Flight No.: 3-24-40 Scheduled Date: November 19, 1963

Pilot: Milton O. Thompson

Purpose: Pilot Checkout.

Launch: Hidden Hills on a magnetic heading of 212°, MH-96 Adaptive, R.C. "OFF," BCS "OFF," heading vernier to "Standby," ventral off.

Launch point coordinates: 36° 20' N, 115° 59' W.
 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine at 75%T. Rotate at 11° a until q = 30°.
2. 24 48 1500 11 550 q = 30° - Maintain q = 30°.
3. 40 58 1950 5 480 Pushover to 0 "g."
4. 79 80 3950 0 680 Increase a to maintain H-dot = 0.
5. 86 80 4500 4 870 Shutdown, maintain H-dot = 0.
6. 101 80 4300 4 800 Yaw damper to "Fixed Gain." Increase a to 10°, maintain a = 10° until H-dot = +600 fps.
7. 122 85 3800 10 480 H-dot = 600 fps - pushover to »a, roll into a 90° left bank, increase a to » 15° and perform several rudder step inputs.
8. 147 92 3350 15 270 Peak altitude - decrease a to » 5°, roll to a 60° right bank, (maintain H-dot » -600 fps), increase a to » 15° and perform several rudder step inputs.
9. 175 82 3000 15 350 Vector to Cuddeback, maintain H-dot » -400 fps.
10. 210 62 2600 6 700 Cuddeback - vector to High Key, speed brakes as required. Yaw damper "OFF" at pilot's discretion. Perform moderate rudder pulses. Yaw damper "Adaptive."
11.           High Key. Check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in.
12.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, data "Off."



1. q vernier will be set at 30°, a cross-pointer null at 0°.

2. Emergency lakes: Cuddeback.

3. Flight duration: Approximately 9 minutes.

4. Flight plan based on 46,800lb thrust at 75%.

Total burn time at 75% T = 102 sec.

Launch Wt. = 32,800lb Burnout Wt. = 15,000lb

Ground Rules For No Launch:
  1. Radio, Radar, or TM malfunction.

2. FCS malfunctions as indicated on Analyzer check list.

3. Malfunction of inertial attitudes or velocities.

4. Malfunction of Ball Nose.

5. APU gear box pressurization malfunction.

Alternate Situations After Launch:
  Failure   Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Total Yaw Damper   Proceed, pushover to 2° a at 40 sec. Vector to High Key after shutdown, do not perform pullup and roll maneuvers.
3. Total Pitch/Roll Damper   Same as 2, except turn Yaw Damper "OFF."
4. Fixed Gain in any axis   Proceed as planned. (Turn Yaw Damper to correspond to Roll Damper).
5. Attitude Failure   Use 6° a in place of 30° q at 24 seconds.
6. Ball Nose   Proceed as planned. Rotate at 1.5g instead of 11° a. Heading vernier to "·y." Do not perform pullup and roll maneuvers.
7. Delayed engine light   Pushover to zero g at H = 56,000 ft.

8. For inadvertent engine shutdown:

0 - 58 sec Hidden Hills

58 - 66 sec Cuddeback (2700 fps)

66 - Up sec Edwards (3200 fps)