Plane: X-15-3 Date: March 13, 1964
Flight: 3-27-44 T.O.: 0901
Pilot: John B. McKay Launch: 0946
B-52: #003 Land: 0954
Pilots: Major Bement/Lewis Total: :08
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1013

12 Minutes to launch
NASA 1: 12 now. 
McKay: 12 minutes. Data coming on. #2 APU, its on. 
.......... : .......... 
McKay: Goes the hydraulics, up with the .......... coming back, #l coming on. 
NASA 1: Heading 024. 
B-52: Roger, 024. 
Chase: #l is on. 
McKay: #1 hydraulics. Going to reset. Hydraulics reading about 450. Voltage running about 40. Engine reset. 
B-52: 11 minutes to go, about 10 seconds ago now. 
McKay: OK with the control check. Flaps coming down. Coming up. 
Chase: Flaps came down about 1/2", correction about 1 inch. 
McKay: OK. Squat circuit breakers. Data coming off. 
NASA 1: Check your trim for zero, Jack. 
McKay: OK, trim is zero. 
Butchart: Leading edge of the stabilizer is about 1/2" below the mark. 
McKay: Roger. MH oscillograph coming on. 
B-52: 10 minutes, 5 seconds ago. 
McKay: Platform internal. 
B-52: 52 heading 024°. 
Butchart: OK, I'll start my check, Jack. 
McKay: OK, precool coming off. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Give you some inertial, 47 on altitude, 550 on velocity .......... Attitude normal. a is 2-1/2 and b is about 1/2° to the right. Do you want the MH oscillograph to remain on, Butch? 
Butchart: Affirmative. That stays on until the end of the check. 
McKay: Roger. 
B-52: 15 seconds to turn, confirm clear to turn on 8. 
NASA 1: Roger, you are cleared to turn on 8. 
B-52: Starting turn.
NASA 1: Roger, make your turn shallow and launch heading will be 214°. 
B-52: Roger, understand 214°. 
Butchart: Got a doppler velocity of about 785 there, Jack, before we started the turn. 
McKay: Mine is reading just a little higher, that's about right, Butch. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
McKay: Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Butch, I'm reading about 3° nose down on my .......... indicator here. 
Butchart: OK, end of test light is on, Jack, all tests are good. 
McKay: Roger, MH coming on. 
NASA 1: Roger. Jack, do you want to check your trim again and Chase 1, confirm. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
McKay: 6 minutes and ......... 
Chase: Confirmed, stabilizer is lined up with the mark. 
McKay: OK. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Blood pressure. Fire extinguisher auto. Engaging MH. 
NASA 1: Roger. Shallow out your turn and we'll give you a new call at 6 minutes. 
B-52: Standing by for your call at 6. 
McKay: MH BCS on. 
NASA 1: 6 minutes now. 
B-52: Roger, copy 6. 
McKay: Control and trim check. Both BCS on. Horizontal stabilizer position to zero. 
NASA 1: 003, resume your normal rate of turn. 
B-52: Roger. 5 minutes. Will wait your call on four. 
NASA 1: Roger. 5 minutes. 
McKay: X-15 oxygen. Readout is about 2850. Cabin altitude is 36,500. 
NASA 1: Roger. All chase, over fly all restricted areas 30,000 and Goldstone is hot. 003, roll out on 210°. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: 208°. 
B-52: Roger, 208°. 
NASA 1: 4 minutes now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
McKay: Data coming on - calibrate. Going to pressurize.
NASA 1: Heading 204. 
B-52: 204. 
McKay: Roger, lox coming up. 6-2-4 is gains. Intercom switch off. How do you read me, Bob? 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear, Jack. 
McKay: Roger, about 3 square. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
McKay: Surfaces are zero. Inertial velocity is about 765. 
Butchart: Platform looking good. 
McKay: OK, attitude normal. APU bearings, #1 is +80 and #2 is +80. 
NASA 1: 208°, 003.
B-52: Roger, 208°. 
McKay: Delta psi standby. 
NASA 1: Roger. Pick up launch heading now. 
B-52: Roger, 214°, 2 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger. Will call 1 minute in 40 seconds. 
McKay: Data on, tape to 15. Oscillograph on. Push to test. a and b look normal. 2° and b is zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Cine camera pulse. 
NASA 1: Roger. 1 minute now. 
McKay: 1 minute. Prime switch coming on. Igniter ready light. Precool. Igniter idle. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
McKay: Pressures looking good. Pump idle coming on now. Manifolds about 350. Launch light. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, drop. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: OK, Jack, looks good. Approaching theta now. Track is real good. Looks real good, Jack. Approaching pushover. 
McKay: Pushover.
NASA 1: Very good. Profile is good. Standby to reduce throttle and little high, Jack. Speed brakes, little bit high. Looks good. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: You're level and watch your altitude now. Very good, Jack. Hold your a up, very good. Very good. Very good, Jack, speed brakes in. You have a little extra energy, Jack. Roll and a hold. How do you read me, Jack? 
McKay: Roger, how me? 
NASA 1: Loud and clear. Start down hill now, looks real good. Give me a speed reading. 
McKay: 4100. 
NASA 1: OK, you're high on energy, speed brakes. High on energy and you're 5 Cuddeback. Start a turn to the right, you're just inside the track. Got the field in site? 
McKay: Roger. Full speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Roger, have you 60,000 feet now. Show you Mach 2.4 at 55,000. Disengage your hold mode. 
McKay: OK .......... off. 
NASA 1: Trim is zero. You're over North Base, starting left turn. OK, you can pull speed brakes in now, Jack, and start left turn. Watch your angle of attack in the turn. 
McKay: OK, going to roll hold. 
NASA 1: Speed brakes in. 
McKay: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: 40,000. Watch your angle of attack, Jack. 
Chase 3: Tally ho! 
McKay: Ready for jettison? 
NASA 1: Go to jettison. Have you picked him up, Chase l? 
McKay: .......... 
NASA 1: We're showing you about 20,000, Jack. Chase 1, have you picked him up yet? 
McKay: OK, I got the flare. 
NASA 1: Go to pressurize, Jack. 
McKay: Going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Check your brakes in. We're showing light winds at the low level, Jack.
McKay: Roger.
Chase: I've got 340 indicated, Jack. 
McKay: OK, I'm 335, thank you. 
Chase: Flaps. 
McKay: Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps are coming down and coming out good. Gear is down, nose is down good, all 3. 5 feet, 3, 1, very nice. 
McKay: Thank you, Don. 
NASA 1: Engine master off when you grind to a halt, Jack. 
McKay: Master coming off. 3 axis ball heading 223°. Inertial height is 1,950. Climb is about 50 feet. X-15 oxygen pressure is about 1900. 
NASA 1: What was your height? 
McKay: Inertial altitude has gone up to 2200. #1 and #2 hydraulics about 3200. Peroxide tank 520. APU bearings are +60 on #1, and +55 on #2. Low light is off. Mixing chambers, #1 is -60, and #2 is -40.