Plane: X-15-3 Date: August 22, 1963
Flight: 3-22-36 T.O.: 0909
Pilot: Joseph A. Walker Launch: 1006
B-52: #003 Land: 1017
Pilots: Major Bement/Major Lewis Total: :11
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1056

12 Minutes to launch
Walker: Data on. #2 APU. 
Chase: Exhaust. 
Walker: #1. 
Chase: Exhaust. It's still running! 
Walker: Reset generators. 
NASA 1: Looks good down here too, Joe. 
Walker: Engine master reset. Controls and flaps. Flaps. 
Chase: Flaps down. 
Walker: Flaps up. 
Chase: They're up. 
Walker: Flap breakers are in. Data off. MH oscillators on. Platform internal. 
B-52: 11 minutes now. 
Russel: Starting analyzer check. 
Walker: Precool off. Holding about 46,000 feet altitude, 100 fps. 345 heading. Good attitudes. Zero b, angle of attack l-l/2°. 
B-52: l0 minutes now. Mag heading 243°. 
NASA 1: Flight status looking good, Russ. 
Russel: Temporary on #34. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack. 
B-52: NASA l, confirm 30 seconds to turn. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 8 minutes, starting turn now. 
Walker: Is that a complete check? 
Russel: Rog, end of test is on. 
NASA 1: Rog, check was OK from NASA l. 
Walker: MH oscillators off. .......... trim to zero. 
NASA 1: 003, both Edwards and Beatty have lost you on radar, play it by ear at this time and see how you come out. 
B-52: Roger.
Russel: Lube oil temp 180°. 
B-52: 6 minutes, going to 137°. 
Walker: Aux cabin pressure. Blood Pressure. Fire Ext. Engaging MH-96. BCS auto. Zero on trim and controls. Both BCS on. Horizontal stabilizer is standard L-R, one up, 1 down. 
B-52: 5 minutes, going 230°. 
Walker: X-15 oxygen at 2800 pounds. Cabin altitude is 35,000 feet. 
Russel: Topoff is complete, Joe. 
Walker: OK. 
B-52: 4 minutes, 45°, turning to 170°. 
Walker: Data, calibrate. Going to pressurize. 
NASA 1: 003, take up 166 and call it 4-1/2 minutes. 
B-52: Roger, 4-1/2 minutes, 166. 
Walker: Lockout on both tanks, 45 pounds. Data off. We got 650 on peroxide tank. 
Russel: .......... looks good on launch panel. 
Walker: I 'm on X-15 radio. 
NASA 1: 5 square, Joe. 
B-52: 4 minutes now. 
Walker: Backed us up 1/2 minute, didn't he? A whole minute! 
NASA 1: Turn right 164, turn left 164°. 
B-52: Left 164°. 
Walker: Coming up on 3-1/2 minutes? 
NASA 1: Affirm. On .......... radar track now. 
Walker: Inertial velocity is 700, we're 46,000, attitudes good. 
Russel: Got 701 on inertial velocity. 
Walker: APU bearing temps, #1 is 80, #2 is 101. 
Russel: .......... 
Walker: Yes, I watched it go by in the turn. 
Russel: Stable platform in specs. 
Walker: Roll hold's on. Delta psi is in standby. 
B-52: NASA 1, do you wish us to take up 170 at 1 minute? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: 2 minutes. 
Walker: Data tape to 15. MH oscillator on. Push to test ball nose. Head bumper down.
NASA 1: Joe, when you roll out on 170, punch your CSS and hold it for a second. 
Walker: OK. I got that as an item for 40 seconds, too. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
Walker: Delta psi coming on when we work up to zero. Delta psi on. 
B-52: 40 seconds. Master arm on. 
Walker: Push CSS button and prime. Precool. Igniter idle. Pump idle. Good pump, good idle, ready to launch. Launch now.
Chase: Good light. 
NASA 1: Good light, Joe. 11 seconds. Coming up on profile, track looking very good, Joe. 29, 30 seconds, on profile. 
Walker: Slow getting to q
NASA 1: On track. 70,000. .
Walker: High! 
NASA 1: Real good track. Coming up on 100 now, Joe. Looking just a little shallow. Showing about 44° on q. 150,000 now. 
Walker: OK, we predict 362. 
NASA 1: Roger. Your track is looking good. OK, track is looking very good, Joe. 
Walker: Roger. 
NASA 1: Looks like you're coming just little low. Showing you little low, Joe. 
Walker: I don't seem to be getting any left BCS roll out of MH. 
NASA 1: Roger. 330,000, 45° bank, b to zero. 
NASA 1: Roger. Manual BCS on, Joe. And we're approaching 350. We're showing about 348 here, Joe. 
Walker: Pretty good. 
NASA 1: Looks like we flew this before, Joe.
Walker: OK, 20° of speed brake. 
NASA 1: Roger. Track is looking very good. Have you coming just little long, Joe, get set for 26°. 
Walker: OK. 
NASA 1: And we're just little west of track, looking very good. 
Walker: I've got MH BCS off and manual. 
NASA 1: Rog. Roll hold off? 
Walker: Yep, off. 
NASA 1: Standby on delta psi. 
Walker: Affirm. 
NASA 1: a is looking good, about 22°. Still have you little long. 26° a. 550O fps. 3 g's, 4 g's, showing about 5 g's, Joe. g is looking very good. Mach 4. Check your speed brakes. 
Walker: They're closed. 
NASA 1: Ease it up. OK, have you going just little up hill, Joe. Watch your bounce! Ease it over. Just past China Lake at Mach 3. Have good energy. Push it over. And we have about 75,000 feet. 3000 fps. Do you have the field in site, Joe? 
Walker: Affirm. 
NASA 1: Roger. Have you about 2.8. 
Walker: Rog, I'm coming through 51,000. 
NASA 1: OK, your present heading is looking good, you can make a wide left sweep to disperse energy. 
Walker: Rog, and BCS is off. 
NASA 1: We showed you 60 on our last count. About 2.4. 
Walker: OK, speed brakes. Through 48. 
NASA 1: OK, about 1.4, Joe, are your speed brakes out? 
Walker: Roger. Coming subsonic. 
NASA 1: Coming subsonic, what is your angle of attack? 
Walker: Got about 5°.
NASA 1: OK. We have your brakes in now. 
Walker: Yep! 300 knots, 33,000 feet. 
NASA 1: Roger. We have you just west of NASA, go to jettison any time. 
Walker: Jettison. 
Chase: Gone to jettison, I can't see you? 
Walker: I'm in jettison now. Coming in over top of tower, crossing runway now. 
NASA 1: OK, check your flap and squat C/B's. 
Walker: Check. 
Chase 4: Has tally ho! 
Walker: Roger. Little speed brake to kill off little more altitude, I'm showing about 22,000. 
NASA 1: Roger. Recheck your flap and squat switch C/B. 
Walker: Rog. Going to pressurize. Small brake and back. 
Chase: 3 feet, that was real nice! 
NASA 1: Real good flight, Joe. 
Walker: And I just got #l low light. Heading 172°. 550 fps and 13,000 feet. X-15 O2 off at 1600 pounds. OK, calibrate. Both data off. Hyd pressures, #1 is 34 and #2 is 33. #1 system is 1700, #2 is 2100. Bearing temps are +80 and +115. Peroxide tank pressure still 550. Mixing chambers are -50 and -55. Flat on engine helium. #1 & #2 is 1600. Cabin source is 1900. Platform going off. APU's going off.