Plane: X-15-3 Date: 2-2-65
Flight: 3-40-63 T.O.: 1200
Pilot: Capt. Joe Engle Launch: 1250
B-52: #008 Land: 1300
Pilots: Fulton/Bement Total: :10
NASA 1: Thompson B-52 Land: 1315

12 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
Engle: OK, starting APU's, #2.
Chase: #2. 
Engle: OK, pressures coming up, #1. 
Chase: #1. 
Engle: Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures, both 550. Electric power looks good. 
Russel: X-15 power off. 
Engle: OK. Flaps coming down, Bob. 
Chase: OK. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Chase: Flaps down. 
Engle: Coming back up. 
Chase: Stabilizer, rudder looks good. 
Engle: OK. 
Chase: Leading edge nose down. 
Engle: Check and see how the airplane looks. Trim is zero. 
Chase: ........ 
Engle: Both C/B's on. M-H oscillograph on. Platform going internal. 
Russel: Starting analyzer check. 
Engle: Precool off. 5000 feet on ..... 960 on velocity. 
NASA 1: Roger, Joe, and would you turn your beacon switch back on. 
Engle: It's on now. 
Russel: Reading 794 velocity. 
B-52: Just past 10 minutes. Got a heading of 29°, Joe. 
Engle: I'm showing 28. 
NASA 1: 008, we'll call 9 minutes. 
B-52: Roger. 
Engle: Got a beacon, Milt? 
NASA 1: Standby. OK, we got X-15 beacon now. 
Engle: Very good.
NASA 1: OK, we missed 9 minutes, will call 8 minutes. 
Engle: You want the M-H oscillograph left on, don't you, Milt? 
NASA 1: Affirm, until the end of the analyzer check. 
Engle: Rog. 
NASA 1: Russell, will you call end of check. 
Russel: Rog. Temporary on 43. 
NASA 1: OK. 8 minutes now, you can start your turn. 
Russel: Roger. Range zero, cross range +2. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Russel: End of test on. 
NASA 1: Rog, and Joe, you can turn your M-H oscillograph off. 
Engle: Roger, it's off. 
Russel: Lube oil temp 75°. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Engle: Aux cabin pressure switch on. Blood pressure is on. Fire extinguisher going to auto. Trim is zero and how does the side look, Chase? 
Chase: Looks all zero. 
Engle: OK, M-H coming on now. Checking controls again. 
Chase: Roger, all OK. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Engle: X-15 oxygen about 2400. 35, 500. 
NASA 1: Roger, and your stabilizer position still zero? 
Engle: Chase 1, is the side still zero position? 
Chase: I'll check. 
NASA 1: 008, roll out on heading 218. 
B-52: 218, and you'll call 4 minutes? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Chase: Side is still zero, Joe. 
Engle: OK. Stabilizer is zero and trim is zero. 
NASA 1: OK, and do you have any nibbling on the rudder pedals? 
Engle: Neg. 
NASA 1: OK, 008, 4 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger. 
Engle: Data on, calibrate. Tank handle pressurize. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Ammonia tank pressure stable at 45. Lox 47. Data off. Intercom switch off, how do you read, Milt? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Joe. 
Engle: OK, you're a little bit broken.
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Engle: .... zero, 45,000 feet, 900 on velocity. APU bearing temps, #1 is 45, #2 is 45. Delta psi on standby. 
Chase: FOX sources check good, Joe? 
Engle: Rog. 
Russel: Velocity reading 785. 
B-52: 2 minutes, NASA 1 will call 1? 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Engle: Data on, M-H oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose. Looks good. Cine camera to pulse. 
NASA 1: Rog, Joe, and give us an a and b reading. 
Engle: a is reading about 1-1/2 and b about 1° left. I've got about 26 on heading now. 
NASA 1: Rog. 1 minute now and roll to launch heading 214°. 
B-52: Rog, 1 minute. 
Engle: 40 seconds, prime. Igniter ready. Precool. Igniter idle. Tape to 15 and experiment switch coming on. Pump idle. Pressures coming up, looks good. 
NASA 1: OK, looks good here. 
Engle: 3, 2, 1, drop. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, we got a good light. Track is looking good. You should be coming up on theta. Track is very good. Standby for pushover. Track and profile are real good, Joe. 75,000 now. Standby for speed brakes, looks like you're going just a little high, Joe. 
Engle: Roger. 
NASA 1: OK, speed brakes now. 90,000 now. Little high, Joe. Standby for burnout, Joe. Peak is 99,000. 
Engle: OK. 
NASA 1: We got a peak velocity of 57 and you can bring your brakes in now. 
Engle: They're in. 
NASA 1: Check your "q" and H dot. Check your "q," Joe. 
Engle: Roger, coming up.
NASA 1: We'd like about 2° left. Check your H dot and your "q," Joe. You're on profile. You are slightly right of track and you got that 2° correction heading to the left will be all right. 
Engle: Thank you. 
NASA 1: Right on profile, Joe. We would like about 2° more left. 
Engle: OK, I got about 20° bank and I'11 ........ 
NASA 1: You have 44 on velocity and about 85,000. You're right on profile and drifting to the right of track. 42 on velocity and standby to level on 82,000. Real good, Joe. We have you at 80,000. About 3° left. You can go through your damper work. 
Engle: I have the field in site here, Milt. 
NASA 1: Rog, watch your H dot, keep it level here.
Engle: Coming back up. 
NASA 1: 35 on velocity now and holding about 80,000. You're going uphill just a hair now. We have you about 2900 at 81,000 and 50 miles. You can start down. 
Engle: OK, coming down, Milt. 
NASA 1: OK, do you have the field in site? 
Engle: You bet your life. 
NASA 1: Rog. Good visibility today? 
Engle: Yes sir! 16 on ....... 
NASA 1: Rog, and go to stop jettison on peroxide, we're not going to jettison peroxide. 
Engle: OK, stop jettison on peroxide. 
NASA 1: Joe, the profile is just like the flight plan. You're abeam of Cuddeback at 25. 
Engle: Do you have me about 60,000? 
NASA 1: We have you about 63,000. 
Engle: OK, I'm going to use speed brakes just a hair. 
NASA 1: Yes, you can come out on them just a little. All the way out, Joe. Bring them in now, we're just under 2000 fps. 
Engle: OK.
NASA 1: Engine master off. And a calibrate pulse, if you have time. 
Engle: Engine master off and calibrate. 
NASA 1: We have you 10 miles out.
Chase: Go to jettison any time, I'm right in front of you. 
Engle: OK, Bob, I'll be coming in right on runway heading. 
Chase: OK. 
Engle: Jettison now. 
NASA 1: We have you 1.4 on velocity, still coming through 50,000. 
Engle: Coming out with brakes again. 
NASA 1: OK, Joe, and you can check your flap, squat circuit breakers and experiment switch off. 
Engle: Squat, C/B, flaps and experiment off. Coming subsonic. 
NASA 1: Watch your a and if you don't like this fixed gain, why go back to adaptive pitch. 
Engle: OK, feels good. Right over high key now, Bob, at 43. I'm at your 9 o'clock, coming down. 
Chase: Rog, you passed .......... yet? 
Engle: Sure have, you can start turning on in. 
Chase: Roger, coming in. 
Engle: I got 290 indicated now. Coming down pretty good clip, got brakes in. 
Chase: Rog, tally ho. 
NASA 1: Give us a cabin altitude check in here, Joe. 
Engle: OK, I got 27 on the pressure and 27 on the cabin. 
NASA 1: Thank you. 
Chase: I have a tally ho. 
Engle: 300 knots and start back in little bit here. Trim roll in. 
Chase: 20,000. 
Engle: 300 indicated, 395, Milt. 
NASA 1: You can pressurize now, Joe. 
Engle: Right, pressurized. 
Chase: 15,000.
Engle: I'11 put brakes in a little. 
Chase: Roger, 315. 
Engle: 12,000 inside and 12,000 cabin, Milt. 
NASA 1: Thank you. Still got brakes out, Joe. 
Engle: Roger, I'll put them in prior to the flare. 
NASA 1: OK. 
Chase: 330. 
Engle: Brakes coming in now. 
Chase: Rog, 315, Joe. 
Engle: OK I'm reading about 310. Flaps coming. 
Chase: Out. 
Engle: And the gear. 
Chase: You got a gear. 
Engle: Good. 
Chase: 250. 
NASA 1: Leave your brakes in on the slide out, Joe. 
Engle: OK. 207 on the heading. Cabin altitude is 12,000. Pressure altimeter about 2180. Inertial height is -20 feet. Inertial climb is zero. Velocity about 500. X-15 oxygen pressure 1800. Hydraulic pressures 3400. Electrics good. Peroxide tank is 100. Bearing temps, #1 is 35, #2 is 45. Peroxide low light is off. #1 mixing chamber is -40, #2 is -30. #1 source 1200, #2 is 1200. Fox source zero. #1 source 1200, #2 is 1200. #1 APU source is 24, #2 is 27. Cabin source is 1800.