FLIGHT NO: 3-39-62 DATE OF REPORT: 2-10-65

PILOT: Milt Thompson DATE OF FLIGHT: 1-13-65


ENGINE NO: S/N 103 APU #1 16 APU #2 20

PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: 1. Non-uniform, 3 Dimension Flow Field Measurements

2. Surface Discontinuity Heat Transfer Test

3. Skin Friction

4. Boundary Layer Noise

5. Landing Gear Door Modification Checkout

I. Discussion of Previous Operations

A. The aircraft was landed on flight 3-38-61 with sideslip due to the large crosswind and unavailability of runway 23. During slideout the pilot attempted to hold the aircraft on the runway resulting in a maximum sideslip of the main skids of about 12 degrees. As a result of this and the recent yielding of X-15-2 struts, a detailed inspection of the landing gear was accomplished. Some minor yielding was found on the bottom flanges of the MLG struts and the pin which goes through the flanges. A small amount of enlarging was also found in the 3/4" diameter bell crank holes and the bell crank bushings where the pin holds the strut to the bell crank. After discussions with NAA personnel, the bushings were replaced and the 3/4" holes were considered acceptable, but to be closely monitored. II. Aircraft Configuration Changes A. The main landing gear struts and skids were replaced. New bushings were installed in the bell cranks. (see item I A).

B. The second stage pressure sensing system for the cockpit indicator was revised. The transducer and amplifier were eliminated and a pressure transmitter used similar to main chamber pressure. The H2O2 tank pressure sensing system was deleted and the amplifier removed (has been inoperative for several months).

C. The mixing chamber temperature indicator was replaced with a single needle standard AF unit utilizing resistance bulb probes. Switching between #l and #2 mixing chamber indication is accomplished by a switch mounted in the straddle panel.

D. The pin which held the skid banjo fitting to the bottom of the struts was changed from a 240 to a 2581 pin (stronger pin).

E. The engine transducer mounting bracket was installed in the top of the engine bay while the engine was removed for item IV A.

F. Standard F-3 and F-4 panels were installed, the test panels F-31 (reference panel) and F-32 (240-931525-11, small waves) were not changed.

III. Instrumentation Configuration Changes A. The aft BLN panel was removed and the ships panel installed. IV. Preflight Events A. The engine was removed to provide access to the main landing gear. An engine run was accomplished on January 8, 1965.

B. The nose gear strut was disassembled due to oil seepage past the seals. Bits of bronze from the upper bearing were found imbedded in the "0" rings, new "0" rings were installed. The wear on the upper bearing is due to score marks in the upper cylinder reported as item IV D of flight report 3-31-52. There has been no spare strut available since the strut was replaced after flight 3-29-48 (see flight report 3-30-50).

C. An APU run was accomplished on January 8, 1965. The RH APU, S/N 23, had a gear case oil leak and was replaced by APU S/N 20. A satisfactory APU run was accomplished on January 9, 1965.

D. The aircraft was weighed on January 11, 1965 just prior to mating. Aircraft weight empty (or basic weight) was determined to be 13,940 pounds.

E. Mating for flight was accomplished on January 11, 1965.

F. Flight was not attempted on January 12, 1965 due to Air Force support aircraft problems.

V. Flight Events A. The aircraft was flown on January 13, 1965. An aircraft oscillation occurred immediately after burnout when the pilot was increasing a after a roll maneuver. This oscillation is under investigation.
Approved By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row Vincent N. Capasso

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer