Plane: X-15-3 Date: February 19, 1964
Flight: 3-26-43 T.O.: 0916
Pilot: Milton O. Thompson Launch: 0957
B-52: #003 Land: 1004
Pilots: Major Fulton Total: :07
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1055

12 Minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes.
Thompson: Data coming on. #2 APU coming on. #l is coming on. Pressure off manifolds. Generators reset. Hydraulic pressure both 35. Electrical power, 200 on both. Controls and flaps. 
B-52: Just passed 11 minutes. 
Chase: Controls look good. 
Thompson: Flaps coming down. 
Chase: Both. 
Thompson: Back up. 
Chase: Good. 
NASA 1: 003, we will make the launch heading 232°. 
B-52: Roger. 
Chase: Both flaps are up. 
Thompson: Flap circuit breaker is OK. Data coming off. MH coming on. Platform going internal. 
Russel: Start analyzer check. 
Thompson: Want precool off, Jack? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
Russel: Doppler velocity 878, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
Russel: Platform in specs ...... 
B-52: Reading 42, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, I've got 42 now. Attitudes look good. a about 2°, b about 1° off to the left. 
NASA 1: 003, turn left 040. 
B-52: Roger. 
NASA 1: You have lots of wind. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: You can start your turn at 8 minutes, Fitz. 
B-52: Will do. 
NASA 1: Milt, give us another b readout. 
Thompson: About 1° left. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn. 
NASA 1: Looks good. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
Russel: Had a temporary on 72 and the analyzer is on yet.
NASA 1: Milt, your lake winds are from the northwest about 5-10 knots. 
Thompson: Roger. 
Russel: Analyzer check complete, end of test light is on. Temporary on 72. 
NASA 1: OK, that 73 temporary has cleared itself. 
Thompson: I have .......... 25 feet stabilizer heading. Auxiliary cabin pressure switch coming on. MH oscillograph off. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Thompson: Blood pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher going auto. MH coming on. BCS auto. Controls look good and I've got zero on both stabilizers. Getting both controls on here. 
Russel: Lube oil temp is 70°. 
Thompson: Going to X-15 oxygen. Reading about 2500. Cabin altitude is 52,000 all the way. 
Russel: LOX topoff is complete. 
NASA 1: Fitz, we will call the 4 minute count. 
B-52: Very well. 
NASA 1: Let's call that 4 minutes now. 
B-52: On heading 233. Your stabilizer and trim look good here, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Did you get the 4 minute point, Milt? 
Thompson: Ammonia and lox ............. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Thompson: 45 and ........ 
NASA 1: Milt, give us an a and b readout. 
Thompson: a is +2 and b is still 1 to the left. Intercom switch is off. How do you read, Jack? 
NASA 1: We read you about 3 square. You're coming in just a little ....... 
Thompson: OK, inertial velocity is about 600 now and altitude is 45,000. Attitudes look good. Surfaces are still zero. APU bearings are running about 60. I'm going to turn roll hold on. Are we just about wings level? OK. 
.......... : .......... 
Thompson: Data on. Tape to 15. MH oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose and we end up with about 1-1/2° positive a and b is still off to the left a little bit.
NASA 1: We will call the 1 minute point. 
Thompson: Cine camera on pulse.
NASA 1: OK, and check your delta psi standby, Milt. 
Thompson: Its on standby. 
NASA 1: 1 minute now. 
B-52: 1 minute, launch master on. 
Thompson: I'm going to leave the head bumper up. 
NASA 1: Milt, give us a velocity and altitude reading. 
Thompson: Velocity is about 600. Altitude is 45. Prime switch going to prime. Precool coming on. Igniter idle on. 
.......... : Got your ignition ready light on? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. Pump idle. Looks good here. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - launch. 
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: You're holding your mic down. Pull it up, Milt, pull it up. 
Chase: Everything looks good. 
Thompson: I'm on theta. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're doing pretty good, Milt. Standby for pushover. Pushover now, you're just a little left of course. Just a little high, coming up on 60 seconds now. Going just a tad high, high, on heading. Standby for throttle. Throttle back. We have you still climbing, you appear to be coming level, above. Brakes. Brakes in, we have you coming in just a little. Pull your nose up, Milt, slow your H-dot. We have you coming below profile, check your q. Just a little right of heading. 
Thompson: OK, starting my left turn. 
NASA 1: Rog. We have you about 73,000. Start your turn. Check your altitude, we have you climbing. We have you about 3800 and climbing up to about 78 at the present time. You can come out with a little speed brake. 
Thompson: Yes, I've got them out. 
NASA 1: Rog. We have you a little high on profile. You're heading right for the southern edge of Cuddeback at the present time, about 7 miles out. 75 now. Your inbound heading is 215°. You're passing right over Cuddeback now, 70,000.
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Keep your brakes out, you've got lots of energy. 66. We have you about 18 north of the field. 2600 on velocity, keep your brakes out. Just passing through 60,000 now. We have you about 11 miles straight north. 55,000. You can swing around to the right a little bit and bank it to spend your energy. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Do you have the field in site? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Rog. You're 5 miles north, lots of energy, and you have 1500 on velocity. You can jettison any time. 
Thompson: OK, going to jettison. 
NASA 1: We have you approximately over the highway heading south. Chase 2, do you have him? 
Chase 3: Chase 3 has a tally ho on his jettison. I'm quite a ways out, Jack. 
NASA 1: Rog. 45,000. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: Watch your angle of attack on this turn, Milt. 
Thompson: Yes. 
NASA 1: We have you going subsonic. About 41,000 now. Check your dampers on. 
Thompson: They're on. 
NASA 1: Check your flap and squat circuit breaker. 
Thompson: They're OK. 
NASA 1: We have you 30,000. You're still a little fast here yet. 
Thompson: Rog. I've still got the brakes out. 
NASA 1: Chase 3, do you have him in sight? 
Chase: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK, Milt, engine master off. 
Thompson: OK. 
NASA 1: And we have you coming through 20,000. Look like you're in pretty good shape. Recheck your flap and squat circuit breakers. 
Thompson: Right. 
NASA 1: We're still showing about 15° speed brake. 
Thompson: Yes, I've still got a little out. 
NASA 1: Your brakes in, Milt? 
Thompson: OK, they're in. Flap. 
Chase: Let's see some gear, Milt. OK, you got two mains and a nose. 13 feet, 5, 3, 1, nice! 
Thompson: 3 axis ball is reading 192. Altitude is 14,000. Inertial climb is just about +30. X-15 oxygen is 1900. Data off, MH off. Hydraulic pressures, #1 is 3100, #2 is 3300. Peroxide tank pressure about 560. APU bearing is +80 on #1 and +60 on #2. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers, -65 on #1 and -45 on #2. Fox is zero. #1 and #2 is 1600. #1 and #2 APU sources are 26. Cabin source is 2100.