Plane: X-15-3 Date: May 21, 1964
Flight: 3-29-48 T.O.: 0858
Pilot: Milt Thompson Launch: 0940
B-52: #003 Land: 0948
Pilots: Lt. Col. Fulton/Jones Total: :08
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1040

13 Minutes to launch
Thompson: APU cooling switch normal. Both blowers and LN2 on. Pressure cooling is on. Cabin source is 3650. Helium shutoff valve coming open. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 12 minutes. 
Thompson: Data on. #2 APU coming on. OK, APU's are on. Generators reset. And engine reset. 
NASA 1: OK, how about your tape, Milt? 
Thompson: OK, I'll take another tape burst now. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
Thompson: Hydraulic pressure both 3400. Electric power check, both 200. Controls and flaps. And, flap circuit breakers are in. Data's off. 
NASA 1: 672, we'd like for you to shut #1 APU down, so you can rearm your SAS pump and cut it on again. 
Thompson: Rog. 
B-52: 45,000 now. 
NASA 1: We'd like for you to bleed your hydraulic pressure down on #1 before you restart, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, it's down, starting #1 again. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
B-52: 10 minutes. How does that check, NASA? 
NASA 1: That checks, Fitz. 
Thompson: MH oscillograph on. Platform going internal. 
Butchart: OK, start your check again, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
Butchart: Rog, let's go. 
NASA 1: Milt, is your tape off? 
Thompson: Affirm. And precool coming on. Inertial gage, I have 46,000. About 1000 fps, zero H dot. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Thompson: Attitude looks good. a is reading about 2°, b is about 1/2°. 
Butchart: Reading about 91°, Milt. 
Thompson: Right now I've got about 85, wait a minute, 89.
B-52: We show about 8-1/2 minutes, how does the time check with you? 
NASA 1: Checks very good, Fitz.
B-52: Clear to start turn at 8? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Butchart: Showing about 825 on my doppler velocity, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, I'm indicating 1000 down here. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn now. 
NASA 1: Looking good, Fitz. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Butchart: I got a failure on 62 here, Milt, I'm going ahead. 
Thompson: OK.. 
NASA 1: We'd like the party on the X-15 frequency to please get off the air. 
Butchart: That 62 was a .......... one too. 
NASA 1: Butch, that's the lateral accelerometer, disregard it, we can go without it. 
Butchart: OK. 
.......... : Glad he took it out.
Butchart: And we got the end of test light on, OK. 
Thompson: OK, MH oscillograph is off. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. 
NASA 1: Roger. Fitz, your turn is looking good. 
B-52: Just 6 minutes. 
NASA 1: Fitz, you can tighten your turn just a little. 
B-52: Roger, tighten a little. 
NASA 1: Milt, your MH check was OK, did you get the 6 minutes?
Thompson: Rog. Blood pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher going auto. And MH coming on. All 3 channels are on and MH BCS will stay off. Controls and trim is OK. Both BCS's on. Horizontal stabilizer is zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 5 minutes. 
Thompson: OK, going X-15 oxygen. Reading 2600. 
NASA 1: Roger, we will call the 4 minute point. 
B-52: Rog, understand. 
Thompson: Cabin altitude 35. 
NASA 1: Roll out on 260, Fitz. 
B-52: Rog. 
Thompson: How's the topoff, Butch? 
Butchart: It's complete. 
NASA 1: Fitz, we have about 30 seconds until the 4 minute point. 
B-52: OK, heading 260. 
NASA 1: Lets make that 262. 
B-52: 262. 
NASA 1: That's 4 minutes now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
Thompson: Data coming on. Tank handle going pressurize. 
NASA 1: Fitz, make that 264°. 
B-52: 264. 
Butchart: Jack, you might tell them that the cross-range is holding about zero, but the range is oscillating about -5. 
NASA 1: Roger, Butch. 
Thompson: OK, tank pressures are; ammonia 46 and LOX is 48. 
NASA 1: Roger, give us a calibrate. 
Thompson: OK, data coming on for a calibrate. Data off, intercom switch coming off. And how do you read, Jack, on radio? 
NASA 1: 5 square. Let's make that 266°. 
B-52: 266. 3 minutes. 
Thompson: Surfaces are still zero. Inertial velocity is about 825. Altitude is 46,000. APU bearing temps are oscillating at around 45°. Roll hold is off. Delta psi going to standby. 
NASA 1: Roger, Milt. 003, make that 268°. 
B-52: 268. You want us to come back to 260 at launch? 
NASA 1: That's affirm. 
B-52: Rog. 2 minutes. 
Thompson: Data coming on. MH oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose. I have about 2° a and 1/2° left b. Tape coming on. Cine camera is going to pulse. 
NASA 1: Check your tape, Milt. 
Thompson: Say again? 
NASA 1: Check your tape on the 15. 
Thompson: Yes, its on 15. I'm not going to use head bumper. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. 
B-52: Launch master on. Coming 260°. 
Thompson: Prime switch coming on. Going to igniter ready light. Precool switch going precool. Igniter idle coming on. MH adaptive still on. Coming up on 10 seconds. Pump idle. And, we got a ready to launch light. Everything looks good here.
NASA 1: Good igniter. 
Thompson: Got to go back to prime. 
NASA 1: Reset, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. Prime. Here we go into pump idle now. Do it again, Jack? 
NASA 1: Affirm. 
Thompson: OK, pump idle again. And, we're all set. Call that 3,2,1, launch. 
Chase: No light. 
NASA 1: OK, you got a light. OK, you're coming up on profile. Should have your theta, Milt. Standby for pushover. Get set for throttle back. We have you going just a little high, Milt. How do you read? Shutdown. 
Thompson: Engine shutdown, reset. Prime. Reset. And throttle off. 
NASA 1: Rog. Malfunction, reset. 
Thompson: Throttle back. 
NASA 1: Bring your nose up. Bring your nose up, Milt. 
Thompson: Throttle's off. 
NASA 1: Malfunction. Cuddeback. 
Thompson: Say again? 
NASA 1: Keep it going and watch your H dot, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: And go to jettison. 
Thompson: Going to jettison now. 
NASA 1: And your energy is looking good. OK, watch your H dot, Milt, you're looking good. And your heading is good. Milt, give us an altitude check. 
Thompson: OK, I'm indicating 65,000. 
NASA 1: OK, we'd like to have altitude check going by Three Sisters, at least 45,000. 
Thompson: I don't have Three Sisters in site, how's my heading? 
Chase: Real good, Milt, Three Sisters .......... 
NASA 1: C-130, we are going into Cuddeback, over.
C-130: Joe wants to know his heading.
Thompson: How's my heading, Jack?
NASA 1: Your heading is good. Peroxide jettison.
Thompson: You want peroxide jettison?
NASA 1: Rog.
Chase: He's turned final. 
NASA 1: What's your altitude, Milt? 
Thompson: Say again? 
NASA 1: Altitude? 
Thompson: I have 6O,000 indicated. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're passing over east Three Sisters now and you're looking good. Your heading is good. 
Thompson: OK, I still don't have Cuddeback yet. 
NASA 1: Roger, we have you heading right for the southern tip. I'll give you a correction in a minute. How's your jettison?
Chase: .......... 
NASA 1: Fly 240 knots indicated, Milt. And, you're over Three Sisters now. Altitude? 
Thompson: Well, on my pressure one, it's about 48. 
NASA 1: Rog. 
Thompson: Which is going to get me there. 
NASA 1: Roger, it will get you there with 15 or 20. 
Thompson: OK. 
Chase: Tally ho! 
NASA 1: OK, you're 12 miles from Cuddeback. 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Stop jettison on peroxide, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
.......... : We've got enough chases up there, let's get a couple of them out of the way. 
NASA 1: Do you have Cuddeback in site? 
Thompson: Yes, it's under my nose. 
NASA 1: OK, your winds are calm. You can bring it in either way, have your pick. 
Thompson: OK, I'll land to the North. 
NASA 1: Roger. You have it in sight, is that right? 
Thompson: Yes. 
NASA 1: OK, we suggest a little left turn here unless you want a high key. 
Thompson: Yes, I have plenty of altitude, looks like. 
NASA 1: Rog. We have you seven miles. Engine reset, and master off. 
Thompson: Engine reset, master coming off. 
NASA 1: And check your dive brakes in. 
Thompson: They are in. 
NASA 1: And, you're 5 miles from high key. OK, you're 3 miles from high key, and check your dial trim. 
Thompson: Rog, Jack. Can I get an altitude check? 
Chase: 32,000. 
Thompson: OK.
Chase: I'm chase on your right wing.
Thompson: Good. 
Chase: 30,000. 
Thompson: OK, how close am I? 
NASA 1: You're right at edge of lake, you can start a turn. 
Chase: Right over the top. 
Thompson: OK, I'll go on here just a hair and starting turn. 
NASA 1: Air Force 132, we got the X-15 going into Cuddeback from south to north. Bring your turn around, Milty. Tighten your turn. Do you have the runway in site? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
Chase: Passing 320. 
Thompson: 0K. 
NASA 1: Go to pressurize, Milt. 
Chase: 18,000. 
NASA 1: Tighten your turn. 
Thompson: OK, I'm pressurizing. 
NASA 1: We got you at 15. Check your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Thompson: OK. 
Chase: I'm 15 thousand. 
NASA 1: Chase 1, can you give him an altitude check? 
Chase: 10,000 feet. 
NASA 1: You got your speed brakes out, Milt? 
Thompson: Yep. 
.......... : .......... 
Chase: 5,000.
NASA 1: We have you over the edge of the lake. 
Thompson: Flaps coming down. 
Chase: They're down, Milt. 
.......... : .......... 
NASA 1: Air Force 855. 
A/F 855: I'm heading for Cuddeback if you want me to. 
NASA 1: Roger, that's affirmative. 
A/F 855: I'm on my way. 
Chase: Everything OK, Milt? NASA 1, he's on the ground, everything looks real good here. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
A/F 132: Landing right behind him. 
NASA 1: 132, thank you. 
Edwards Twr: NASA 1, confirm X 15 is on Cuddeback and everything is OK. 
NASA 1: X-15 has landed safely at Cuddeback and it's under control.
Edwards Twr: Thank you.