Plane: X-15-3 Date: June 21, 1962
Flight: 3-6-10 T.O.: 0901
Pilot: Major White Launch: 0947
B-52: #008 Land: 0956
Pilots: Major Allavie Total: :09
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1022

12 minutes to launch
White: 0K, APU cooling switch is normal, both blowers and LN2 on. Pressure cooling is on. Cabin source 3500. He shutoff valve switch is normal. Hyd temps are -60 and -40. Data on and APU's. Got low hydraulic pressures, there it comes, .......... #1 hydraulics right on the peg, holding .......... back quickly and reset. Generators reset. Engine reset. Hyd pressures are settled down to about 3400. Power is 200 volts apiece, both lights are out. Platform going internal. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob. 
B-52: 11 minutes to launch. 
White: MH-96 circuit breakers are on. Data is off. 
B-52: Bob, if you didn't get the 11 minute call, its 10-1/2 minutes now. 
White: OK. You'll call precool off, will you, Bob? 
NASA 1: Precool off. 
White: OK, I'm ready for the analyzer check, Butch, if you want it. 
Butchart: OK, we got it on and all set to go here, starting now. 
White: OK, data is off. 
NASA 1: Check #l APU. 
White: There goes my hydraulic pressure dropping off and still .......... 
B-52: 10 minutes. 009 heading. 
NASA 1: Restart #1 APU. 
White: Data off. You want me to restart, did you say? 
B-52: .......... 
NASA 1: Right, restart #1 APU. 
White: Engine restart, pressure coming up. 
B-52: 9-1/2 minutes. 009 mag heading. Working OK, Bob? 
White: Yep. 
B-52: NASA 1, we're coming up on 9 minutes here shortly. 
NASA 1: Roger. Did you reset generator? 
White: Yes, they are reset, Bob. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: Roger, Jack, start the turn at 7 minutes. 
B-52: Roger, Buddy, 7 minutes. 
White: Inertial reading 45,000', 1000 fps, .......... knots. Attitude looks good. 
B-52: 8 minutes. 
Butchart: Doppler velocity is about 495 knots. 
NASA 1: What is your LOX bearing, Bob? 
White: +15. 
B-52: OK, 7 minutes, starting our turn now, confirm .......... launch heading, NASA 1. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
B-52: OK, we're at .......... instrument light is on, looks good. 
White: MH-96 data is off, going zero on 2. And it looks good on my indicator in the cockpit. 
NASA 1: Butch, want to verify no failure?
Butchart: No failures at all. 
NASA 1: That heading, Jack, was 250. 
B-52: You mean 205 don't you? 
NASA 1: Affirmative. 
White: Have you gone Az to inertial yet, Butch? 
Butchart: Yes, I did, right at 7 minutes. 
B-52: OK, we just passed 6 minutes, 10 seconds ago, verify, Bob. 
White: Rog, 6 minutes. Aux cabin pressure switch on. Fire ext auto and engaging the controls and the trim ...... Both BCS going on. The APU peroxide tank pressures are ready to fire testing (?) 
NASA 1: Bob, the MH data off, oscillograph on, vibration recorders on? 
White: That's all taken care of, Bob. 
NASA 1: Thank you, we missed it. 
White: OK. System is engaged, controls and trim look good. 
B-52: 5 minutes, verify please. 
White: 5 minutes. Selecting X-15 oxygen, pressure is 2800 psi. Cabin altitude is 35,000 feet. Ventral is armed. 
Butchart: Topoff is complete. 
White: Topoff is complete, OK. Data and calibrate and we're pressurizing the tanks. Tank pressures look like they are locking out at 150 psi. Ammonia 47. LOX and ammonia, switching to jettison position, I'm ready to do a jettison check, Jack. 
Chase: I'm ready. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
White: 4 minutes. Back to pressurize. The data is off. 
Chase: Jettison stopped.
NASA 1: Come a little bit right on your heading, you're a little bit left of course. Profile is looking real good, Bob. Your angle of attack is a little bit low, your profile is looking good here, though. Reaction controls auto. 
White: On auto. 
NASA 1: 78, 79, shutdown. 
White: They shutdown several seconds ahead of you because my clock was ....... 
NASA 1: OK, profile is looking real good now, Bob. Your heading is real good. 
White: OK, fine. #1 APU source is reading 3650 psi. 
NASA 1: 3650, thank you. 
White: .......... going 220, going to both blowers off. 
NASA 1: Roger. Just slightly low on profile now, we are going to Helix antenna. 
White: OK, Helix antenna.
NASA 1: We're on Helix antenna, how do you read? 
White: Read you loud and clear, how me? 
NASA 1: You're loud and clear, just a little bit low. 
White: OK. I'm passing 5042 (?) indicated. 
NASA 1: Same we got. 
White: OK, ball nose is starting to act up. There she's started to act up all right, particularly when the reaction controls fire, there's a swell, apparently what we talked about before and it pulses the .......... 
NASA 1: OK, you're over the top. APU sources, Bob? 
White: OK, 2500. Boy, what a view! Tremendous! 
NASA 1: Everything looks good here, Bob. Your ball nose should be good now. Everything's right on profile, Bob. 
White: OK, .......... Reaction controls going off. OK, zero g. 3-4-5-6. 
NASA 1: Heading is perfect. 
White: Speed brakes. 
NASA 1: Very good. Have you about 73. 
White: I have 78 indicated. 
NASA 1: You're just back of Cuddeback. 
Chase: Got you in site, Bob. 
White: OK 'm going to have to maneuver around because I got a lot of steam.
NASA 1: What's your speed show now, Bob? 
White: 2800. Man, this is what's known as arriving with plenty of energy. 
NASA 1: Right on profile, Bob. 
Chase: How about calling speed once in awhile, Bob. 
White: I'm getting slowed down to about 2-1/2 Mach number, down to about 1.6 now. Speed brakes going closed. I'm about Mach 1, holding Mach 1 here for a little bit. I'll get back to 300 knots, I've got plenty of altitude to lose. Now 40,000. Going to jettison. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob all hold modes are on. 
White: A11 hold modes are on. 
NASA 1: Still got him in site, Henry? 
Chase: Roger. 
White: I show 23,000' on the altimeter. And on 300 knots indicated, I .......... At 16, going back to pressurize on the tanks. Check that the ventral is armed. Going to give it a high on test (?) 
Chase: .......... All clear. 
White: OK, flaps. 
Chase: Gear and nose are down. 
White: (Landed) Hyd press on #1 is 3300 and #2 is 3300. Hyd temps +85 and +110. H2O2 tank press are 560 on #1 and #2. No low lights. Mixing chambers -20 and -40. Engine helium source 2100. LN2 source 2200. APU source #1 is 1900 and #2 is 2500. 3 axis ball is 210. Inertial height 50,000. Inertial velocity 620. .......... +100. X-15 oxygen press switch off at 2000 psi.