Plane: X-15-3 Date: June 12, 1962
Flight: 3-5-9 T.O.: 1056
Pilot: Major White Launch: 1204
B-52: #008 Land: 1213
Pilots: Major Fulton, Allavie Total: :09
NASA 1:   B-52 Land: 1240

12 minutes to launch
B-52: 12 minutes. 
White: Data and APU's coming on, #2 first. Hyd pressure right to the peg, now its backing off nicely, on #l. Reset generators. Reset engine, pulse light out, both 200 volts. Platform internal. MH-96 circuit breakers going on. Data off. 
NASA 1: Confirm what #l hyd pressure is reading? 
White: They are both 3450. 
NASA 1: Roger, we have a bad indication here on #1. 
White: Flaps coming down and controls ....... 
B-52: 11 minutes. 
White: Flaps coming back up. Ready any time you are, Stan, for the MH-96 check. 
Butchart: OK, I've got X-15 power off .......... 
White: OK, you ready for me to get the data on and go through the analyzer checks? 
Butchart: Got the data on now. 
White: Data off.
NASA 1: Precool off, Bob? 
White: Precool off. 
B-52: 10 minutes. 
White: Inertial velocity 45,000 .......... 45,000. Inertial speed is just over 1000 fps .......... at zero. Attitude looks good. 
B-52: 9 minutes. 
NASA 1: Fitz, start your turn at 7 minutes 20 seconds. 
B-52: Roger, 7 minutes 20 seconds. 8 minutes now. 7 minutes, 20 seconds, starting turn. 
Butchart: Az switch to inertial. 
B-52: 7 minutes. 
White: Engine oscillograph and vibration recorders on. 
B-52: 6 minutes. 
White: Aux cabin pressure is on. Fire extinguisher on auto. Engaging the MH-96. 
NASA 1: Tighten your turn a little bit, Fitz. 
B-52: Roger, tighten up a little bit. 
NASA 1: Bob, confirm oscillograph and vibration recorders on. 
White: They are on. 
B-52: 5 minutes.
White: I'm on X-15 oxygen and the pressure is 2600. Cabin altitude 35,000. Ventral is armed. Standby for the topoff call. 
Butchart: Topoff is complete. 
White: Roger, going to pressurize. Data and calibrate. 
NASA 1: Both BCS on, Bob? 
White: Both BCS are on. Pressures are up. LOX is up to 50 psi, locked out. Ammonia is at 47. 
NASA 1: OK, you're on X-15 oxygen? 
White: Roger, X-15 oxygen on, LOX and ammonia jettison switches to select. Jettison check now. 
B-52: 4 minutes. 
White: Data off. Intercom switch off. We are on our radio. 
NASA 1: Read you loud and clear. 
Butchart: Platform in specs, looks real good. 
White: Inertial velocity is running around, little over 800 fps. Attitude looks good. 
B-52: I've got 430 knots up here. 2 minutes 45 seconds. 
White: APU bearing temps are +80 and +100. 
NASA 1: Bob, give us an oxygen quantity check. 
White: I put it on at about 2600 psi. 
Chase: NASA 1, Chase 4 got a fire warning light. 
NASA 1: Affirmative. Can you take Chase 4, Danny? 
Chase: I think 3 is going back to Chase 4, but I don't think I'm quite going to make it, Bob. 
NASA 1: OK..
B-52: 2 minutes. 
White: Both data on. Push to test. OK, after push to test the a settled down on +2. 
NASA 1: Roger, +2, what's the beta? 
White: Zero. Cine camera pulse. Head bumper coming down. 
B-52: 1 minute. 
White: Prime switch to prime. Got an igniter ready light. 
B-52: 40 seconds. Master arming on. 
White: Precool is on. Igniter idle switch is on. LOX pump bearing is +5.
  (Unable to hear launch countdown and launch)
White: Reading 207° on heading. Everything looks good. 
NASA 1: Understand 207°. Track and profile looking good now, Bob. You're a little bit low on a.
White: Roger. Little oscillation,.......... little bit, not much. 
NASA 1: Profile looks good, track is good. 40 seconds now. Profile is looking good right now, track is good. 75, 76, shutdown. A little low on profile. 
White: FCS on auto. 
NASA 1: Still a little low on profile. Track is good. Chase 3, you still have about 5 minutes to get here. 
Chase: Rog, I'm just passing Hidden Hills. 
White: 37,000 in the cockpit. 
NASA 1: Understand 37,000 in the cockpit. We have you at 170 right now. Your track is looking real good. Profile still a little low. 
White: .......... at 183 .......... 
NASA 1: Roger 183. Profile is looking good, Bob, little bit low. Watch the stabilizer. 
White: .......... your 3 g's right now. 
NASA 1: 3 g's, understand. We have you at 80,000 now. 
White: .......... 
NASA 1: Don't go to speed brakes yet. 
White: Showing 4000 fps. Fixed gain. 
NASA 1: Danny, he's coming up on Cuddeback now. 
White: I got adapters, speed brakes coming out. 
NASA 1: You're about 15 miles out now. You can go to full brakes now. 
White: I got them. 
NASA 1: Chase 3, I don't think he will make it, he is about 5 miles from High Key. 
Chase: Neg. I'm still short of Three Sisters. Chase 3 will definitely not make it. 
NASA 1: Roger. 
White: .......... speed brakes coming in, they're in. Jettison. OK, coming up on downwind leg, North Lake, 180 shortly at 22,50O. 
NASA 1: Looks good here, Bob. Your jettison is just about complete now. 
White: Shows that way here too. Going back to pressurize. I checked the ventral is armed. Turning to base now. Turning on final now.
Chase: Got you in sight, but I'm too far back to do you any good. 
White: OK. Ventral is coming off now. 
NASA 1: OK, Bob. 
White: I felt it go. Flaps are coming down. 
NASA 1: Looks good, Bob. 15 feet, 10, 5, Beautiful! 
White: System is disengaged. Data is off. Heading and temps are looking OK. Hyd temps are +50 and +45. Hyd pressures are 3350 on #l and 3250 on #2. H2O2 tank press ....... APU bearing temps are +60 and +85. No peroxide low lights. Mixing chambers are -45 and -55. (?) Engine helium source ........ Helium source ....... APU source #1 is 2150 and #2 is 2650. Cabin source 1850. 3 axis ball heading 197°. Inertial height 87,000. Inertial climb 400 fps. X-15 oxygen pressure 2000.