X-15 Flight: 3-11-20

October 23, 1962

Pilot: Major R. A. Rushworth

Resume' of Flight: 1. Launch - light engine, increase to 100%T, rotate until 2g is attained.

2. Maintain 2g until q = 25°, maintain q = 25°.

3. Pushover to ". 2g" (a = 2° ).

4. Extend speed brakes to 20°.

5. Shutdown. Pullup to a = 20°, perform da pulse.

6. Increase to » 22° a, perform da pulse.

7. Increase to » 25° a, perform da pulse. MH-96 RC "AUTO."

8. Decrease a to » 11°. Heading Vernier "·y."

9. Peak altitude. Maintain q » 0° to 20° a. Heading Vernier " STANDBY."

10. Maintain 20° a until 2g is attained. Max. reentry g = 2.

11. Retract speed brakes (H-dot = -500 fps). MH-96 RC "OFF."

12. Increase to a » 12°, perform da pulse.

13. Pushover to a » 5°.

14. Vector to high key.

I. Launch and Rotation A. Was the launch sequence normal?

P.C.: Yes.

B. Compare launch "roll-off " excursion to previous flights where the ventral was used.

P.C.: Similar.

C. Following launch, describe the corrective lateral control applied to right the airplane. Were the rudders used?

P.C.: The corrective lateral control applied to right the airplane was normal. No rudders were used.

D. Note any unusual and/or distracting events during the rotation to climb attitude.

P.C.: The sun was in my eyes and it was very distracting. I did not use head bumpers because of engine instruments.

II. Climb A. Note any unusual and/or distracting events during the climb, up to pushover point.

P.C.: Sun.

B. Describe the low angle of attack handling characteristics during the speed run, to engine shut down.

P.C.: Excellent. Small limit cycle oscillation.

C. Rate the airplane controllability during the speed run. Note changes due to speed brake deployment.

Pilot Rating speed brake in, q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

Pilot Rating speed brake dj = 20°, q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

III. Power Off Pullup A. As the pullup was performed, describe in detail airplane response to:

1. The magnitude of control inputs.

2. The rate of control inputs.

3. The phasing of control inputs.

P.C.: The magnitude of control inputs was large in pitch, and the rate of control inputs was slow.

B. Rate the pilot control task during the pullup as a function of angle of attack.

Pilot Rating at a = 20°, q 3 , f 3 , y 3 .

Pilot Rating at a = 23°, q 3 , f 3 , y 3 .

C. Evaluate the handling characteristics of the airplane at high a's in terms of a new X-15 pilot with two checkout flights accomplished.

P.C.: Good.

IV. Ballistic Profile A. Was MH-96 BCS operation satisfactory?

P.C.: Yes.

B. Describe 3 axis ball ·y~b presentation when changeover was accomplished. Is this modification to the presentation satisfactory for further use on altitude flights?

P.C.: The 3 axis ball ·y~b presentation when changeover was accomplished was very good. Yes.

C. If hold modes were used, did they function normally?

P.C.: I did not use hold modes.

V. Reentry A. Describe the airplane control characteristics during the 20°a reentry - Hmax was about 143,000 feet?

P.C.: Control characteristics were satisfactory.

B. Rate the pilot control task to execute the reentry.

q 2 , f 2 , y 2 .

C. What was an average indicated angle of attack for the reentry?

P.C.: 2g.

D. Describe the airplane control characteristics at 12° a, V » 3000 fps, with the speed brakes closed. Rate the pilot control task q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

VI. Landing  
A. Rate the control task to perform the approach, and the landing.

Pilot Rating for the approach q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

Pilot Rating for the landing q 1 , f 1 , y 1 .

B. If "squat switch" was used, describe it's effect on the touchdown characteristics.

P.C.: None noticed.


Typed 1-14-63