going to be to the right of track and coming back in, so you can get set for left turn after reentry. Coming down through 200,000 now and go back to standby now. You're going to be long and little hot on energy also, Joe. Coming down through 180 now and you can start your speed brakes out to 20°, little more, Joe, we've got about 16° on our indicator. 
Engle: OK. 
NASA 1: Engine master off. 
Engle: Rog. 
NASA 1: 140 now and you can disengage theta hold if you're up on a
Engle: Roger, its disengaged. OK, make sure you keep the airplane coming down and about in here you can start watching H dot. 
Engle: Roger. OK, you should be on H dot now and full speed brakes, Joe. You can start left hand turn. 
Engle: OK, I got the field in site and engaging vernier OK. 
NASA 1: 4200 fps and you're coming down through about 65,000 now. Keep her coming left, bring it on around. 
Engle: Yes, I got it in site, Milt. Going to have to swing little wide here. 
NASA 1: OK, keep her coming around. Mach 3. 60, 000 feet. Mach 2 now. 
Engle: Just about coming over California City, Pete, 12 o'clock, might as well start left.
Engle: OK, thank you, Milt. 
NASA 1: Like a data calibrate in here. 
Engle: Rog, calibrate. 
NASA 1: Is your experiment switch off? 
Engle: Rog, both off.
NASA 1: OK, have you coming over NASA now about 39. We're showing speed brakes, Joe. 
Engle: Rog. OK, stop jettison on ammonia, going to oxygen. Showing about 295, Pete. 
Chase: Rog .......... 30,000. 
Engle: Flaps coming in. What are you indicating now, Pete? 
Chase: 320. 
Engle: Little more flaps then. 
Chase: Right on you, Joe, doing 320. 2000. 
NASA 1: Joe, you still got your brakes out? 
Engle: They're out, I'll bring them in now. Flaps coming down, Pete. 
Chase: Flaps going down. 
Engle: Gear coming. 
Chase: You got 3 gears. 3, 2, 1, beauty! 
Engle: 3 axis ball heading 190. Inertial height 9000 feet. Rate of climb showing just little bit positive. X-15 oxygen 1900. 
NASA 1: Joe, any low lights? 
Engle: Negative. All source pressures are zero. #1 APU source 1700, #2 is 2500. Cabin source 2000.