Flight No.: 3-4-8 Scheduled Date: 4/19/62

Pilot: Neil Armstrong

Subject of test: Evaluation of MH-96 FCS.

Airplane configuration: Basic X-15-3 with XLR-99 and MH-96 FCS

Launch: Mud Lake on a magnetic heading of 180° with MH-96 FCS on "Adaptive Damper," BCS #1 "ON" and FCS Reaction Controls "AUTO."
 No. Time  Alt   a  Event

 No. Time  Alt   a q            Event

1. 0 45 790 0   Launch, light engine, increase to 100% T, rotate to 10° a.
2. 15 47 1400 10 480 Engage f Hold.
3. 23 50 1700 10 580 Maintain 10° a until q = 30°, maintain q = 30°.
4. 35 60 2200 4 580 Pushover to zero g, engage a Hold, trim to zero g.
5. 55 81 3400 0 540 Pull up to 1.4 g ( 10°) using CSS button until q = 32°, maintain q = 32°.
6. 81 120 5350 8 200 Shut down engine - trim to zero a.
7. 156 205 4800 0 9 Peak altitude - engage q Hold.
8. 189 185 4900 15 16 Engage a Hold - trim to 20° a. Perform right and left roll maneuvers, depress CSS button for 3 seconds.
9. 252 90 4100 20 530 Max g (» 4) disengage a and f Hold, perform pulses (step inputs) in all axes, reduce a to 6° - extend speed brakes.
10. 270 90 3400 6 350 Engage f Hold, check heading Hold function.
11. 280 90 3300 4 350 Engage fixed gain, vector to high key, perform pulses in all axes. Engage adaptive dampers.
12.           High Key. Check ventral armed.
13.           After touchdown, disengage MH-96 FCS.
14.           Before APU shutdown, cycle controls, retract flaps, set stabilizer to zero, push to test ball nose, data "OFF."


1. q vernier will be set at 30°, q cross-pointer will be set at 20°.

2. Duration of flight approximately 11 minutes.

3. Emergency lakes: Mud, Grapevine and Cuddeback.

Ground Rules for No Launch: 1. MH-96 FCS malfunction as indicated in attached sheets.

2. Inertial platform malfunction in attitudes.

3. Hot nose malfunction.

4. Radio, radar, microwave failure.

Alternate Situations Before Launch: 1. MH-96 FCS malfunctions in auto-pilot or reaction controls - proceed but do not operate affected FCS modes. Alternate Situations After Launch: 1. If engine does not light within 30 sec after launch, jettison propellants and land at Mud Lake.

2. For delayed engine light, proceed as planned but maintain less than 3g during rotation, add 5 sec to pushover and pullup (55 sec).

3. For radio, radar or microwave failure, proceed as planned.

4. For adaptive damper failure to fixed gain in any axis, proceed as planned but do not use Hold modes in the affected axis. Attempt to reengage adaptive damper, turn FCS reaction controls to "ON."

5. For total yaw damper failure, do not increase a above 15°. Attempt to reengage damper.

6. For total pitch or roll damper failure, do not increase a above 12°, attempt to reengage damper.

7. For ball nose or attitude failure do not use Hold modes. During power phase push over to 0 g, reduce power to 75%, proceed to Edwards. After shut down, if a available, make normal entry. If a not available, make entry at -5° q.

8. For inadvertent engine shutdown prior to:

(a) 35 sec - Return to Mud.

(b) 35 - 60 sec - Proceed to Grapevine

(c) 60 - 65 sec - Proceed to Cuddeback.

(c) More than 65 sec - Proceed to Edwards.

9. If H2O2 low light comes on prior to entry, turn FCS reaction control "OFF," make entry using manual reaction controls.