Plane: X-15-3 Date: December 14, 1962
Flight: 3-12-22 T.O.: 0947
Pilot: Major R. White Launch: 1044
B-52: #008 Land: 1054
Pilots: Major Bement/Maj. Cross Total: :10
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1200

12 minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
White: #2 APU is on. Data on. Cabin pressure is staying at 36,000. #2 hyd pressure dropped, coming back normally. #1 coming up. #1 hyd pressure is up, ball nose, hyd pressure is up, there it goes! #1 is up, taking a long time, there it's coming back. Reset generators. 200 volts, 200 volts ......... Engine reset. Hydraulic pressures look good. Electrical power looks good. Platform is internal. MH-96 circuit breakers are in. Data is off. 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
White: Flaps coming down. 
NASA 1: Like to verify both generator lights are out. 
White: That is correct. 
Chase: Flaps coming down. 
White: Flaps going up. 
Chase: Flaps are up. 
White: Precool is off. Ready to start the analyzer check, Butch? 
Butchart: All set, Bob. 
White: Precool and the .......... is up. 
Butchart: I got a malfunction on 10 right now. .......... get things around .......... 10 right now. 
NASA 1: Bob, start your analyzer check over again. 
White: Engine reset. 
Butchart: Starting again. Temporary on eight again. She's OK that time. 
B-52: Start turn at 36, please confirm, NASA 1. 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
B-52: Starting turn.
Butchart: OK, I got the same thing on 20 again, Bob, if you want to move the stick as we talked of. Move it out there temporarily. OK, that's fine. It's doing it again. OK, that's good. OK, right there. OK, going on. 
White: What is the time now? 
B-52: 6-1/2 minutes. 
Butchart: I got a .......... on 45. Is that the same thing as 40, do you know? 
NASA 1: That's affirmative. 
Butchart: OK, got it. 
B-52: 6 minutes to launch. 
NASA 1: Bob, engine oscillograph on? 
White: Engine oscillograph is on. Aux cabin pressure switch is on. Fire extinguisher coming to auto. 
B-52: 5 minutes to launch. 
Butchart: Going through 72. Getting an overheat warning in the control panel right now. End of test, Bob, and the light is on. 
White: OK, oscillograph is off. Zero the trims. Engaging the MH-96 system. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, and the MH system looks good from here. 
White: Both BCS are on. Going to X-15 oxygen with 2800 pounds. Cabin altitude is 36,000. .......... OK, I'll standby for 4 minutes and your topoff call, Butch. 
Butchart: OK, just shutting off now. 
White: How do controls and trim look? 
Chase: .......... lined up with .......... 
B-52: 4 minutes and 55 seconds. 
NASA 1: Roger, and add 1 minute. 
White: Data and calibrate. Data off, engine oscillograph off. Pressurize on the tanks. 
NASA 1: 008 and 672, did you get that one minute addition? 
B-52: Roger. 
Butchart: Jack, did you hear my call that I had an overheat warning on the control panel? 
NASA 1: Roger, Butch, got that. 
Butchart: OK. Only showing a -5 on this gyro heat though. 
White: OK, tank pressure came up. LOX steady at 50. And the ammonia at 45.
B-52: 4 minutes. 
White: Did those fall out during the lockout pressures, Jack? OK, 2 jettison switches, the LOX and ammonia are in the jettison position. Intercom switch is off. How do you read me on my radio, Jack? 
NASA 1: 5 square. 
White: OK, you got my lockout pressures, didn't you? 50 on LOX and 45 on ammonia. 
NASA 1: Roger, and we got the lockout pressures down here. 
White: OK, fine, you hear me OK, don't you? 
NASA 1: Bob, how does your attitude look? 
White: Attitude has been looking real good. 
..........  .......... 
NASA 1: Butch, how does your velocity .......... look? 
Butchart: Standby. I'm showing about a +2 on the x-range and about zero on the range. 
White: Inertial velocity for me is 1000, attitude looks good. Altitude 45. APU bearing temperatures are 40 and 40. 
NASA 1: Butch, as far as your control light being on, we'll still go unless something shows up. 
B-52: 2 minutes to launch. 
White: OK, both data on, push to test on the ball nose. The a settles down at +1 1/2. Cine camera is going to the pulse position. Head bumper. And still looks good, right? 
Butchart: Looks good on television. 
Chase: Trim is good. 
NASA 1: Bob, everything says go down here. 
White: Good. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
White: Prime, got an igniter ready light. My pressures are up. 
B-52: Launch master is on. 40 seconds. 
White: Precool, igniter. Engine oscillograph on. LOX pump bearing temperature is a -5. 
B-52: 10 seconds. 
White: Pump coming on. Manifold pressures 350. I see pressure there. 
Chase: Looks good. 
White: OK, rotated. 
NASA 1: You're on heading, coming up on profile. 
White: Chamber pressure looks good. 
NASA 1: Looking good here. 
White: This sun is awful bright! 
NASA 1: We have you a little tad low on profile, Bob, on heading. 33, 34, 35 seconds. 
White: OK, going to 2°. 
NASA 1: Coming up on profile now. Looking very good at this time. 
White: Rog. Boy, there comes the good old speed! 
NASA 1: Just a little bit steep. 
White: Can you by any chance, see my position? 
NASA 1: Roger. 
White: OK. 
NASA 1: Just a little high. 69, 70, brake. Still a little high, 79. 
White: And shutoff. 
NASA 1: You're looking good on profile. We had you shutdown at 5500 fps, Bob. Just a little left of profile. 
White: OK. 
NASA 1: l10 seconds, Bob. 
White: On reaction controls. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
White: Boy this sun is bright, I mean to tell you! 
NASA 1: You're slightly low on profile. 
White: Switch to delta psi. 
NASA 1: Coming up on 140,000. And 4400 fps. You're slightly fast and low, Bob. Want to standby on delta psi? 
White: .......... 
NASA 1: Roger. 4300 fps, coming downhill at 130,000. OK, go to standby on heading vernier, Bob. 
White: OK, I'm back on standby on heading vernier. 
NASA 1: Roger. 115,000. 
White: OK, reaction controls going to auto to off. 
NASA 1: Roger. You're still a little high and fast, 90,000. 
White: OK, I can get 2 g on this profile .......... in the simulator. I'm .......... out there, main thing, to gain stabilizer position, I get 2 g, looks like down there? 
NASA 1: Roger, that looks good here. We have you coming level.
White: Speed brakes closed. Pulling up. 
NASA 1: 3700, and we have your brakes in. 
White: OK, going back open on the brakes. 
NASA 1: Roger, full open. 3200 fps, you're about 20 miles north of high key, Bob. 75,000. 
White: OK. I show 84 inertial. 
NASA 1: Roger, you can swing to the right just a little for a right down-wind. 
White: Yes, looks like I better. 
NASA 1: Roger, it will bring you in on plenty of energy. 
White: I'm showing 2600 fps, how does that compare with your velocity? 
NASA 1: We're reading 2700 here. 
White: What kind of altitude do you show? 
NASA 1: 56. When you go to jettison, jettison everything, Bob. 
White: Rog. 
Chase: Are you in a left turn, Bob? 
NASA 1: We have your brakes in and you're looking good. 
White: OK, what is that little humming I'm getting right now in the airplane? Did you see that? Feeling heavy with the speed brakes closed. 
NASA 1: Are your speed brakes completely closed now? 
White: They are. OK, master switch is going off. 
NASA 1: OK, we have you abeam of the south lakebed. 
White: OK, data off? 
NASA 1: 1.5 Mach number, soon be going subsonic. Watch your angle of attack. 
White: .......... 
NASA 1: Have you coming around very nicely, Bob, at 45,000. Coming transonic, Bob, watch your angle of attack. 
White: .......... 
NASA 1: Have you jettisoned yet? 
White: No, I'm right over the south end of the lake, say starting up to north, going to jettison now. 
NASA 1: Roger. Jettison peroxide also unless you have a low light. And engine master off. 
White: Roger, the engine master is off and I'm jettisoning ......... Now passing through 30,000, Chase? 
Chase: I've got you, Bob. 
White: OK. I've rechecked the flap circuit breakers are in. Going to reengage the flap switch to take a look at it. OK, flap switch is engaged.
NASA 1: We have you in good shape on down-wind, Bob. 
White: I'm now at 25,000. Let me know when I stop jettisoning, .......... flaps .......... 
Chase: .......... 
White: OK, I'll wait and jettison in a little bit. 
NASA 1: Peroxide jettison off? 
White: Peroxide jettison is off. 
Chase: .......... 
White: OK, I'm now going to pressurize the tanks at 18. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob, we have you pressurizing the tanks, check your flap circuit breaker and MH circuit breaker. 
White: They're both checked. What do you show for altitude, Pete? 
Chase: Got 13 now. 
White: OK, air speed? 
Chase: 340. 
White: 340? Are you in formation with me? 
Chase: Rog. 
White: That's kind of fast. 
Chase: I'm on the outside of you here. 
White: OK. 
Chase: Want to check here again, you're pretty close?
White: See you on final. Flaps coming back. 
Chase: They're going back. Back. 
White: Gear coming out now. 
Chase: Main gear out, nose down. 5 feet, 2, very good. 
NASA 1: Real nice flight, Bob. 
White: It looked like it dropped the MH right off the line at touchdown. 
NASA 1: Bob, both your generators still on the line? 
White: Both generators still on the line. MH disengaged. Flaps coming up. Open up the speed brakes. Give a control cycle for you. Push to test on the ball nose. Data coming off. Hydraulic pressure, #1 at 3400 and #2 just about 3300. Hydraulic temperatures, #1 is +40 and #2 is +40. Peroxide tank pressures are 550 on #1 and #2. APU bearing temperatures are +60 on #1 and #2. No low light. Mixing chamber temperatures are -40 and -40. FOX source is zero. Tank pressures are; ammonia and LOX is about 36. Helium tank pressures are #l and #2 are both at 700. Peroxide tank and engine control are setting right about 600. LOX pump bearing is -30. 3 axis ball heading is 186°. Cabin source pressure is 1750. Inertial height is, well it's going up, I don't know what it was at touchdown. Inertial climb is +200. X-15 oxygen pressure is 3000.