Plane: X-15-3 Date: 4-23-65
Flight: 3-41-64 T.O.: 0904
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 0945
B-52: #008 Land: 0953
Pilots: Fulton/Cotton Total: :08
NASA 1: Thompson B-52 Land: 1013

13 Minutes to launch
Engle: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers and LN2. Pressure cooling going on. Cabin source 3900. Helium shutoff valve going open. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 12 minutes. 
Engle: #2 APU coming on. Chase, do you read me OK? 
Chase: Read you loud and clear, Joe. 
Engle: OK, I'm going to go ahead with APU's, you get in position, Jack. 
Chase: Roger. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. Would you reset #l generator, Joe? Joe, we're hardly able to read you, why don't you go to X-15 radio? 
Engle: Rog. OK, read me now? 
NASA 1: Joe, #l APU is off, want to try it again? 
Engle: Roger, just did it, generator wouldn't reset and the pressure just now started dropping. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Engle: #1 APU is off and I'll try it again. 
NASA 1: Butch, make sure your checker is off. 
Butchart: It's off. 
Engle: OK, trying #l again. 
Chase: Coming on, Joe. 
Engle: OK, I didn't get any hydraulic overshoot that time, coming on with the generators and engine reset. 
B-52: 10 minutes, heading 49°, Joe. 
Engle: Rog. OK, engine reset. Pressure looking good. Power looks good. Controls and flaps coming, check it, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, and precool off. 
Engle: Precool is off. Trim to zero. Flap circuit breaker's are in. M-H going on. Oscillograph going off. Platform going to internal.
NASA 1: OK, Joe, your M-H should be off, just the oscillograph on. 
Engle: OK, M-H switch is off, oscillograph on. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: And you're right about that power, not getting the oscillations any more. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Butchart: OK, ready for the check, Joe? 
Engle: Ready any time. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
Chase: Nose drop. 
B-52: NASA 1, we still look good for an 8 minute turn, we're about 35 seconds to go? 
NASA 1: We'll call the 8 minute turn. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: OK, start your turn, we'll call that 8 minutes. 
Engle: 45,000 on altitude, 950 on velocity, a looking 3° and b about 1° left. 
B-52: Just passed 7 minutes. 
Butchart: Got a malfunction on 59, Milt. 
NASA 1: Standby, Butch. 
Butchart: Don't know if it was temporary or not, the red light has gone off. Looks like a temporary, we'll go ahead. 
NASA 1: OK Butch, go ahead and advance. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Blood pressure on. Fire extinguisher auto. 
NASA 1: And you didn't get your aux cabin pressure switch on, right? 
Engle: .......... M-H .......... 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Butchart: End of test light is on, 59 is the only one we've had any trouble with. 
Engle: .......... MH?
NASA 1: Yes. 
Engle: OK. .......... zero .......... 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: You'll call 4 minutes, is that correct? 
NASA 1: Correct. 
Engle: OK, going to X-15 O2 .......... cabin altitude is 37000. .......... 
NASA 1: 008, we'd like a heading of 237°.
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
Engle: Flaps down, coming back up. 
NASA 1: We'll call 3 minutes.
Chase: Flaps are up, trim is good. 
NASA 1: Are you on X-15 oxygen, Joe? 
Engle: Affirmative. 
NASA 1: OK. Heading 238°. 
B-52: 238°, come back to 230° at 1 minute? 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Lox tank about 49, ammonia 45, data off. 
NASA 1: 3 minutes. 
B-52: Rog, 3 minutes. 
Engle: Intercom switch on, how do you read X-15, Milt? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Joe. 
Engle: Altitude 45, velocity about 850. 
NASA 1: And how's your a
Engle: a is still about 3°, little less than 3. 
Butchart: Holding about 810 on velocity. 
Engle: About 860 now. APU bearing temps, #1 is 40 and #2 is 40. Delta psi on standby. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Engle: Data on, M-H oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose. 
B-52: May have to come down little bit to get the speed. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Ball nose looks OK, a isn't oscillating at all. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Cine camera to pulse. 
NASA 1: Come back to launch heading at 1 minute, 008. 
B-52: Rog. 1 minute. 
Engle: 1 minute. 40 seconds, prime. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle. Tape to 15. 10 seconds, pump idle. Pressure up, looks good, Milt. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Joe. 
Engle: OK, 3, 2, 1, drop. 
Chase: Got a good light, Joe. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, we got a good light here and your heading looks good so far. Standby for theta. Coming up real nice, Joe. 50,000 now. Standby for pushover. Very nice profile, nice track, Joe. Are you reading, Joe? 
Engle: You bet! 
NASA 1: Ready for pushover. Coming up on 70,000. Standby for throttle back. Speed brakes. Track and profile very good, Joe. 5,000 fps, check your H dot. OK, burnout, Joe. Watch your H dot now, your profile is very good, track is very good. Speed brakes out. 
Engle: .......... starting up now, Milt. 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes in, you're dropping below profile. Get started back up again. 
Engle: OK. 
NASA 1: 4000 now, get it started back up, you're dropping little below. 
Engle: OK, starting dampers off now. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're 15 north of Cuddeback, 3.5 on velocity, you're looking real good. 
Engle: I'm coming up 6°. 
NASA 1: Rog and you're over Cuddeback now at Mach 3, go back to adaptive and speed brakes out. 
Engle: Speed brakes coming back out and adaptive is off. 
NASA 1: OK, and you can start your turn now. Coming down through 60,000 and bring your turn on around. You're going to be in good shape. 
Engle: OK, going to swing wider here, Milt, I've got the field in site. 
NASA 1: OK, don't get caught short now. You're coming down through about 55 now and start leveling out when you get close to 50. 
Engle: OK, I'm on Mach 2, I want to get down below 13. Going to calibrate here, Milt? 
NASA 1: Rog, you can get us one. Chase 3, he's directly north of NASA now about 12 miles. 
Chase: Rog. 
Engle: About 15 miles west of Green Spot, Pete. 
NASA 1: OK, got your brakes in, get set up your pulses, are we subsonic yet? 
Engle: Rog, dampers going off. 
NASA 1: Watch your speed now, Joe, don't get too slow. 
Engle: Letting it build up, Milt. 
NASA 1: OK. Engine master off. 
Engle: It's off. 
NASA 1: If Chase 3 is in position, you can go to jettison any time now. 
Engle: OK, ready for jettison, Pete? 
Chase: Rog.
Engle: OK, I'm just about to come over North Base, about 10 miles west. Coming through 35,000. 
NASA 1: Got him, Pete? 
Chase: Roger. 
Engle: One more data point, 1.2, then we'll quit. 
Chase: Got him. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Engle: Dampers engaged. 
NASA 1: Rog, Joe, and we have you coming through 30,000. 
Engle: Ammonia tanks ........ 
NASA 1: Stop jettison on ammonia, Joe. 
Engle: Rog, stop jettison and the aux jettison switch is on. 
NASA 1: OK. Check your flap and squat circuit breaker. 
Engle: Flap and squat circuit breakers are in. 
NASA 1: OK. And your dampers are all back in adaptive, is that correct? 
Engle: Yes. 
NASA 1: Good. 
Engle: 320 now, Pete. 
Chase: I've got you, right below you. 
Engle: I'll slow up to 300 now. Set up for the middle runway, Pete, just to the right of the left black line. Flaps coming. 
Chase: Flaps going down. 
Engle: Gear. 
Chase: Gear's down and locked, Joe. 10 feet, 4, 2, beauty!! 
Engle: Ball heading 205. Inertial height is zero. Velocity about 500. Rate of climb is zero. X-15 oxygen pressure 2000. Hydraulic pressure are 3400. Mag needles both about 200. H2O2 tank pressure 100. APU bearing temps, #1 is 45 and #2 is 50. No low light. Mixing chamber, #1 is -44 and #2 is -30. APU source pressure, #1 is 2500, #2 is 2750. Cabin source is 1950. Peroxide tank pressures, #1 is 550 and #2 is 550.