Plane: X-15-3 Date: September 3, 1964
Flight: 3-34-55 T.O.: 0910
Pilot: Milton O. Thompson Launch: 0955
B-52: #003 Land: 1001
Pilots: Maj. Bement/Maj. Jones Total: :06
NASA 1: McKay B-52 Land: 1016

12 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
Thompson: APU's coming on. Both APU's seem to be on. Generators reset. Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures both about 3450. Electric power is 200. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: Check the controls and flaps. 
B-52: 11 minutes, heading 046 at the moment. 
Chase: Controls look good, Milt. 
Thompson: Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Flaps going down. 
Thompson: Coming back up. 
Chase: Roger. 
Thompson: Trim is still zero. Flap circuit breakers are still in. 
Chase: Flaps are up, trim is zero. 
Thompson: M-H oscillograph is on. Platform going internal. Precool coming off.. 
Peterson: Ready for analyzer check, Milt? 
Thompson: Yep. 
Peterson: OK. 
Thompson: 003, about 39,000 on altitude, about 900 on velocity and zero H dot. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: Passed 10 minutes about 10 seconds ago and heading is 052 1/2. 
Thompson: OK, I've got 49. a is reading about 2° and b is reading about 1/2° left. 
Peterson: Doppler velocity is 844 fps. Say again your altitude, Milt? 
Thompson: I've got 40 right now. 
Peterson: Roger, I'll reset you. 
Thompson: OK, 45. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: Starting turn. 
NASA 1: Roger, looking good. Milt, give us another 5 second data burst please. 
Peterson: OK, end of test light is on, no failures and everything looks good. 
Thompson: M-H oscillograph coming on. I got your data burst, Jack. 
NASA 1: Thank you.
.......... : Trim, couple degrees. 
.......... : .......... 
Peterson: Lube oil temp l00°. 
NASA 1: 003, tighten your turn up a little. 
B-52: Roger. 5 minutes. 
Thompson: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher is going auto. Trim is zero. M-H coming on. Controls and trim look good. Stabilizer position is good and going X-15 oxygen. Pressure is 2600. Cabin altitude is 35. 
NASA 1: OK, Milt, and 003, we'll call the 5 minute point in a few seconds. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: We'll up-grade it just a little. 
Thompson: Did you say you'll call the 5 minute point, Jack? 
NASA 1: We will call the 5 minute point in just a few seconds. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: OK, 5 minutes now. Milt, your lakebed winds are calm. 
Thompson: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: 003, 232 is a good heading. 
B-52: 232. 
NASA 1: We'll call the 4 minute point. 
B-52: Roger, will call 4. 
NASA 1: Make 234 on the heading. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: OK, 4 minutes now. 
Peterson: Lox topoff is complete. 
Thompson: OK, data coming on. Tank handle to pressurize. Ammonia tank is 45 and lox about 48. Data coming off. Intercom switch is coming on. How do you read, Jack? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: 003, turn 232° now. 
B-52: 232. 3 minutes. 
Thompson: OK, surfaces are still zero. Inertial velocity is reading about 500 now and altitude is 49. 
NASA 1: 003, make that 230 now. 
B-52: 230. 
Thompson: Attitudes good. APU bearings, about 90 on #1 and about 60 on #2. 
NASA 1: What was your velocity again, Milt? 
Thompson: My velocity about 500 and inertial altitude 49.
NASA 1: Rog. 
Peterson: I've got 44 for velocity and platform is in specs. Do you want to reset your altitude, Milt? 
Thompson: OK. 
Peterson: .......... 
Thompson: I've got 228. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Thompson: 2 minutes, data coming on. M-H oscillograph is on. Push to test ball nose and looks good. a is reading 1 1/2° and b is still about 1/2° left. Cine camera going pulse. Head bumper will stay up. 
NASA 1: We'll call the 1 minute point, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, everything looks good except this velocity. 
NASA 1: Rog. There's 1 minute now. 
Peterson: Launch master on. 
NASA 1: Milt, did you get the 1 minute point? 
Thompson: Affirm, Jack. OK, prime. Igniter ready light. Precool switch precool. Igniter idle switch coming on. Tape to 15. And I just got a reading. OK, pump idle. 
Chase: Pump idle off. 
Thompson: OK, ready to launch light coming on, pressures look good. 
B-52: Ready to launch light. 
Thompson: OK, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Got a good light, Milt. 
NASA 1: Got a good light, Milt. OK, coming up on theta. And your heading is OK. There's theta. Keep your eye on theta, Milt.
Thompson: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: On heading, on profile. OK, standby for pushover. You're looking good, Milt, real nice. Check your gain, check your a. On profile. OK, standby for a theta check, Milt. Standby for a. You're right on profile, Milt, beautiful profile. Watch your gain, watch your a, Milt. About 5.2 on velocity. Very good profile. Watch H dot, Milt. Speed brakes in, Milt. Watch your angle of attack.
Thompson: OK.
NASA 1: You can go into your turn. Watch your H dot, Milt, we have you going down hill slightly. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Keep your turn in, Milt. Keep your turn in just a little longer. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: OK, watch your H dot, you're going up a little bit and you can roll level and start down hill, Milt. 
Thompson: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: 215 on the heading. We have you at 3.4, Milt, and you can go to the center stick now. Speed brakes out. And you can .......... 100 fps to your .......... Bring it down hill, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, Jack. 
NASA 1: Real beautiful profile. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: We have you about 2.6 on velocity. Right on profile at the time. Mach 2, about 6 miles from high key. You can swing it out to the right a little. Do you have the field in site? 
Thompson: Yes, its under the nose. 
NASA 1: Roger, swing it to the right a little, keep your dive brakes out. 1.4 is your velocity. OK, keep your brakes in and go to jettison. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: You're going sub-sonic and watch your angle of attack. 
Thompson: Rog, Jack. 
NASA 1: Did you go to jettison? 
Thompson: What's my altitude? 
NASA 1: We have you about 37. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: OK, watch your angle of attack with your brakes out and check your squat circuit breakers, and flap circuit breakers. 
Thompson: OK, they're in. 
NASA 1: Have you gone to jettison? 
Thompson: Yep. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Chase 3: Has tally ho! 
Thompson: You want to go back to pressurize? 
NASA 1: Wait just a little, about 20,000. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Check 2° on your trim, Milt, if you like. 
Thompson: Rog. 
NASA 1: Go to pressurize Milt. 
Thompson: Rog.
Chase: Check your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Thompson: They're in. 
Chase: Rog. 
Thompson: That's the U-2 going off!! 
Chase: How about that! 
Thompson: OK, flaps. 
Chase: They're coming. 
Thompson: Gear. 
Chase: 3 good ones. Coming a little bit ......... "coming through the rye!" 5, 2, 1, - beautiful! 
Thompson: Ball heading 198. 10, 000. Inertial climb zero. X-15 oxygen 1800. Hydraulic pressures 3350. Peroxide tank pressure 550. APU bearings +80 on #1 and +60 on #2. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers -50 on #1 and -30 on #2. Engine source zero. Helium source on #1 and #2 are 1600. APU source is 2600 on #1 and 2800 on #2. Cabin source 24.