FLIGHT NO: 3-16-26 DATE OF REPORT: May 20, 1963

PILOT: J. A. Walker DATE OF FLIGHT: May 2, 1963


PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: APU Altitude Checkout

High a Aerodynamic Flow Investigation

I. R. Experiment and U.V. Experiment

I. Discussion of Previous Operations

None II. Aircraft Configuration Changes A. Mach probe installed on LH wing tip.

B. Nose gear door replaced due to damage sustained when inspection door opened prematurely on previous flight.

C. Reinstalled "delta psi" cockpit readout.

III. Instrument Configuration Changes A. Wiring hookup completed for installation of Mach probe.

B. Relocation of wiring and brackets for new type "delta psi" control box.

IV. Preflight Events A. Main gear oleo's changed due to a wide spread observed after landing on flight 3-15-25.

B. Nose gear door replaced. On the previous flight the nose gear door was damaged due to a premature opening of the nose gear close-out door.

C. The engine was removed after a ground run on April 26, 1963 for access to replace the turbine pump gas generator and a successful engine run was accomplished on April 27, 1963.

D. The right hand horizontal actuator was replaced. Excessive wear was observed on the actuator rod.

E. Emergency SAS hydraulic pump was changed on preflight checkouts. The emergency SAS hydraulic pump went out in overspeed. A new hydraulic pump was installed and preflight checkouts completed wit;h no further problems.

V. Flight Events A. Main chamber pressure readout to the pilot was low. Pilot indicated he received a better indication from the igniter pressure indicator. A complete checkout of the pilot's pressure indicating system was performed without any discrepancies being noted. Because this low indication has only been observed when the airplane is chilled down for flight, a transmitter sensitive to temperature was suspected and the transmitter has been changed.
Approved By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row John G. McTigue

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer