Flight: 3-41-64

Date: April 23, 1965

Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle


A. Evaluate briefly flight performance of the following items during the prelaunch period and/or the launch maneuver. l. Pressure suit operation - was normal.

2. X-15 radios - normal, but not good. Bad transmission, bad from Cuddeback to base.

3. APU's - #1 shut down, had to be restarted.

4. Damper System - worked normally.

5. Flow Direction Sensor - OK.

6. Launch space positioning - OK. 3° prior to launch, no floating.

7. Launch transients (q, f, y) - Very low, lower than the other aircraft.

8. Engine start - Good.

9. Unforeseen incidents - None. Overshoot on a due to gloating over low launch transients, failed to light the engine.

II. BOOST PHASE A. Evaluate flight performance in the following areas, during the "power on" portion of the flight. l. Engine operation - maybe higher chamber pressure.

2. Altitude profile versus simulator - pretty close.

3. q profile versus simulator - very close.

4. Unforeseen incidents - none, engine shut down at 90 sec.

5. Rate the controlled q task - q 1.5 , f 1 , y 1 .

q 2 , f 2 , y 1.5 to acquire.

III. GLIDE PHASE A. Evaluate flight performance in the following areas during the "power off" portion of the flight. 1. Burnout transients - higher deceleration.

2. Rate the roll maneuver for dampers off at a = 0°, M = 4 -

q 3.6-3.7

Controllability q 2 , f 5 , y 5 .

3. Rate the roll maneuver for dampers off at a = 6°, M = 3.4 -

q 3 , f 4.5 , y 4 .

More trouble to hold 6° a than 0° a.

4. Rate the roll maneuvers at about M = 1.0 -

a = 0° q 2 , f 4.5 , y 3 .

a = 6° q 2 , f 4 , y 3 .

a = 12° q 3.5 , f 3 , y 3 .

B. Describe and rate the most adverse piloting task experienced on this flight.

q 2 , f 5 , y 5 .

(a = 0°, dampers off, M = 3.6)

(Used -1° or -2° of trim for landing)