FLIGHT NO: 3-8-16 DATE OF REPORT: August 9, 1962

PILOT: J. A. Walker DATE OF FLIGHT: August 2, 1962


I. Discussion of Previous Operations

None II. Aircraft Configuration Changes None III. Instrument Configuration Changes None IV. Preflight Events A. A flight attempt on 8/10/62 was temporarily delayed when a sizable helium source leak developed in the #l APU pressurization system. A seal leak was discovered at the source gage inlet fitting. The gage was removed and the line capped.

B. The flight attempt on 8/10/62 resulted in abort when the #1 BCS valve failed to operate to the ON position. The valve was replaced.

C. Helium source drop-off in the #2 APU system was noted during the aborted flight. After landing two additional helium leaks were discovered, one small leak at the source pressure transmitter inlet and another at the source tank outlet fitting. Both were repaired for the second flight attempt which was made successfully on Tuesday, 8/14/62.

V. Flight Events A. Intermittent MH-96 failure was indicated by the inflight analyzer on channel 8.

B. During the "yaw disengaged" portion of reentry, complete failure of roll channel was sustained.

C. Engine main chamber pressure indicated slightly low in the cockpit (550 psi) but internal data showed pressure to be within spec. Both the main chamber and fuel pump inlet pressure indicated high on T/M after engine shutdown apparently due to moisture freeze-up in the sensing lines. The system will be drained and purged.

Approved By: Prepared by:

Perry V. Row John G. McTigue

X-15 Senior Project Engineer X-15 Project Engineer