Flight No.: 3-10-19 Pilot: Maj. R. Rushworth (9-1)

Date: 10-4-62 Flight Time: 00:09:50.5

Launch Lake: Delamar Landing Lake: Edwards

Launch Time: 10:10:11.0 Landing Time: 10:20:01.5

Aborts: None

B-52: 008 Maj. Fulton

Chase: T-38 Maj. Rogers/Daniels

F-104 Joe Walker

F-104 Collins

F-104 Gordon

Mmax: 5.17

Vmax: 5123

Hmax: 112,200

Qmax: 828

Engine No.: 107

Burn Time: 103.2 sec. (B.O.)

Thrust - %: 100%, 50%

Config.: Standard (1st ventral off flight), Yar and Ay loop removed from MH-96, Ventral heat shield installed, Damper off flasher added

Purpose: Pilot checkout, Ventral off stability investigation

Results: #1 APU failed about 5 minutes after launch (ball nose and yaw damper lost)