Plane: X-15-3 Date: Nov 27, 1963
Flight: 3-24-41 T.O.:  
Pilot: Milton O. Thompson Launch:  
B-52: #008 Land:  
Pilots: Major Fulton Total:  
NASA 1:   B-52 Land:  

7 Minutes to launch
  (Early part of transcript missing)
Butchart: OK, working the test, end of test light is on. I had that temporary on 2 which is OK and a temporary on 15 which did not use ......... 
Thompson: Rog. OK, blood pressure is on. Fire extinguisher going to auto. 
NASA 1: Roger, and set in your dial trim. 
Thompson: It is set in now. 
NASA 1: OK, you re OK now. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
Thompson: MH is engaged and all the lights are off. BCS's are on. Controls look OK. Both BCS's are on. Horizontal stabilizer is zero, both. 
Tower: 314 has aborted due to nose gear. 
Thompson: On X-15 O2 and reading 2900. Cabin altitude is 35,000. 
NASA 1: OK, and give us a data on and calibrate. 
Thompson: Data on, calibrate. 
NASA 1: Data off? 
Thompson: Data off. Tank handle going to pressurize. Pressures are about 46 on lox and ammonia. Tank handle coming back to pressurize. 
NASA 1: Roger, and 008, roll out 214 heading. 
B-52: Roger, 214 heading. 
Chase: Good jettison. 
Thompson: OK. Intercom switch going off. NASA 1, this is 672, how do you read on X-15 radio? 
NASA 1: Standby for your 4 minute point. 4 minutes now, read you 5 square now, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. 
B-52: Heading 214, just past 4 minutes. 
NASA 1: Come right to 216. 
B-52: 216. 
Thompson: All my surfaces indicating about zero. Inertial velocity is about 600 fps and altitude is 45,000. 
Butchart: I got 740 on velocity. Give us an a and b readout. 
Thompson: a is reading +2° and b about, 1° nose left. 
B-52: 3 minutes. 
Thompson: APU bearing temp is about 6° on both. Roll hold is on and delta psi going to standby. 
NASA 1: Looks good down here, Milt. 
Thompson: OK. I've got 2600 on #1 and #2 and about 33 on fox. 
Chase: Trim looks good, Milt.
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Thompson: Data on. Tape to 15. MH oscillograph on. Push to test ball nose. I got about 1° angle of attack and still 1° on b.
NASA 1: Roger. Fitz, turn left 212°. 
B-52: Coming left 212°. 
Thompson: Cine camera on pulse. 
NASA 1: Standby for your 1 minute callout. 10 seconds to go. OK, lets call that 1 minute. 
Thompson: OK. No head bumper. Prime switch going to prime. I got igniter ready light. Precool switch precool. Igniter idle on. 
NASA 1: Set the prime switch again, Milt. 
Thompson: OK, it's back on again. 
NASA 1: Now igniter idle, igniter idle again. 
Thompson: OK, got igniter idle on. 
NASA 1: OK, anytime, you're OK down here. 
Thompson: Pump idle. Everything looks good, got about 350. OK, lets call it - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch. 
Chase: Looks good, Milt. 
NASA 1: We got a good light down here. Show you about 90%. Cut her back a little bit. OK, that's good right there. Bring it on up, Milt, you're in low profile. 
Chase: He's going on up now. 
NASA 1: Standby to pushover. 
Thompson: OK, my platform isn't working. 
NASA 1: Roger, you're going just a little high. Watch your acceleration. Keep it at zero g. You're on course. Standby to shutdown. 83, 84, 85. You're coming up toward 90,000, your heading is good. Indicating Mach 5. 
Chase: .......... speed and altitude, his platform is not working. 
NASA 1: Roger. We have him at 90, coming up on about 89,000. Starting down hill, ease it up. 
Thompson: OK.
NASA 1: Pull it up and you can go into your turn. Ease it on up, we're getting you down around 80,000 here. We have you about 900 q, ease it on up. Your heading at Cuddeback is 210. OK, ease it on down, Milt. Ease it on down. Little speed brake. You read NASA l? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK, use a little speed brake. 
Thompson: OK, what's my altitude? 
NASA 1: We have you approaching Cuddeback, do you have the field in site? 
Thompson: Yes, it's under the nose. 
NASA 1: OK, use a little speed brake now. 
Chase: What's his altitude? 
NASA 1: 60,000. Coming up on 60,000, about 1200 q. Keep your speed brakes out. You're about 12 miles from high key. Keep your speed brakes out. Swing out to the right just a little, Milt, to space your energy. OK, we have you at 55,000. About 2.2 on velocity. Swing wide, you're coming along pretty good. You're down about 1.7, watch your angle of attack. OK, pull the brakes in. Keep it coming down hill. Reading NASA l? 
Thompson: Affirm. 
NASA 1: OK, start swinging around to the left, Milt. 50,000 now. 1.1 on velocity, you will be coming subsonic. Watch your angle of attack. 
Thompson: Right-o. 
NASA 1: We have you in good shape. You can start downwind. 
Thompson: OK, going to jettison. 
NASA 1: Rog. Engine master off. 
Thompson: Engine master is off. 
Chase 3: Tally ho! 
NASA 1: You're just a little high, come out with a little brake here. 
Thompson: Affirm, I've got them out. 
NASA 1: We show you about 15° angle of attack. 
Thompson: I've got about 10. 
NASA 1: 30,000 now, you can bring it on down. Check you flap and squat circuit breaker. 
Thompson: OK, they are in. 
Chase 3: Tally ho!
NASA 1: Milt, check your dial trim. 
Thompson: Yes ....... 
NASA 1: 20,000. 
Thompson: Going to pressurize. 
Chase: 15,000 feet. 
NASA 1: 15,000. Bring your brakes in? 
Thompson: Yep! 
Chase: 10, 000, 5,000, 5, ............. Good show, Milt! 
Thompson: 3 axis ball is about 201. Inertial height is 45,000. Climb is a11 the way up. Velocity is about 2600. X-15 02 is 1900. Disengaged MH. Flaps are up. Speed brakes open. Push to test ball nose. Data coming off. MH oscillograph's off. Hydraulics are 3400 on #1 and 3300 on #2. H2O2 tank pressure is 560. APU bearing temp is still about 70. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers about -50 and -70. Fox is zero. #1 is 1500 and #2 is 1500. APU sources down 2700 each. Cabin source is 2000.