FLIGHT NO: 3-11-20 DATE OF REPORT: November 1, 1962
PILOT: Maj. Rushworth DATE OF FLIGHT: October 23, 1962
PURPOSE OF FLIGHT: Investigation of Ventral Off Stability
I. Discussion of Previous Operations
B. Windshield retainers cut. The aft section of both windshield retainers was removed to eliminate the annealing of the windshield glass.
C. Flight orifice change. In order to help insure an NH3 depletion shutdown a smaller orifice was installed in the LOX line.
D. The lower ventral was not installed for this flight.
B. Deformed Thrust Mount: Prior to Flight 3-11-20 the upper right hand thrust mount displayed what was believed to be a partial failure. It was determined by engine alignment figures and a recheck of the engine alignment that the thrust mount was in this condition for at least one ground run and one flight. It was decided that a complete failure would essentially turn the mount into a hard mount of which approximately half of the XLR-99 flights have used. An investigation after flight showed no further deterioration of the mount.
B. Lateral Out of Trim Condition: During flight the pilot
reported an out of trim condition which affected his basic lateral control
system causing left roll. Post flight investigation revealed a slight out
of rig condition between the center stick and side stick.
Perry V. Row John G. McTigue
X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer