Plane: X-15-3 Date: August 26, 1964
Flight: 3-33-54 T.O.: 1000
Pilot: John B. McKay Launch: 1042
B-52: #003 Land: 1050
Pilots: Lt. Col. Fulton/Maj. Bement Total: :08
NASA 1: Thompson B-52 Land: 1123

13 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes now. 
McKay: 12-minutes, APU's coming on, #2. 
Chase: #2 .......... on. 
McKay: Rog. 
NASA 1: Fitz, we would like 2° more left. 
B-52: Roger. 
McKay: #1. 
Chase: #l on. 
McKay: Resetting. Reading 3400 on #1 and #2 hydraulics. .......... on voltage. 
B-52: 45,000. 
NASA 1: Roger, and engine reset, Jack. 
McKay: Engine reset. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
McKay: Flaps coming down, Bob. 
Chase: Flaps .......... OK. Flaps coming down. 
McKay: And up. 
Chase: Flaps up. 
McKay: OK, trim zero. Both circuit breakers are in. 
Chase: .......... down and up, fine. 
McKay: Rog. M-H oscillograph coming on. Going internal. 
NASA 1: 003, we'll call the 10 minute point, we're going to add a minute here. 
B-52: Roger. 
Butchart: .......... check, Jack. 
McKay: .......... 
Butchart: OK. 
NASA 1: Jack, turn precool off. 
McKay: Precool off now. 
NASA 1: 10 minutes now. 
McKay: 10 minutes. Inertial and attitudes OK. 2° a and 2° left on b.
NASA 1: Jack, can you give us a 5 second data burst? 
McKay: Rog. Data off. 
NASA 1: 003, come back to 48° again. 
B-52: Roger, 48. 
Butchart: OK, Jack, end of test and end of test light is on.
McKay: OK, Butch, M-H oscillograph coming off. 
Chase: And your trim is about 2° leading edge up. 
McKay: Rog. Aux cabin pressure switch coming on. 
NASA 9: Major Burgenhiem wants to know if they are going to use 23? 
NASA 1: We aren't planning on it, however we would like to be able to use it at the last minute. Always nice to have an alternate. 
B-52: 6 minutes.
McKay: Blood pressure coming on. Fire extinguisher auto. Trim zero. Engaging my MH-96 switches. And we'll leave the BCS off, Milt. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
McKay: Controls and trim check. 
Chase: They're coming out fine. 
McKay: We'll delete the BCS check. 
NASA 1: Rog, Jack. 
McKay: Trim zero now.
B-52: Coming up on 5 minutes, now. 
McKay: 5 minutes. X-15 oxygen and reading about 2800 on pressure. Cabin altitude 35,000. 
NASA 1: Rog, Jack. 003, we'll be adding 10 seconds and we'll call the 4 minute point. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: Get that, Butch? 
Butchart: Yep. 
NASA 1: 230 is a good heading on rollout. 
B-52: Rog. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now, 
McKay: How's the topoff, Butch? 
Butchart: It's OK. 
McKay: Data on - calibrate. 
B-52: 230. 
McKay: Tank handle pressurize. 45 on ammonia and 48 on lox. 
NASA 1: Rog, Jack. 
McKay: Data off. 
NASA 1: Rog, and 2° right, Fitz. 
B-52: Rog, 210. 
McKay: Intercom switch off, how do you read, Milt? 
NASA 1: 5 square, Jack, how me? 
McKay: 5 square. 
NASA 1: What's your a and b, Jack? 
McKay: a is +2° and b about 1° to the left. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
McKay: 3 minutes. Surfaces check to zero. Inertial velocity about 870, attitude is OK. APU bearing 100 on #1 and 100 on #2. Get that, Milt?
NASA 1: Affirm, Jack, and we'd like 2 more degrees right, Fitz. 
B-52: Rog. 
McKay: Leaving roll hold off. Delta psi to standby. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
McKay: 2 minutes. Data coming on. MH on. Push to test ball nose. 
Butchart: Got about 725 on inertial velocity. 
McKay: a is +1° and b 1° to the left. Cine camera pulse. Delete the head bumper. 
NASA 1: OK. Fitz, we will want 230 for launch. 
B-52: Rog, I'll come 3° left in 1 minute. 
NASA 1: We'll call 1 minute in about 10 seconds. 
B-52: 232°. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. 
McKay: 1 minute, going to prime. Igniter ready light. Precool switch precool. Igniter idle. Tape to 15. Pump idle coming on now. 
Chase: Pump idle on. 
McKay: Manifolds coming up. Ready to launch. 
NASA 1: Looks good down here. 
McKay: Rog, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Got a good light, Jack. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack, looks like you got a good light. 
McKay: Coming up on a
NASA 1: And you should be on theta now. Profile is looking good. OK, profile looking good, standby for pushover. Profile good. About 4,000. OK, standby for throttle. You're going a little high. 
McKay: Speed brakes, shutdown. 
NASA 1: Rog, brakes in. .
McKay: In. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack, we have you holding level about 87. Full speed brakes, full speed brakes during the turn. 
McKay: Say open speed brake? 
NASA 1: Affirm, full speed brakes and start down about 300 fps. 
McKay: What's my position? 
NASA 1: Jack, you're coming up on, just passed Three Sisters, start her down, get about 600 fps and full speed brakes out.
McKay: Rog. 
NASA 1: Run it on up to 800 q. You're real high on energy. OK, have you got Edwards in site? 
McKay: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK, swing it on to the right, you're real high on energy. 
McKay: OK, right. 
NASA 1: We got 4000 fps. Keep the brakes out. OK, we have you at 60,000 feet, 3200. OK, start swinging left now, Jack. You can bring the brakes in a little bit. Bring it on around to the left. 
McKay: OK, I'm going to make a turn to the left. 
NASA 1: Bring it on around, Jack. Brakes in. 
McKay: Brakes in. 
NASA 1: Tighten your turn, Jack. 
McKay: I've got the field, Milt. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack. You're approaching sub-sonic, watch your a. We have you at 45,000. 
McKay: Dive brakes. 
NASA 1: Coming sub-sonic, watch your a
McKay: Roger, 8°, 300 on velocity. 
NASA 1: OK. Chase 3, if you're in position, he's just coming over the southern edge of the lake and we'd like to go to jettison as soon as possible. 
Chase 3: .......... 
McKay: Going to jettison. 
Chase: Go to jettison now. 
NASA 1: Have you got the, OK, Jack, brakes out or in and check your squat and flap circuit breakers. 
McKay: Rog, coming up on 20 at 25. What are you reading, Don? Chase 1, what's your altitude? 
Chase 3: I've got him. 
NASA 1: We have you just coming through 20,000, Jack. 
McKay: OK, going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Affirm to go pressurize. 
McKay: Dive brakes. 
NASA 1: Better get the speed brakes in, Jack. 
McKay: Speed brakes in. 
NASA 1: Thank you, Jack. We'd like a landing maneuver. 
McKay: Rog. 
Chase: Everything looks good, Jack. Flaps. 
McKay: Quite a rollout. 
Chase: Rog.
McKay: 3 axis is 160. Inertial height is 8000. Zero climb. Velocity about 780. Oxygen pressure 1400. Hydraulic pressure 3350. Tank pressure 560. APU bearing temps, #1 is 100 and +80 on #2. No low lights. Mixing chambers -50 on #1 and -40 on -#2. Source pressure zero. #l is 1500 and #2 is 1500. APU source, #1 is 2600, #2 is 2800. Cabin source pressure 2600.