Flight No.: 3-18-29 (Revised)* Scheduled Date: May 28, 1963

Pilot: Joseph A. Walker

Subject of test: Aerodynamic heating rates at high Mach number and low angle of attack, ventral off stability investigation.

Launch: Delamar Lake on a magnetic heading of 205°, MH-96 Adaptive, Roll hold "ON," Ventral off.

Launch point coordinates: 37° 37' N, 114° 58' W.

 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
12. 280 90 2700 8 200 Abeam Searles Lake, vector to high key - speed brakes as required.


2. Emergency lakes: Hidden Hills, Cuddeback


9. Inadvertent engine shutdown:

0 - 45 sec Delamar

45 - 66 sec Hidden Hills (3000 ft/sec)

66 - 68 sec Cuddeback (4450 ft/sec)

68 - Up sec Edwards (4600 ft/sec)

* Revision due to change in launch lake.


Flight No.: 3-18-29 Scheduled Date: May 28, 1963

Pilot: Joseph A. Walker

Subject of test: Aerodynamic heating rates at high Mach number and low angle of attack, ventral off stability investigation.

Launch: Mud Lake on a magnetic heading of 177°, MH-96 Adaptive, Roll hold "ON," Ventral off.

Launch point coordinates: 38° 07' N, 117° 19' W.
 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event
1. 0 45 790 2 145 Launch, light engine, increase to 100%T, rotate to 2g.
2. 14 46 1400 12 410 2g - Maintain 2g until q = 30°.
3. 20 48 1600 11 470 q = 30° - Maintain q = 30°.
4. 30 55 2050 3 540 Pushover to 0 g. (H-dot = 800 fps).
5. 63 74 4300 0 850 Pullup to a = 2°.
6. 75 77 5400 2 1200 Reduce thrust to 40%, modulate speed brakes to maintain slight longitudinal acceleration.
7. 86 78 5600 2 1280 Burnout. Increase a to » 6°, maintain H-dot » +200 ft/sec.
8. 99 80 4900 6 920 Retract speed brakes, disengage Roll hold.
9. 105 81 4700 5 780 Switch yaw damper "OFF," perform da pulse. At pilot's discretion, roll damper to "fixed gain" and/or "OFF," fly proportional to bank angle, then proportional to roll rate.
10. 150 90 4000 5 380 Peak altitude, maintain » 90,000 ft.
11. 200 90 3500 5 270 Roll and yaw dampers to adaptive.
12. 230 90 3100 5 220 Abeam China Lake, vector to high key - speed brakes as required.
13.           High Key. Check flap and "Squat" circuit breakers in.
14.           Before APU shutdown, cycle flaps, set stabilizer trim to zero, turn all data "Off."



1. q vernier will be set at 30°, a cross-pointer null at 2°.

2. Emergency lakes: Grapevine, Cuddeback.

3. Flight plan based on 59,000# thrust engine.

Total burn time at 100% = 81 sec.

Launch Wt. = 32,800lb Burnout Wt. = 15,000lb

Ground Rules For No Launch:
  1. FCS malfunctions as indicated on Analyzer check list.

2. Malfunction of inertial platform.

3. Malfunction of ball nose.

4. APU gear box pressurization malfunction.

Alternate Situations After Launch:
  Failure   Action
1. Radio or Radar   Proceed as planned.
2. Pitch or yaw damper to fixed gain   Proceed as planned.
3. Roll damper to fixed gain   Yaw damper to fixed gain, proceed as planned.
4. Total pitch and roll dampers   Yaw damper off, reduce thrust to » 50%, proceed to Edwards. Extend speed brakes to 20° at 3000 ft/sec., shutdown at 5000 ft/sec.
5. Total yaw damper   Proceed as planned.
6. Ball nose   Proceed, use .4g in place of 2° a at 63 sec. Do not disengage dampers.
7. Inertial platform   Use 5° a in place of 30° q. Proceed as planned at pilot's discretion.
8. Delayed engine light   Rotate at 2.5g, pushover to 0g at 52,000 ft (H-dot = 800 ft/sec.)

9. For inadvertent engine shutdown:

0 - 40 sec Mud Lake

40 - 65 sec Grapevine (2500 ft/sec)

65 - 68 sec Cuddeback (4300 ft/sec)

68 - Up sec Edwards (4500 ft/sec)